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View Full Version : Original Buffalo Snow

06-23-2009, 10:26 AM
I'm cleaning out a bunch of stuff that I should have cleaned out years ago. Ran across a big bag of "Original Buffalo Snow", apparently used for Christmas displays, etc. Package says it is 100% virgin polyester. It is really fluffy. Is this stuff any good for filler or will it just melt and make a mess?


06-23-2009, 12:18 PM
Gunr - I'm pretty sure I used that stuff years ago in reduced .357 loads. No ill effects.. Mike

06-23-2009, 02:02 PM
I dont whether you can use it or not but award yourself huge points for your way of thinking!

06-23-2009, 03:00 PM
That Original Buffalo Snow as a very unique purpose.

You take it out on the prairie and unroll it on the ground.
Place the bag nearby under a rock, so it doesn't blow away.
You should see a line of Original Buffalo Tracks in the Original Buffalo Snow.
If not, turn it over.

Then you take your Original Buffalo Rifle and follow the Original Buffalo Tracks through the Original Buffalo Snow.
You will never return, but you will go down in history as an Original Buffalo Runner.

Your legend will never die.

Someone else will come along (someday) who will roll up the Original Buffalo Snow, and place it back in the bag. He will store it for some period of time before he (or one of his children) asks what it's purpose is.

If he asks his question in the right company, he will be told to take it out on the prairie and...

06-23-2009, 04:21 PM
That Original Buffalo Snow as a very unique purpose.

You take it out on the prairie and unroll it on the ground.
Place the bag nearby under a rock, so it doesn't blow away.
You should see a line of Original Buffalo Tracks in the Original Buffalo Snow.
If not, turn it over.

Then you take your Original Buffalo Rifle and follow the Original Buffalo Tracks through the Original Buffalo Snow.
You will never return, but you will go down in history as an Original Buffalo Runner.

Your legend will never die.

Someone else will come along (someday) who will roll up the Original Buffalo Snow, and place it back in the bag. He will store it for some period of time before he (or one of his children) asks what it's purpose is.

If he asks his question in the right company, he will be told to take it out on the prairie and...

Wish I had an imagination (and an Original Buffalo Rifle). LOL


06-23-2009, 04:34 PM
Original Buffalo Snow?

I hope it was the white kind, not the yellow kind.



06-23-2009, 08:52 PM
this has gotta be the first time [in recorded history, not charlies version] the second storyteller never has a chance.