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06-21-2009, 03:37 AM
Sort of as a follow-up to the other Lee mould thread...

How do you guys clean up Lee mold blocks? Specifically, how do you get the lead smears off the top? It's not like you can use steel wool or a file...

(Personally, I heat the mould up hot enough on the stove to melt the lead and wipe it off with a rag. But I'm guessing there's about a dozen other ways to do this...?)

06-21-2009, 03:45 AM
Personally, I heat the mould up hot enough on the stove to melt the lead and wipe it off with a rag. But I'm guessing there's about a dozen other ways to do this...?

Thats what I do for lead.

For the rest, usually carbon I boil, dry and then scrub with acetone.

06-21-2009, 05:13 AM
The Lead smears don't happen when you use Bullplate. CDD

06-21-2009, 09:28 AM
The Lead smears don't happen when you use Bullplate. CDD

+1 on Bullplate

Before using Bullplate, I lubed the pivots and pins with bees wax. Combined with smoking and typical use the molds can get grungy. I would coat with Ed's Red, and over nite the grunge would lift and be sprayed off with brake parts cleaner.


06-21-2009, 09:46 AM
Try not to get the lead smears in the first place, fix them at the first sign or the aluminum will gall. I use a wooden stick to remove it while the mould is hot. And I have used steel wool, 4/0, or a fine file. Just use common sense.

06-21-2009, 10:46 AM
Or use a lead pencil. Both ends are useful, the point to get under and pick up lead smears, the eraser for general cleaning. But be careful in and around the cavities - the graphite and clay that we call 'lead' may mark up the cavity.

06-21-2009, 10:51 AM
+1 for Bullplate. I don't get lead smears on new aluminum molds when I use it, and it even takes off lead smears from some well used molds I tried it on. Miracle stuff, well worth the small cost.

06-21-2009, 11:36 AM
+1 on the Bull Shop plate lube. Before I got some I would wipe the top of the hot mold with my leather glove. A quick swipe would remove the lead smear.

06-21-2009, 11:58 AM
Bull plate certainly works on the top of the mould however I don't use it between the mould halves, to easy to seep into the cavities via the vent lines.

Occasionally I get some lead flecks there between the mould halves, not obvious how they get there but it does happen occasionaly.

Then there are the times when we don't have the mould halve fully closed tight enough.

S***e happens and when it does you need to to know how to rectify it.

06-21-2009, 12:38 PM
I use heat and a soft bronze brush to clean them. It wirks like a charm and even takes off the fine machining burrs on a new mold. I agree with the others that NoOT getting them in the first place is the way to go.

06-21-2009, 12:54 PM
Something else that has worked for me on the top of the mold and sprue plate is a cast boolit. Pre Bullplate I'd keep a couple from the dud pile and use them as an eraser. Simply rub the boolit on the smear. Sometimes it takes a little effort other not.


06-21-2009, 01:52 PM
I use spray on graphite, after cutting the sprue and before dropping the boolits I spray the top of the mold with graphite. No smears.