View Full Version : Dunbar press

06-07-2009, 07:04 AM
I was wondering if any of you guys would know what my dunbar press would be worth. It has both the small and large primer seaters and one shell adapter.

06-07-2009, 10:03 AM
About ten bucks......where do I send the money?

Well, o.k.........maybe a bit more. Seriously, the Dunbar has developed a bit of collector status in the last few years. The ones I've seen on Epay usually go for close to $100.00 (in good condition) WITHOUT any shell holders or accesories. I'd like to have one myself just because I don't have an "H" style press, but I'd tend to use it rather than just stick it on a shelf to admire!

If you're considering selling it, advertise on here first. I'm sure someone would love to have it.

06-07-2009, 10:21 AM
Are you looking for an insurance value or a possible sale?

For an insurance purpose I'd use the price of any decent press currently on the market a "square deal" is a sure winner.

For a sale price? No idea. Collectors stuff is worth what a collector will pay for it on the day he's interested in it and that will vary day to day.

Availabilty of parts will also play a part in pricing. You mention one shell holder, I think the Dunbar was a two die set up? If so finding a second shell holder may be a huge pain, or costly, and both these issues will affect the resale price.

Bear in mind, the current economy makes this a buyers market not a sellers market.

06-07-2009, 10:35 AM
I bought an adapter to use standard shell holders. You need a full set that was sold with the press otherwise. Just needed a ball park . Will probably wait until the economy is better. Thanks guys