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View Full Version : I'ts June 6th again

06-06-2009, 04:17 PM
.....and it's 65 years to the day that the beaches of Normandy were stormed by thousands of very brave men.......

....I raise my glass to every single one of them and say thank you and God bless to those that never made it back home.

Safe shooting,


06-06-2009, 07:11 PM
65 years ago my Dad was on Omaha beach. Up until he died, he never talked about it.

6.5 mike
06-07-2009, 03:44 AM
The man that lives next to me, first combat jump was D day. Doc doesn't talk about it either. I think most that served then felt it was something that had to be done, no matter what the cost.

06-09-2009, 06:35 AM
I was just visiting with my Dad. Seems he spent his 27 birthday (5 June 1944) in the engine room of one of the ships carrying a bunch of guys over the channel. Never realized it as he did not talk much about it. It came to me as I was looking at the tombstone with his DOB and DOD. Fewer and fewer of those guys are still around.

We should all raise a glass to them.