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View Full Version : Deputy Al Is Out Hunting 'Til 03-22-06

03-10-2006, 12:02 AM
So, if a PM or E-mail isn't returned until then, that's the reason. :-) Time for the Reno Gun Show, a varmint zapping trip, and family stuff in Seattle.

Retirement is pretty cool, sometimes.

03-10-2006, 02:53 AM
..................I wonder why he didn't say anything about the Burrito Invitational last Tuesday? 8)


03-10-2006, 12:14 PM
Seems a modest man, probably didn't want to brag! Good luck putting down prairie rats or grave diggers, whatever's your vermin of choice!

03-11-2006, 01:15 AM
When's Reno Gunshow? ...oh never mind, don't have the money anyways.. :violin:

03-11-2006, 02:01 AM
Deputy Al, Urny and wife Linda are all safely ensconced at curmudgeonhaus. Ammohead dropped in this evening. Tomorrow and Sunday we visit the Big Reno Gun Show, where we rendezvous with BruceB Sunday, then it's on to the rat hunt Monday-Wednesday. As long as I am a member in good standing of the pickup and rifle set, I don't envy the jet set at all.

03-11-2006, 02:17 AM
You guys going to Cedarville?

Sounds like fun. Wish I could go.

I was tellin' Al I wanted to go this year (Cedarville), but mucho stuff came up.. :violin:

03-11-2006, 04:56 AM
....................Last year Al and I re-hooked up with a rancher between Cedarville and Eagleville where the squirrel zapping was very good. His oats were only up about 2" in a field that was maybe 300 yards by a half mile long. The bright green sure made a fine backdrop for the dark brown mounds and the varmints housed, thereunto 8).

One small field off to the side of the big one was next to a large fallow pasture. The small field had 8-10 mounds in it, but the action was mostly along the fenceline. The squirrels would come out of the fallow pasture, right up under the barbed wired fence to survey the area before heading out to munch on the young seedlings.

The tube magazine on my Rem 582 bolt action 22 holds 16 LR cartirdges and I tried to count my shots, but many times the firing pin just went 'click' on a dry chamber. Action was heavy enough so that while it was somewhat cold with a light mist, and at times a mild breeze, I managed to get the barrel warm on that 22!


03-11-2006, 10:45 AM
I've got family in Susanville, and I was just talking to my cousin at a funeral this past year (shame family only gets together at funerals) and he zaps those critters every year. I have always wanted to do that, and even bought a Howa .223 last year.

Also have another famly freind that's retired LEO, and he went after them too, but he's moving east of Spokan, so I missed out there but look forward to Elk hunting with him at his new place.

I've got to get my shop building finished, so I'm not even going fishing over at the coast this year, but next year I'm doing Cedarville, Cast Boolit Shoot, and Elk.. and.. [smilie=w:

What range were you taggin' em' at with your 22LR Buck? I've also got a 1970 Marlin 39a pictured in my avatar, bought when I was 11 years old. Still looks like that too.

03-12-2006, 01:56 AM
................Pat, "What range were you taggin' em' at with your 22LR Buck?"

The fenceline was maybe 80 yards from directly across from where I was standing, but the mounds ran from about 30 yards. There was a RR tie stuck in the ground there with nothing hooked to it, at the west end of the field. Like it had been put there on purpose as it was just right to set the rifle on. Made a perfect rest. This field was in a gently rounded little ravine running east/west.

You could pivot around the RR tie counter clockwise aiming east to the far end of the field and that was a good 200 yards. Most shooting was in about a 45* arc off that RR tie. I admit to taking several shots way out there. I have a 4-12x44 scope on the 22, so hits in the dirt were easy to see and you could generally walk in 3-4 rounds before Mr Squirrel would wise up and dive in the hole. I never hit one that far away with the RF.

These were un-edjumakated country ground squirrels. A hit on the mound might make them jump or run off a couple feet, but then they'd stop and sit up looking around, like "what was that?" Sometimes you'd get a whole crowd of'em sitting on the mound around the ole hole. You'd bust one of'em and the other 2-3 would either scatter a couple feet or flatten out on the mound for a couple seconds before sitting back up.

" I've also got a 1970 Marlin 39a pictured in my avatar, bought when I was 11 years old. Still looks like that too."

Deputy Al has a 39A too. I don't remember if he'd brought that last year or not. I know year before he used a Marlin M94 25-20 for his walk around close range gun. He just recently bought a 581 Rem and plans on scoping it. I don't know if he got that done for this trip or not.

I had my Savage M112 single shot in 223 on it's bi-pod set up on the hood of his truck and worked that for awile. However that one field mentioned above was so active I pretty much abandonded it for the 22RF.

Three years ago we were sitting outside the motel room drinking beer one evening and this pickup pulled up. A guy and his son got out and were carrying a couple rifle cases into their room. Got talking and the son (in his 20's I guess) said they used accurized Ruger 10/22's. He said a couple years previously he and his dad burned through a bit more then a case of ammunition in one day. He said they both got blisters on their trigger fingers, and that he was sick to death of shooting. Ground squirrels had been in a pleantifull supply 8).


03-12-2006, 02:04 AM
My best friend and I went praire dog hunting one day when I lived in Denver and we decided to take our 22's. Mine was the Remington 541-S Custom Sporter and his was an old Savage 22 mag that he got when we were teens. I was using CCI hollow points that day. Not to drag the story on I out shot him, got more dogs, and had the farthest shot. I had warned him at the beginning that my rifle just wasn't an ordinary run of the mill 22 rifle, that it was very accurate and he thought his 22 mag would make up for distance. Anyways the reason for the post the farthest shot I made that day was 250 yards. Carl was amazed at the shot, but more amazed that the CCI hollow point killed the praire dog pretty quick AND when we examined the dog he was pretty busted up concidering the distance he was shot from. My all time favorite 22 rimfire rifle bar none.


03-12-2006, 11:44 AM
One heck of a shot Joe, 250 yd kill with 22LRHp! It was a Lr wasn't it?not short or CBcap!!

03-12-2006, 12:57 PM
One heck of a shot Joe, 250 yd kill with 22LRHp! It was a Lr wasn't it?not short or CBcap!!

The Ballad of Joe StarMetal

Oh, my name is Joe StarMetal and I can do it all,
I can shoot a deer at 400 yards and butcher it before it falls,
I can turn it into jerky, right where it's at,
and do it all quicker, than Ray can skin a cat.

My jerky is sweet and hot and wow,
when you bite down on it, it doesn't say, "Meow".
But shooting is my best game, I do it a lot,
I'm so good most of my one hole groups only took one shot!

I can answer any question, anything you ask,
I can tell you anything, help you with any task.
I can tell by that look on your face, this is a shock to you,
How someone so talented, can be so modest, too.

03-12-2006, 01:40 PM
One heck of a shot Joe, 250 yd kill with 22LRHp! It was a Lr wasn't it?not short or CBcap!!

Yes, long rifle, sorry I forgot to mention that. I had two of those rifles. The first one I had was in Tulsa and it got stolen. I though I'd never have one that shot as good again. Well I bought the second one that I have now and it shot the same.

One day my friend and I went to the range when I lived in Denver. He went out and stapled up his 100 yard target. He was going to sight in some centerfire rifle. I brought my 22 Rem with me. I said wait, watch. I sandbagged down and shot the top staple out, bang..shot the other top staple out. The target folded down and I tried to shoot the two bottom staples out with visualizing where they were, but couldn't. My friend Bill was amazed. He started shooting my rifle. We both had our dealer licenses at that time and when he got home from the range he ordered two of them. He kept the one with the nicer wood. He said he never saw an over the counter 22 rifle shoot like that, that wasn't a match rifle.

The ammo I was using the day I shot the staples was Federal Champion in dark blue box and the bullets were the uncoated lead ones....definately not target ammo, but that Remington seemed to like the cheap stuff.


03-12-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh, before I get more poop about how my 541 shoots, let me say that staples are what, about 1/2 inch wide? I don't want you to get the idea that my rifle will shoot 1/16th in groups at 100 yards, being a staple is about that thick, because it won't. That shooting of 12 ga shotshells at 100 yards with a 22 rf to see how good it is, is really nothing at all with my 541. I didn't mention but I have a 3x9 scope on it. They really shoot good for the money (at that time I bought it), even old Buckshot will attest to them shooting good.


03-12-2006, 02:44 PM
Starmetal---You done went first--you aint got a chance. You shot two staples almost point blank(mere 100 yards) with scoped repeating rifle. You didnt say if you were blindfolded---you can go add that--but in case you do---so was I. Well with a single shot muzzle loading open sighted pistol,at 1000 yards,I shot all four staples. I had the foresight to shoot the bottom ones first so that it didn't fold over. While the target was in mid air I proceeded to shoot the target into the shape of a feather---keeping it floating as I shot. After it was feather shaped--I would shoot at the right place to make it float and dance. You said you were on a shooting range(no trees). I was in the city with trees,people,buildings etc, so had to be careful where my shot was going. You only had an unnamed friend to verify your story. Well mine was on film and a director was telling me where to make it move to. Go watch the opening scene of Forrest Gump where what looks like a feather floats and dances around. Life is a box of chocolates you know. BTW that 1000 yards was where it started---if you make a rebuttal,remember I can adjust the ending yardage.

03-12-2006, 03:21 PM
Starmetal---You done went first--you aint got a chance. You shot two staples almost point blank(mere 100 yards) with scoped repeating rifle. You didnt say if you were blindfolded---you can go add that--but in case you do---so was I. Well with a single shot muzzle loading open sighted pistol,at 1000 yards,I shot all four staples. I had the foresight to shoot the bottom ones first so that it didn't fold over. While the target was in mid air I proceeded to shoot the target into the shape of a feather---keeping it floating as I shot. After it was feather shaped--I would shoot at the right place to make it float and dance. You said you were on a shooting range(no trees). I was in the city with trees,people,buildings etc, so had to be careful where my shot was going. You only had an unnamed friend to verify your story. Well mine was on film and a director was telling me where to make it move to. Go watch the opening scene of Forrest Gump where what looks like a feather floats and dances around. Life is a box of chocolates you know. BTW that 1000 yards was where it started---if you make a rebuttal,remember I can adjust the ending yardage.

And I picked up the feather and saved it to prove he really done it.I had to take it away from a cat which was wondering where the Hell the rest of his lunch was...

03-12-2006, 04:48 PM
Well shat...you're pretty fricken smart there Carpetman...never thought about shooting the bottom staples out first. [smilie=b: I see you feellers are gangin up on me. Shar wish I had a public relations secretary like you do Ray...how much you pay her...err I mean him? I looked through the Guinea book of records and didn't see anything about you being the fastest single shot muzzle loading pistol loader. You reckon y'all should apply for that, or maybe have your secretary look into it?

I don't believe that feather story for one second Scrounger...fact is there are no cats around where Ray is, especially where he's shooting...to have taken it out of it's mouth.

Here lies old Nevada Scrounger Art,
A really good easychair shootist.

Full of ********..but this just a fart
Thought he could fool all of us.

Compared to Ray he's not as smart,
But he tries... the caggey old cuss.

So you take that white feather Art,
And know to shove it,please..with no fuss



03-12-2006, 04:59 PM
Stick to shooting and telling tall stories, Joe, poetry ain't your game!

03-12-2006, 05:54 PM
Stick to shooting and telling tall stories, Joe, poetry ain't your game!

I'll take that as the poem is very good...thanks Art.


03-12-2006, 06:11 PM
"They really shoot good for the money (at that time I bought it), even old Buckshot will attest to them shooting good. "
that settles it-GOSPEL!

03-13-2006, 12:55 AM
"They really shoot good for the money (at that time I bought it), even old Buckshot will attest to them shooting good. "
that settles it-GOSPEL!

................Heh, heh 8) You guys are too much for me.


03-13-2006, 10:33 AM
Buckshot; we want "Tues at the range," you got everybody hooked and then pulled the rug out- dirty trick! Maybe next time you guys could set some clay pigeons at 250 yds and pop them with 22, of course if you zero at 100 then you will have to dope in 5 to 6 feet elevation at 250, not to mention windage, allow about 10 inches for a fly farting near the bullet! Grab your boot staps and pull up real hard- I feel Joe comin' back with a reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-13-2006, 11:14 AM
Buckshot; we want "Tues at the range," you got everybody hooked and then pulled the rug out- dirty trick! Maybe next time you guys could set some clay pigeons at 250 yds and pop them with 22, of course if you zero at 100 then you will have to dope in 5 to 6 feet elevation at 250, not to mention windage, allow about 10 inches for a fly farting near the bullet! Grab your boot staps and pull up real hard- I feel Joe comin' back with a reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Joe is in Tennessee, it's a little longer shot for him than for the gang at Redlands, but my money is on Joe. There ain't nobody that can beat him shooting, not with that Match-Grade Keyboard of his... :kidding:

45 2.1
03-13-2006, 11:24 AM
Buckshot; we want "Tues at the range," you got everybody hooked and then pulled the rug out- dirty trick! Maybe next time you guys could set some clay pigeons at 250 yds and pop them with 22, of course if you zero at 100 then you will have to dope in 5 to 6 feet elevation at 250, not to mention windage, allow about 10 inches for a fly farting near the bullet! Grab your boot staps and pull up real hard- I feel Joe comin' back with a reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try it sometime, I shot ketchup bottles at that distance with an old Winchester 22 singleshot and a very cheap Weaver 22 scope when I was a kid. I seem to remember holding about 3 or 4 ketchup bottles high for that. It wasn't that hard to do.

03-13-2006, 11:40 AM
If I can get a rest, any cat within 150yds. is gonna be purring to Elvis when my tricked out 10-22 barks, and I know guys that are way better shots than me.


03-13-2006, 12:25 PM
yeh, Ketchup came in barrels back then- easier to hit!

45 2.1
03-13-2006, 12:31 PM
yeh, Ketchup came in barrels back then- easier to hit!

Works better when you read whats written, BOTTLES, see works better.

03-13-2006, 12:34 PM
BS is BS no matter what it comes in!!!!

03-13-2006, 12:37 PM
If I can get a rest, any cat within 150yds. is gonna be purring to Elvis when my tricked out 10-22 barks, and I know guys that are way better shots than me.


Let me get this straight: You're challenging Joe to a match? :Fire:

45 2.1
03-13-2006, 12:57 PM
BS is BS no matter what it comes in!!!!

Your the guy who said "Can't we all get along" and now your the one who is pushing that statement. Was it BS?

03-13-2006, 02:18 PM
What can I say, I'm a troublemaker. [smilie=l: Actually, I consider joking and teasing the epitome of getting along.

45 2.1
03-13-2006, 02:30 PM
What can I say, I'm a troublemaker. [smilie=l: Actually, I consider joking and teasing the epitome of getting along.

Art, you do a VERY GOOD job of what you do, a pleasure to read your posts. Not everyone embroils that same spirit though.

Addition to post: From the following posts you've done on this thread, you were right about being a troublemaker and the pleasure is yours alone.

03-13-2006, 02:48 PM
45 2.1

I know from talking to 45 2.1 that he and I have done alot of the same stuff and experimentation in our youth. I don't know how many of you fellows have fooled around with firearms out of the normal. For example the 22 rimfire. I'll give you an instance. I was hunting groundhog in PA one day with a Browning BLR (Browning Leveraction Rifle). I had little 2x7 scope on it. Well after not seeing on the way back to the house I put a big flat sandstone rock, about 10 inches long and 6-7 wide, on a fence post in a pasture I was crossing. I had intentions of shooting at it when I got up to my property. I got to my place which was a hill side up from the rock which was in the bottom of this little valley and just starting up the other opposite side from me. I had paced off between 500-600 paces to my spot. I wanted to see how much the little 22 slug dropped and wind drifted. The wind was a mild breeze exactly coming from the west so my bullet would be cutting it a 90 deg even. I found out getting the elevation wasn't as bad as doping the wind. I found the wind was pushing my bullet to the left to the tune of about 5 feet or more. For elevation I picked out an object above the stone I placed. After a good number of shots doping everything, I finally hit the rock. That is what I mean about experimentation. When I was a teenager I use to use my Dad's Remington Sportmaster 22 rimfire. Had a little cheapo Weaver 4x on it. Well my best friend had a 22 mag with a 6x scope. So we were always in competition for distance. I had that Sportsmaster sighted for 100 yards. 22's are amazing for a little round that they are.

Down in Oklahoma there was a river I use to shoot by. There was a spot where I could shoot parallel witht he river. I had a Brazilian 7x57 Masuer loaded with the Lyman cast 150 gr Loverin at about 1800 fps. I was on a hill that overlooked a vast flat and desolate valley. No homes, nothing. I wanted to see how flat, how much the drop, and how long time the bullet would be shooting at the river. I'd have to say the distance I had available to me on the river was up to a mile. So I'd say I had picked a spot out at definately over a quarter mile away, mabye between that and one half mile. I could actually shoot and hold my rifle down and watch the bullet hit the water. It took quite a while...in bullet terms since we are so use to bullets impacting the target instantly. It was amazing how well that slow cast bullet shot. So I've done alot of stuff like this...real lot. To me it was boring shooting at paper targets or cans at 25 yards or even 50, althought I've done a good bit of that. I shot an old Maytab white porcelian washer tub one time with a 243 Sako at 600 yards. I had been practicing shoot at a big big flat rock from one hillside to another and getting use to the drop before I shot that tub. When I shot the tub it took me a long while to walk to it and what was amazing is the porcelian was still crackling off of it. A spot about one foot round came off with the bullet hole being in the center. So what I'm getting at is fellows like me, 45 2.1, and probably alot of others have done crazy stuff like this. So what this is about is I'll bet the guys that run their big mouths like swheeler, carpetman, and scrounger more in likely have not. They are not teasing...then mean what they say. I thinks those fellows have shot some and gone hunting, but that's about it. I would say that swheeler has done the most out of the three of them as far as out of the ordinary shooting. If y'all been founding the forum 44man just posted some incredible shooting with his 300 Weatherby mag and some other rifles. Did you see me calling him old one hole group? or saying anything negative about his feats? No...I don't doubt for one second he did them. I remember me posting about my friend in Tulsa shooting at three shot group of 1/2 inch at 300 yards off a bench with a 30-06 and got laughed at, teased, and mocke...and he did this off a benchrest and 44man shot a smaller group at a further distance with a harder to shoot rifle and nothing is said. So you know what, you three can go pound sand up your asses because you are truely the keyboard shooters of the forum....not me, not 45 2.1, not 44man. You three Amigo Keyboard Shooters want to lose alot of your money...just come visit me, 45 2.1, or 44man and see what real shooting is about.

Oh, I'll put this here so y'all feel better :kidding:


03-13-2006, 04:34 PM
Roll up your pants, it's too late for your shoes...

03-13-2006, 04:59 PM
I was having a problem that one of my 1000 yard groups had opened up to 3/16ths of an inch and wanted to check it out at long range--I mean long range. I spotted a mountain a few states away,couldn't tell for sure, i knew it wasn't in Canada nor too likely was it Florida. Only leaves 48 possibilities. So I shot at it and chipped off part of it. I kept shooting at it most of the afternoon. Formed a pattern and took a picture which I sent to Scrounger and maybe he will post it.

03-13-2006, 05:25 PM
Ray; I've seen it, it was South Dakota you was aimin' at, and that mountain is now called Rushmore! Now you know the rest of the storie.

03-13-2006, 06:03 PM
Here is the picture CarpetMan wanted posted. I was wondering where he was going with this line, finally figured out he intends to shoot some more and add Joe's likeness to the other great men on the mountain. At least a lot of cats will live and a lot of sheep won't be molested while he pursues this whim...

03-13-2006, 06:05 PM
Roll up your pants, it's too late for your shoes...

Yeah...maybe you should wear diapers Art...on both ends. [smilie=l:


03-13-2006, 06:19 PM
Don't be bitter, I do Public Relations Work for both of you. Remember, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Here's a new smiley I found. (Just kidding, of course)

David R
03-13-2006, 06:36 PM
YOu guys are a blast! I have not read this thread until today.

I shoot a remington 541 T and it is accurate. Used it in a 200 yard bench rest match last year and didn't even have enough adjustment in the scope. It DID shoot good groups, but my 17 year old daughter beat me with her Marlin :(

Thanks for the good reading, wait till Deputy AL sees all of this.


03-13-2006, 06:37 PM
Art; you da man!!!

03-13-2006, 09:25 PM

You can play switch with that finger, I think you know what I mean, in fact swheeler can help you. Y'all would have fun doing it together .

Sorry...I don't need a PR man, nor you, swheeler, or carpetman..never did, never will.

All in good fun pardner......... :kidding:[smilie=w:[smilie=s:


03-13-2006, 09:28 PM
Let me get this straight: You're challenging Joe to a match? :Fire:

Art, No match, ya couldn't round up enough cats anyway. But if ya can't hit a pop can more often than not at a hundred yards with a scoped .22, maybe more trigger time and less keyboard time is in order [smilie=l:


03-13-2006, 09:31 PM
Well, if you need five or six feet elevation with a .22, it's news to me, and lotsa gophers I have either killed, or thrown dust in thier eyes. I figure drop at 250 is around 36 inches, just off hand. When we shoot gophers up in Alberta, we shoot as far as we can see them, including with flintlock rifles. Surprised the hell out of the farmer, how well you can do at long range with supposedly close range rifles! And I also used to shoot pheasants out of the bean fields in Iowa, at ranges far beyond what is considered acceptable with a .22. Depredation hunt, doncha know?...

03-13-2006, 09:37 PM
Art, No match, ya couldn't round up enough cats anyway. But if ya can't hit a pop can more often than not at a hundred yards with a scoped .22, maybe more trigger time and less keyboard time is in order [smilie=l:


[smilie=w:Art...as my son says "you've been burned" [smilie=w:


45 2.1
03-13-2006, 09:46 PM
[smilie=w:Art...as my son says "you've been burned" [smilie=w:


As have a couple other Keyboard artists.

03-13-2006, 09:58 PM
Fed 40 gr 22 LR
Muzzle vel 1150 fps -BC .143 published

0 -1.50 1150fps
50 +3.19 1053
100 0.0 982
150 -12.01 925
200 -34.14 875
250 -67.45 830

67.45 inches, ya that's between 5 and 6 feet

03-13-2006, 10:21 PM
Scott, I don't know about the charts. Years ago, I don't remember what brand we used, but drop was 9 inches per hundred yards, past 100. So, 18 inch drop at 200, 27" at 250. This seems to hold closer to my experience. But, as I say, I don't know about the charts, never had much use for them. I'm just going from my personal shooting experience.

03-13-2006, 10:52 PM
Buckshot; we want "Tues at the range," you got everybody hooked and then pulled the rug out- dirty trick! Maybe next time you guys could set some clay pigeons at 250 yds and pop them with 22, of course if you zero at 100 then you will have to dope in 5 to 6 feet elevation at 250, not to mention windage, allow about 10 inches for a fly farting near the bullet! Grab your boot staps and pull up real hard- I feel Joe comin' back with a reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..............We shot peestols at human silhuettes, or whatever you call them. Half size ones at 25 yards. Was 6 of us and I'm not going to say who won, but I was trying to be humble, gracious and expansive. I was one pious essobee if you ask me. Deputy Al and Ron talked real bad about me afterwards which I thought was kind of a crappy attitude :-) Them heatherns! I even bought Ron's lunch since he's moving to Prescott, AZ.

At least they didn't staple the pot to the rafters of the overhead, which they've been known to do when things don't turn out the way they'd like. Either that or they go dig out all the change in their car ashtrays and out from under the seats and stuff instead of just laying out a buck like civilized folks. You guys just don't know how much stuff I have to put up with every Tuesday just to go shooting.


03-13-2006, 11:18 PM
Change will spend, but wait till they try to stick ya with coupons! That's probably why Al hightailed it after rats, figured the ribbin' would have settled down by the time he got back!! Ha-ha-ha

03-13-2006, 11:29 PM
I have a BSA Martini that I have shot at 200 yds. You are correct about the adjustment. I had to put IIRC Burris Signature rings on for mounting the scope.

They allowed me to adjust for the 200 yd range. I was quite impressed with what a good 22 RF can do at 200 yds. TR&R in Tacoma Wa. use to shoot 22RF to 200 yds. It was a very good match.

Another item concerning the same scope mounts. I have a 7.65 Argie action which is now in a 30 Kern rifle. When the scope mount tapping was done it was a bit off of the bore line. I used the Signature rings to get the scope centered over the bore. I prefer the Signature rings and put them on my rifles when I need a new set of rings.


03-13-2006, 11:43 PM
Waksupii; I don't know about charts either, or published BC's for that matter, I ran this thru a program I got from Ken Blackwell a couple decades ago, I have used this program with actual chronographed velocitys and published BC's on 168 Sierra MK in the 308 for a 300 yd zero, started with a 100 yd zero and put in 39 clicks, about 15 inches-1/8min clicks, and it was so close it wasn't funny -within 1/3 moa or about 1 in at 300. BUT I also have tried it at 500 meters and the bullet flrw about 7-8inches flatter than it should have- go figure, temp/humid was different as was the elevation of the range!
Not as much guessing as speculated by some tho on shootuing 22 at long range, I've burned a brick or two at the 300 yd gong, seemed I was holding 8-9 feet up the burm to get a not too often hit on the 10 incher- don't take much wind to put you in the next county with that little slug just pokin' along, you need a pretty good spotter to even tell if you connected! Looks like I'm going to have to take a vacation thru Tenn and WV, could use a little extra WAM!!!!ha-ha-ha You can tell I don't spend much time "shootin'" my finger here by the number of posts, I do my shootin' with a gun in my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-13-2006, 11:44 PM
Your going about this all wrong. Ya got to trail em along and always stay a few points behind. Then when they get cocky and the serious wagers begin to fly you light em up like a 2$ cegar! Anyway thats what I heard. Did I ever tell ya about my pubecent years when most kids was in school I worked in Turf's billiard academy. Learned some different stuff than most kids.

03-13-2006, 11:48 PM
Jeffery: are you saying the 34 inches of elevation is close to what you needed to add to a 100 yd zero-17 min?

03-14-2006, 12:10 AM
Dan: That "learning" you did would have served you well around those snooker tables in Oakland..some of us had to "pay up" for that sort of education !! Onceabull

03-14-2006, 12:25 AM

I said out of the three I thought you ACTUALLY done more with firearms then the other two. So let's talk like grown men here and quit the damn joking around.

Okay, I've done alot of work with 22 rimfires, both long rifles and 22 mags. I can tell you that with my 541 sigthed for 100 yards that I don't have to hold over as much as you're saying for 200 to 250 yards shots. I have a 3x9 32 mm scope on that rifle and the crosshair are four plex and I did not manually adjust the scope to shoot that praire dog....I still had him in view with what holdover I had. I had done some test shot on their mounds of dirt as they were very dry and I could see my bullets impact and knew how much I had to hold over. There was no wind, it was a very nice windless calm day.

A friend and I were shooting at clumps of dirt in a plowed field that had sun dried and you could see your bullet impacts there too. We were using 22 revolvers, mine be a Colt Diamond Back. The distance was between 300 to 375 yards or more. Now I grant you the hold over there was much more then my rifle would have been. After a few cylinders full of ammo to get our hold over we started hitting clumps of dirt....not every shot..about two or three out of six. You know how big a tractor plowed clump would be, and certainly bigger then a watermelon.

Just little on the 22 mag...it shoots alot flatter then a long rifle and more important has alot more energy way out there.....alot more. I know you know who Rick Jamison is. He wrote a story some time back playing around with a 22 mag. Said he shot at a coyote at about 400 yards just as it was going over a hill top. He had thought he hit it so drove out on his little 4 wheeler and by God a good number of yards after the crest of the hill he found him. I shot a coyote down here in TN at about 80 yards or little more, broadside shot behind the should with CCI 22 mag hollowpoint and he run off. He went up an inclimbable mtn side, but my neighbor and I heard him making death crys up there quite a distance away. I wasn't proud of that one bit. I mention this because Jamison's 400 yard shot with a 22 mag and killing (not hitting) is hard to swallow, especial in a running away shot. They are very tough critters.

You are right that wind plays hell with the little 22 long rifle slug, as I told about shooting at that flat sandstone with just a little 5 mph crosswind.


03-14-2006, 12:38 AM
I went through one winter where that education came in handy. It was in Levenworth washington and I got newmonia and couldnt saw. The snooker table at Der Ratskeller tavern kept me fed and the rent payed through the winter. That was before I came to the Lord.

03-14-2006, 12:50 AM
Dan..A steady hand and good eye with cue,or rifle, eh..? Onceabull

03-14-2006, 02:03 AM
Joe; I've got a 22 mag also, a 783 Marlin-before they switched the safety around and called it 883, mine is forward is safe and back is fire- gotta watch myself with that one, mid 80 production, but damned nice wood for a cheap rimfire.they do shoot a lot flatter than a std 22, and pack a little more bacon! My oldest brother hunted with a 22 mag for years, always had a nice buck hanging! If I get a chance I will try my old mossberg at 200, hang a couple targets below the aimer, and see for sure, hard to do at our range tho, usually nice here and when you get up there snowing and blowing- it's up close to McDonald pass. Most of our 22 are knock around guns, like a lot of the rifles I own, i just do the best I can with them- Rem nylon66, marlin M60, mag-tech 995?,interarms something? and my old wards westrenfield(mossberg 46B-1941) I like it's 26" med hvy barrel and that long mag tube-20LR I believe? When I was 5 or 6 my mother "bought" me a little rem single shot(traded in the S&H Green Stamps for it) 512 I believe, that little gun would shoot- used to take the setting position and shoot the barbed wire on the fence at 50 yds to make it sing, neighbor kid had a mossberg semiauto, had fold down forend tip, I used to pick up a rock and throw it in the air, it would usually take him 5-6 shots to hit it, but he very seldom would empty the mag without hitting it!

03-14-2006, 03:06 AM
swheeler, Really something you mentioned that S&H greenstamp Remington singleshot you had. My childhood growing up best friend got one with the stamps also. You're right, it was a damn good shooting little 22. ABout those backward safeties...CZ is is bad for that. They are changing it now that they have a big American market. My little 527 22 Hornet has the backward safety. Joe

03-14-2006, 03:59 AM
Green stamps???? Did the postal service change their scheme? Must be something way before my time. Seems like granny mentioned them.

03-14-2006, 09:43 AM
After a last minute vacation request last week, my alarm clock went off at 2:00 am this morning to make my trek to Cedarville and meet up with the banditos. Got 10 miles before the first "CHAINS REQUIRED" sign with maybe 100' visibility. Another 10 miles later and maybe another 200 to go it was light dry snow on top of black ice, 20 mph, and my defeat. I turned around at about 3:30 and headed home before the highway turned into a zoo. I reckon it will be a good day to cast.

As long as this thread has digressed into a shooting/bragging forum....I went to a Nevada Bighorns Unlimited dinner in Fallon saturday night. They had a little contest set up off at one end involving a precision, scoped air rifle. The targets were rubber stamped outlines of a bighorn sheep about 1" sq with a 17 cal circle in the center. $5 for 3 shots at three targets, standing offhand at 15' the most holes touched wins. It took about $40 to get the trigger down, but I won, not a keyboard in sight. The prize? A near NIB Browning 1885 in 45-70 with nicely figured wood.

Went to the Big Reno show with the boys Sunday! It is really great getting together with friends from "Boolits". I found a twin to my 99 Savage in 250-3000 at the show. This 99 has a 24" bbl with a bulbous forend that tapers quickly at the rear near the front of the reciever as though it was some kind of varmint version. This is the first time that I had seen another one like it, ever, and if anyone could tell me more about the particulars of this variation I would love to hear it. The asking price was $1675. I wanted to call my xwife, and remind her of the time....

While driving back this morning I was conjuring up positive thoughts to alieve myself of the "bummer" of not being able to join the boys up north, I started mentally inventorying the other potential treasures I may own. Seeing that Winchester in no longer manufacturing 94s....I have a circ 1984 Model 94 AE XTR in 7-30 Waters w/24" bbl and burl wood buttstock. Lyman dies, 130 gr LBT lfn with hand typed letter from Veral Smith describing the fit of the throat, mispellings and all. What would you think my reserve $ should be?

Starmetal, I for one don't disbelieve your accomplishments or prowess, but after hearing about it 3200+ times, even the truth gets old. If you hang out with gun nuts and keep throwing your hat into the air....sooner or later someone is going to shoot at it!

self appointed "moderator for a day"

03-14-2006, 12:25 PM
Ammohead---Congrats on the Browning. You gonna name it? If into such maybe "Keyboardless" would be a good one.

03-14-2006, 12:44 PM

I appreciate your belief in me, but you won't have to worry about hearing about it anymore. I won't be posting any of my endeavers anymore, like how the results of my scoped Finn 39 turned out, or the scoped Yugo SKS...I'll more or less just hang around...is about all.


45 2.1
03-14-2006, 12:53 PM
If you hang out with gun nuts and keep throwing your hat into the air....sooner or later someone is going to shoot at it!
self appointed "moderator for a day"

Mores the shame. This site HAD alot of good information, but that is slowly dwindling down just because of someone, who can't do the same, taking cheap shots at anyone they don't like posting about what they've done. Now its down to THEIR level of competence. Like I said, mores the shame. I'm not the only one who has this opinion either, several other members have mentioned the same thing in PMs.

03-14-2006, 01:09 PM
45 2.1

THat's ok Bob, no sense wasting your time, but it's a appreciated. There are alot of good fellows here...take Buckshot for example...few things I have to say about Buckshot is he's never taken a cheap shot at ANYONE, has never called anyone a NAME, and I've never seen him NEGATIVE...he's A-OK. BruceB another good ole boy, along with KSCO, 45nut, lars45, floodgate, Waksupi, Jumptrap, Oldfeller, and more. Some of the new members seems like pretty good fellows too. But like you say the forum has gone downhill, which membership has nothing to do with because the forums that alot here mock as being bad, also have a high membership. Maybe if we all lived in the same town and belong to the same gun range, things would be different. You actually could see what a shooter could and couldn't do. Now I don't know what Bill Gates does for his free time, but if I had his money I'd travel to meet alot of you fellows...go out shooting with you. Alot of you fellows have had very interesting and exciting experiences. Alot of you fellows are also some damn good shooters.

I keep thinking of that movie Attack Of The Martians, with Jack Nicholson, and the line where he was talking to the Martian leader and said "Can't we all, just get along"? Pretty dang hard to do in pc virtual reality.


03-14-2006, 02:40 PM
Aw, Joe, just kidding. Can't we be pals?

03-14-2006, 02:51 PM
Get off it Art, kidding my butt. You even admitted you were a troublemaker and you're 100 percent correct. I don't see you serving a purpose on the forum but to agitate people and go on and on about Carpetman and the stories of his sheep and cats. I even see Carpetman serving less a purpose on the forum then you. I haven't mentioned or posted anything about shooting one hole groups for so long I can't remember the last time I did, but yet Ray goes on and on and on about my one hole groups and unbelieveable shooting, even to me, in posts that I'm not even part of. Maybe Ray would be better served on a Comedy Forum.

I'm not saying we can't have humor here, we need it so we don't get too serious and boring, but one has to be serious more then ten percent of the time which what I see you and Ray doing. How about moving on up to at least 50 percent? We all need to follow Buckshot's model of a forum member. I meant what I said about him in the previous posts. I like his good posting of pictures too and he's well rounded in alot of fields besides guns and reloading...like machining and such. There's alot of other fellows here I haven't mentioned from the ones that I did that are really good fellows...alot of the newer members are too. Don't get me wrong that I'm painting myself as a saint because I'm not. I know I've pissed alot of people off on the forum and I'm really sorry about that and try to mend my ways. There's no question about it, I'm a ********ter...I LOVE talking to people...I love people...one reason I post way too many posts. I've had some members pm me about name calling...so I've tried to stop that, they're right, it wrong and child play...and I've certainly named called too...like I said I'm no saint and without faults. Enough of my rant.

I'll get over it...I'm a survivor.


03-14-2006, 03:30 PM
Joe, in deference to some of the other you referenced, who certainly act more civilized than you do, I will quit posting. For you, I have two things to say:

03-14-2006, 04:21 PM
Yup...that last post confirms my beliefs...just kidding huh...be pals huh?

I'll have to say one thing for Carpetman...he's stayed out of this...that says something. I believe there's some good in the old boys heart.


03-14-2006, 04:38 PM
Dang it AL, look at all the crap you started with this thread! Shame-shame!

03-15-2006, 01:27 AM
Jeffery: are you saying the 34 inches of elevation is close to what you needed to add to a 100 yd zero-17 min?


I went to quick target. I did not have 22RF, so I loaded 222 Rem with Lyman 225438. This is a 44 gr bullet. I set velocity at 1073 fps. Subsonic match 22RF is 1080fps. For a 200yd zero the bullet max elevation would be 18.8 inches above LOS. This would be 106 yds from the muzzle of the rifle. The elevation at 100 yds is also 18.8 inches. Sighting your rifle 18.8 inches high at 100 yds would put you on (more or less) at 200 Yds.

Zeroed at 100 yds you would be 37.5 inches low at 200 yds. That would be 18.75 min. So the answer to your question is yes, (more or less). The actual fact is that your 100 yd zero needs to be raised 18.8 inches.


David R
03-15-2006, 06:38 AM
Thanks for that response. All I know is when shooting 200 yard benchrest there is not enough adjustment in the scope. We had 3 rifles and either aimed at the top of the bull or used the bottom of the duplex, then cranked the scope up.


03-15-2006, 08:34 AM
Go to: http://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/postlist.php/Cat/0/Board/Savage

Those guys will be able to tell you anything you want to know about your Savage 99.

03-15-2006, 12:10 PM
All I know is when shooting 200 yard benchrest there is not enough adjustment in the scope.


Here is a link to the Burris Signature Z rings.


I use the ones that fit weaver blocks. If you look at the picture, and enlarge it, you can see the inserts inside the rings. These are elliptical rings so one can change windage and elevation with the rings not the scope.


03-15-2006, 02:39 PM
Jeffery; thanks for the reply. I also realize that a whole lot of things can make a difference in the trajectory, altitude, humidity, temperature, height of scope above bore, and actual velocity in that rifle. Sounds like a picatinny base with 20moa cuts (graduations)would work fine on a 22, just move it forward one slot each for2-300 yds(40"@200,120"@300) and a 100 yd zero-close enough to put you on paper at those distances.

03-15-2006, 04:07 PM
SWheeler, I saw your mention on a base with 20 MOS cuts machined into it. Where would I find such a base?


03-15-2006, 04:21 PM
Dan; without looking I'd say Brownells.(maybe Sinclair Inter) I know they make them for several "hi-power" rifles . I'm sure someone makes them for 22- or a universal one that could be drilled to fit your rec. I had one of the 7.65 Args rifles shimmed up with a pop can shim under the rear base so I could get enough elev. out of my scope for 300 yds and cast, problem was I couldn't go back to a 100 yd zero without removing it.

03-15-2006, 04:32 PM
I am also a great fan of Burris Signature "Z" rings. More rifles than you would believe have factory holes out of line. The Signature ring inserts also allow you to correct for windage problems as well as elevation.

I shoot 200 yard .22 Schuetzen on occasion and have found that the Simmons 44 Magnum 6.5x20x44mm scopes to have plenty of elevation to go between 25 yards and two hundred yards IF they are centered properly on the rifle. The Simmons scope adjustments are also completely repeatable. For those rifles not properly drilled at the factory, the Signature rings are a Godsend.


03-15-2006, 04:49 PM
Dale you are correct about alignment, and the rings are not perfect either. Most of my rifles have the scope rings indexed and lapped into alignment. The Ruger rifles I have checked are the closest I've found, looks like rings are line-reamed to each rifle!I still shoot a short action Savage that had+.030 lateral alignment out, took a bit of elbow grease to get those rings lined up! The Burris would be simpler, but they were invented way too late!ha-ha That's my story and I'm sticking to it!