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View Full Version : STumbled on it by accident!

06-01-2009, 04:49 PM
I have a most patient wife.
She has no problem firing my castings, but melting Wheel Weights into ingots do cause raised eyebrows.
I am not melting Roof Boots. Used, full of a tar like substance, nasty.
I am out in my sweaty man cave, melting to my hearts content. Stinky stuff indeed. Well, I had been scrapeing out the floating tar, or whatever it is. I had been haveing issues getting a decent melt and have a bunch of half full pot ingots. I melt in my pot, let it cool, and dump out the solid melt.
Sitting in my chair after an hot, miserable weekend at the shop. Customers hot and impatient, I fell asleep, a stupid pathetic cat on my lap. I do love cats, but, this one is the missing link or something like that.
To the point,
The tar like substance had spread all over the melt. The lead was liquid under it! Smooth, shiney, and quite melted.
Bingo! No more half pots, this one is full! The tar like substance acts like an insulator and with my hot plate only a 750 watt deal, it needs all the help it can get. The tar like substance liquifies, and spreads all over the top. It is liquid, fluffy, and retains the heat amazeingly well! This batch is going faster than any of the others.
The "fluff" I am now removeing, could be melted further and made into pitch. I use pitch for holding pendants, and small earrings to set stones with.
A good small parts hold down.