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View Full Version : Lee Loader Mounting

03-07-2006, 11:44 PM

I just got my Lee Loader in the mail today

What is the common way to mount it?

The instructions say to put a "T" nut on it to remove to empty the primer pocket.

I was thinking of drilling my bench, but I do not want to do that!!!

What do you do when you mount your presses?


03-08-2006, 02:20 AM
I just drill the bench, but if that is not acceptable, mount the press on the end of a 2X6, and "C" clamp the other end to the bench.

Or if you or a friend is wood working handy, make two boxes out 1x6's, about
29 " tall by 18" deep , and closed in on one side by 1/4 " plywood. Put a couple of hinges on it so it opens and closes like a book. Now open it to 90 degrees, lay a 2x8 across the opening, and drill this for bolts to secure it to the boxes. then drill the board for your press, and any other toolsyou want mounted. You can either leave it set up, or by using "T" nuts, make so it can be quickly disassembyable (is that a word)the boxes closed and lockable. I've made about 20 of these over the years, they work great for people who live in apartments, or have kids , and want to lock up powder and primers . DM

03-08-2006, 05:11 PM
Clint, glad you finally found a loader. That one will serve you well.

03-09-2006, 11:54 PM
D.MACK and rbstern

I think I will go to ace this weekend,and get some long bolts, and make a spacer out of a 2x4 and go that route


