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05-16-2009, 08:25 PM
I just came in from a very enjoyable couple of hours spent in the garage. I was testing out my new BD 45 and an H&G 81. (the 68 pb version in 9mm/38 Super).

My wife was building wooden ware for her bee hives. Radio playing good music, the molds casting well and good company. What more could a man want? A woman that understands about hobbies and that a man needs to have a stash where he can spend money on such nonsense.

I'm a lucky man.

05-16-2009, 08:41 PM
Good deal! I have been hanging with mine the last few months as we are re-doing the house from '70/80' deco to 2009. One room at a time, only like one more. Found out as I have always known she is my best friend, sometimes my only friend. I guess that is why # 49 will be here in June. Glad to here someone say I enjoy my wife, kinda rare in today's world.

05-16-2009, 09:58 PM
I guess that is why # 49 will be here in June. Glad to here someone say I enjoy my wife, kinda rare in today's world.

You had to go through 49 wives? I had to be the first to say it...

05-16-2009, 10:19 PM
Glad to here someone say I enjoy my wife, kinda rare in today's world.

I like mine in the kitchen, while I'm in the garage doing the guy stuff. :bigsmyl2:

05-16-2009, 10:53 PM
I left mine in the city so I could go to the farm and play.:bigsmyl2:

The Double D
05-16-2009, 11:10 PM
I know what you guys mean about hanging with your wife.

Wife and I left the house this morning at about 9 AM. Swung by the grocery store and loaded up the ice chest with cold soda and snacks. Then we headed out for the Gopher patch. Got back to the house about 5:30 this evening. We hunted gophers all day. I shot 185 rounds. The wife says she had to reload twice, that's 200 rounds. (Ten 10/22 magazines) For me that's 500 round so far this season.

I got me me two triples. Wife got a pair of doubles.

I did catch my wife in a fishermans lie. She spotted a gopher and took aim and blasted it...It was so small I am almost positive I saw it lick the milk from lips just before she shot it. She made a good shot on it and I asked how far, "20 yards!" she said rather emphatically. "10 maybe 12 yards top!" I said. I got the laser range finder out and it was 13 yards. Fun toy that laser range finder.


At one point she was wanging away at group of babies gophers sitting around a mound. She fired three shots and three gophers in a row went down. I got the range finder out and the gophers were 96 yards away. I walked down to hole to check and verify her kills and all three were head shot...Impressed me. All in all me and my favorite hunting partner had a great day.

We'll celebrate 43 years of marriage this year...we have been some neat places and done some neat things together.

Down South
05-17-2009, 12:03 AM
My wife was in the shop with me today as I was reloading a block of 25-06 bullets. She doesn’t understand much about reloading though. She just happened to be there when I was weighing the powder charges which take the longest amount of time for me in the process of reloading rifle bullets. Weighing each charge for 50 rounds takes a little time. She made the comment that she didn’t know that reloading was so hard, LOL. I was wishing I was running the Dillon but I only use a single stage loading rifle.

But the point of the thread was well made. Good women are hard to come by. In just a few days my wife and I will have been married 38 years.

05-17-2009, 12:18 AM
You've done well Crabo!

I got mine started on making jewelry.
Her domain is now almost a foot high with tools and materials.
She's beginning to understand my own collection.

I don't do much without her. Toughest person I ever met. Too mean to leave home!

05-17-2009, 12:26 AM
My rib and I just got back from a skeet shoot put on by a friend's church. Darlene spent 26 years full-time in the Army - well experienced with M16 and M2 (50 cal). Has had enough of both; but was a good sport in shooting my 12ga 5 times - her FIRST experience with a shotgun - at age 72! A technocolor badge of courage, a little pain (soreness tomorrow). Life is good!

05-17-2009, 01:31 AM
Lucky guys that have a wife that they can shoot with, very good for you both.


6.5 mike
05-17-2009, 03:00 AM
My wife & I became freinds before anything else. And you have made me realize I need to tell her that more often.

cajun shooter
05-17-2009, 09:28 AM
Glad to hear that I have fellow shooters who have the same support that I have. My wife and I both went through earlier marriages. We do everything together, fish, camp and she comes to all my CAS events even though she doesn't shoot. When I'm casting in the outside shop she brings me things to drink and even brings a lunch for us to have together. We like everyone else in these times are strapped for coins, but when she saw the new 50 cal T/C Hawken come out the box she said " that is one nice looking gun" She even helped me set up a loading room inside when the Louisiana heat became too much for the shop. A true partner by my side. I only wish we could have been married in the 70's instead of the 90's Sorry guys did not mean to on so much. Later David

05-17-2009, 09:41 AM
God bless you all! Take every opportunity you have to "hang out" with the wife. You will not be sorry! BL

05-17-2009, 09:50 AM
My Lady and I have been married 40 years come tomorrow. My best friend and buddy. We've always done a lot of things together including hunting, shooting, and fishing.. Maybe that's why we're still happy with each other. I do love her.


Tom Herman
05-17-2009, 10:43 AM
I'm happy for you folks. I'm glad that it's working out for you.
I get no such support here, only grief every time I buy another gun.
Fortunately, I have enough stuff so I can claim that my latest purchase was simply in storage, and that I'm rotating it out to make sure it still works...
The best of Luck to you all, you don't know how blessed you are to have supportive wives.

Happy Shootin'! -Tom