View Full Version : Swedish m/1867 civilian conversion - 6.5x55

05-15-2009, 07:11 PM
Another one where the photos are on a CD I can't access at the moment.....

One of the sporter/conversions I got from Sweden was an abortion of a rifle that was beat and worn mondobeyondo. It was a m/1867 Swedish military action with the military wood chopped. What stood out was the m/1896 Mauser barrel that was attached to it with the caliber being 6.5x55.... in a blackpowder No.1 rolling block action.

A rimless cartridge you say? Why yes... and the breechblock was extensively modified with a spring loaded center pivoting rimless extractor.

Holy headspace, Batman!

I dropped a field reject headspace gauge in the chamber and it was like dropping it down a deep dark hole and never hearing it hit bottom.

Under the forearm.... hidden... was a small hole drilled into the barrel just about at the front of the chamber.. about 1/8" diameter. It didn't go through the barrel into the chamber but the hair on my neck stood up when I saw it. A 45,000 psi or so cartridge in a blackpowder rolling block action with hugely excessive headspace and a neat little hole drilled dangerously deep right next to the chamber.
In Swedish the name is Bjubba.

Well... I pulled the barrel and cut it in the lathe to about 8" long and supplied it to the buyer on AuctionArms explaining fully why the barrel was removed. It still sold for a couple hundred bucks as I recall but it was sold as a receiver not a rifle.

I have some pretty good photos showing all this. The mechanical/gunsmithing required to convert this rifle to a rimless extractor was impressive. If nothing else it was worthy of study on its own merit.


05-16-2009, 05:30 PM
Amazing! Hope the guy who installed that barrel didn't reproduce! I've seen some really strange things on Rollers, but the worst was a 1889 Roller rebarreled to .300 Win Mag!
Here's a early sporting action converted to .22LR I got a few weeks ago. This is a really high class conversion of the extractor that works flawlessly!