View Full Version : Good Day With An Old Krag

05-13-2009, 11:05 PM
I took my old Sporterized Krag with an old Lyman receciver sight on it to the range today. I was only shooting at 50 yards with Lyman boolit 311291 sized to .311". Used IMR 4759 for the first time and was pleased with the results. 15 grains put 4 rounds into .58" center to center. Had good results with 311410 & IMR4759.
Also used Blue Dot with 311291 and 314299 with good results.

The photo is the 15gr. charge of IMR4759 and 311291 for 4 shots.

05-14-2009, 12:24 AM
That's some nice shootin'. Nice gentle load. Good work.

05-15-2009, 06:14 PM
It always pisses me off when I miss a one hole group by one shot.

I've loaded for .30-40 in my carbine only a little bit so far but I'm keeping your load data because I also like 311299 in the Krag (and .30-06) and I load with SR4759. Mild or not when it gets results like this you don't need more power. Just more practice:).


05-15-2009, 07:15 PM
very nice!

05-15-2009, 08:04 PM
I heard he cheated with this group. Witnesses said he shot it with his eyes closed. [smilie=1:
Nice shootin' leadman.

05-15-2009, 11:52 PM
Only had one eye closed!

6.5 mike
05-16-2009, 06:14 AM
Nice shooting leadman. Haven't tried that power, but will keep this thread in mind. I'm getting started with my krag load work ups now.

05-16-2009, 08:25 PM
with a Krag -- every day is a good day ---

6.5 mike
05-17-2009, 04:28 AM
Where is san jose, I grew up there.

05-17-2009, 04:39 PM
I'm hoping for something similar tomorrow leadman. The neighbor's are out today, but while they're at work, I'm off. I'm finally going to get the middleweight bout done, and while I'm at it, I'm going to run a head to head comparison of Blue Dot and 4895. Did you use magnum primers with your Blue Dot loads? Seems to be what it took to settle mine in. I also have loads with standard and magnum primers to compare. I'm going to have to join that 1000 yard range that's about 5 miles away and quit shooting in the back 40. Range has a chronograph, that alone would make it worth the membership.

05-17-2009, 06:16 PM
It always pisses me off when I miss a one hole group by one shot. Dutch

"Buckshot" tells me it is a higher power keeping us humble. 8-)

05-18-2009, 02:06 AM
madenshooter, I haven't tried a magnum primer with Bue Dot yet. Results with BD were from 2" to about an inch.
I am going to look for an eye cup for this old Lyman receiver sight to make it easier to define the sight picture.

05-18-2009, 03:03 AM
It always pisses me off when I miss a one hole group by one shot. Yeah, but leadman called that shot! It's where the first six shots went that count.:drinks:

12-08-2010, 11:06 PM
Had my left thumb joint fused and was getting withdrawal symptons so had to go to the range today. I'm a lefty so had to improvize in order to shoot. Put the forend on my Caldwell front rest , butt on 2 shots bags of corn cob, used the left arm to squeeze the shot bags for elevation and pulled the trigger with the right hand. Worked o.k.
The picture is the best load with the old Krag for the day, although others were not far behind.
Load was 13grs. of PB, 314299 sized .312", group size was .589", 4 shots. 12grs of PB with 314299 put 4 in .933', but 3 went into .209". All at 50 yards.
I have never used PB before but got a sealed pound in a trade. Burns very clean and seems to be a very good powder.

I do have the insert in the Lyman sight now and it does help.

12-09-2010, 09:58 AM
Now I really have cabin feavor! Nice shoot'in!

elk hunter
12-09-2010, 10:32 AM
I don't think you can have a bad day with a Krag. If there is an other semi-modern rifle or caliber that is better adapted to shooting cast bullets easily and well, I don't own one, and I own a few.

12-09-2010, 06:28 PM
As the owner of 4 Krag rifles, I can give a hearty amen to there being no bad day with a Krag.

12-14-2010, 10:06 PM
Leadman I'm glad that someone besides myself is begining to discover how well PB works. I just picked up a good Krag sporter a few days ago and am really looking forward to working with it. I have been shooting 30.40 in my #3 Ruger and it is great. The best loads so far have been with Enforcer and Varget. I haven't tried PB in it yet but certainly will. I'm getting soft in my old age though and testing is going to have to wait for warmer weather. Neil

12-15-2010, 01:19 AM
Had my left thumb joint fused and was getting withdrawal symptons so had to go to the range today. I'm a lefty so had to improvize in order to shoot. Put the forend on my Caldwell front rest , butt on 2 shots bags of corn cob, used the left arm to squeeze the shot bags for elevation and pulled the trigger with the right hand. Worked o.k.
The picture is the best load with the old Krag for the day, although others were not far behind.
Load was 13grs. of PB, 314299 sized .312", group size was .589", 4 shots. 12grs of PB with 314299 put 4 in .933', but 3 went into .209". All at 50 yards.
I have never used PB before but got a sealed pound in a trade. Burns very clean and seems to be a very good powder.

I do have the insert in the Lyman sight now and it does help.

WOW! That's some group for improvising!!! :drinks:

I'm still hunting for a Krag for myself. Would like the longer-barrelled Infantry model (any of the years, as long as the barrel is half-way decent), so I could take her to the range. Already have dies and brass and one mould, but no rifle to shoot it from...

12-15-2010, 08:53 PM
The Krag I bought was sporterized probably in the 20s' from the appearance of the old Lyman receiver sight on it. The stock and barrel are cutdown. There is a pistol grip inletted in the stock and it is checkered. Still a decent shooter considering the bore is frosty.
Paid $300 for it which is much cheaper than a correct military rifle.

Here a couple pictures of my Krag.

blackpowder man
12-16-2010, 12:44 AM
I would like to play with a Krag. One of these days one will happen along. I have a 1909 Argentine Mauser that has been cut down and sporterized in similar fashion, although not as nice. Bought it with the idea to build on, but I may just work with it as is. It just requires a big fat .316 boolit to shoot right. Guess I may have to break down and order from CBE or have one made. That is one mighty nice group for pulling the trigger with the wrong hand.

12-16-2010, 07:09 AM
Leadman my Krag "sporter" was done up alot like yours. I bought it for $200.00 on Gunbroker or Auction Arms 7-8 years ago with my collectors FFL. The bore isn't frosty but the throat is pretty worn yet it shoots everything from the Lee soup can to the Lyman 314299 very well.
I haven't worked with her very much in the last few years but she's still one of my favorites.

12-17-2010, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the complement blackpowder man, hand is improving, will be 3 1/2 weeks before the doc will allow me to use it for anything like shooting.
Maineboy, your Krag is similar to mine, but your looks better. Mine is an original stock with the pistol grip inleted into it. I am going to refinish it probably this summer.

12-19-2010, 11:51 AM
Well I have to thank you guys on this thread. A fellow member here, Terryrm1-03, saw my post that I was still pining away for a nice Krag, sent me a PM, and we got to meet at his house yesterday (we live about 90 minutes apart). He and his wife are VERY nice people. As a matter of fact, they're so darn nice, we wished we could have stayed longer! :mrgreen:

Anyway, he had a nice 1896 Krag rifle he was willing to part with, and we made a deal, and I now have a chance to play with loading for her. Showed me some nice groups he had shot with cast boolits in it too, so I have my work cut out for me! [smilie=l:

I just wanted to thank you, Terry and Brenda. You guys are so nice! My daughter is still talking about Buddy!

12-24-2010, 08:35 AM
Glad we met on this website Mic! Enjoy that old Krag. They are great guns. It would be great to meet all the guys on this site. Could you imagine all the talk if we were in a big open room!
Boy, there would be so much info passed, and it would go on for days HEE! HEE!
Bring Abbi back sometime for a pony ride, and to see Buddy also!

12-24-2010, 11:19 AM

Your Krag sporter looks like a kissin' cousin to mine...'cept mine doesn't have the inletted pistol grip...and, most likely, right around the same vintage. (According to the folks at Lyman, my 48K receiver sight was made between 1911 and 1921.) Looked a long time for a decent Krag that I could afford and, now that I've found one, it takes a real effort to leave it in the rack when I'm packing up for a trip to the range.


12-24-2010, 12:41 PM
I tell you what, now that Terry has helped me scratch that itch for a military-style long-rifle, I'm rather diggin' those sporterized Krags. I've never liked the military-style Carbine version's looks, but those sporterized ones are kind-of a compromise that does look strikingly good to me.