View Full Version : Who's going to the NRA Convention in PHX? Get together?

05-08-2009, 12:10 AM
Gents (and ladies),

How many of you plan to attend the NRA convention next weekend in Phoenix?

We should set up a meeting place and time and all get together for an off-site beer or something.

The Convention Center will be suspending it's liquor license except for some special events so that those with CCWs can carry in the exhibit hall and not have to leave their firearms in their cars where they might be stolen.

Or we can stay on site and get loaded on soft drinks.

It would be a good opportunity for us to have a little face time.

Let's get some suggestions going and put this thing together.

See you there!



05-08-2009, 12:39 PM
I'm not planning on going.

Have fun! :mrgreen:

05-08-2009, 01:00 PM
Some day I'd like to attend one of these and a Shot Show, not this year - on my "to do" list though !

05-08-2009, 04:00 PM
Ya, I won't be going either. NRA is on my sh.t list right at the moment.
Me thinks I'll drill some targets instead.
Have fun,


05-08-2009, 04:10 PM
This year it is too far for me. However, I spent several days at the NRA Convention in Louisville, KY last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I went with a good friend (the Green Frog) and it greatly increased the pleasure, being able to share to daily information.

I have been to a number of NRA Conventions and have enjoyed each and every one.

You get to see everything new in the shooting world and meet a number of people that you have heard about. There are some really nice people in the shooting world and a lot of REAL information is available. If it is within a reasonable distance for ANY shooter, female or male, I definitely recommend it.


Down South
05-08-2009, 08:27 PM
If I didn't have anything going on then I'd consider it. But I'm busy as all get out.

05-09-2009, 11:14 AM
I would love to do that. We can dream can't we? ...:mrgreen:

05-09-2009, 12:01 PM
My wife and I and another couple have tickets to the Forum on Friday. It won't leave much time to see the exhibits. I thought about going again on Saturday, just to look. When were you going to be there?

05-12-2009, 01:43 AM

I will be there as much as possible on Friday and Saturday. I hope to spend some time there Sunday, as well, but have to leave mid afternoon for a grand daughter's birthday party. My son and I will be going to the Friday afternoon deal over at the basketball arena.

The exhibits should be great. Lots of companies listed on the NRA web site: http://www.nraam.org/exhibitor/exhibitor.asp They also have a floor plan. I'll have to make printouts before I go. I have questions for some of the vendors.

I suppose we could meet at the Will Call window Friday and walk over to the afternoon session. Let me know.



05-12-2009, 03:23 AM
I'll be there, planning on spending as much time as possible there. Any time or place will be fine with me. I look forward to meeting up with as many of you as possible.

EDIT: I saved my souvenir t-shirt from the 1995 convention. I'm taking it out of the package tonight and will be wearing it there.

05-14-2009, 12:32 AM
Any entrance costs? When it was here last, I was a member but no longer am

05-14-2009, 11:00 PM
I don't know what they charge for non-members. Why not re-join? Then you can get in for "free".

I will be in front of the NRA store at 11:00, if any of you want to come by and share an "eyeball". I've been called "Santa Claus with a rifle", so you'll know who to look for. Maybe we can retire to the nearby cafe for some soft drinks and conversation.

See you there!



05-15-2009, 12:38 AM
Ya, I won't be going either. NRA is on my sh.t list right at the moment.
Me thinks I'll drill some targets instead.
Have fun,


Gar, they've been on my list for years but showing up just for the exhibits makes it a worth my time to attend.

05-15-2009, 12:52 AM
I wasn't going to go, but if a group of guys from the board are going to meet up, I could be convinced to stop on down.

Stew, I don't think you said which day you would be there at 11:00, or did I miss something?

05-15-2009, 01:03 AM
Jim maybe I can bribe you!! I'll buy what ever drink, be it beer, coffee or soft we decide on.

05-15-2009, 01:28 AM
I was talking about tomorrow (Friday), but I plan to be there all three days, so I might as well make it a daily habit.



05-15-2009, 01:33 AM
Jim, if Stew doesn't respond tonight I'll be there tomorrow in front of NRA store at 11:00. I'll be wearing NRA t-shirt from the 1995 convention. I'm 6'3 240 lbs with short brown hair. I'll wear either my Savage Nation or Alice Cooper hat.

05-15-2009, 10:55 PM

My sincerest appologies for not being there on time today.

They have made BIG changes in downtown Phoenix since the last time I was there. I expected to be able to park under the Civic Plaza, as Ive done for the last two conventions, but they've made many changes and the downstairs where you used to park is now where the exhibit hall is located.

I got stuck in traffic (over 20 minutes on a block and a half long section of Monroe street, alone) and by the time I found parking on 3rd St., I was already a half hour late. I spent over an hour in traffic before finally finding a place to park. Then there was the two block "hike" (a chore on my bad knees) and another half hour or so standing in line with my son to get downstairs where they were handing out credentials (ANOTHER 15 minute wait). It was after 12:00 or so before we got into the exhibit hall.

For others reading this, there WAS an upside to all this overcrowding of downtown Phoenix. I've been hearing that they expected 50,000 attendees for the convention.. In my estimation, there were at least 75,000 there TODAY, ALONE! And today was a work day! I'll be surprised if there's not well over 100,000 attendees by the end of the weekend. This will send a VERY strong message to Washington!

Again, folks, I appologize for not making my appointment. I'll try harder tomorrow. I'm leaving home earlier, I have a better idea how to manage the downtown geography and parking facilities, and there won't be any weekday traffic.

See you tomorrow.



05-16-2009, 04:02 PM
I skirted the traffic by using a couple of side streets, then parked at a meter by the Sheraton & hoofed it for about 5 or 6 blocks. I was then lucky enough to find an available elevator that let me bypass the long lines at the escalator going downstairs. The fire marshal was limiting the number of people they were letting onto the escalators. I made it downstairs by 11:00, but even with me meeting up with AZredneck who was already in line to get the entrance badge sticker, there was still a long wait down there. The biggest flaw in my plan was that I had to bug out before my parking meter ran out, so I couldn't stay long. That place was a zoo to get into.

Stew, you have nothing to apologize for. Those were conditions beyond your control.

05-17-2009, 01:54 AM
I attended today and was at the NRA store at 10:56. I stayed until 11:20, but no Cast Boolits members showed up.

No sour grapes here, but I have a blister on one heel from walking and I've seen everything and asked all the questions that I had for the manufacturers, so considering the 40 mile round trip drive and the $12.00 parking, I won't be attending the final day of the show.

A report with photos will follow in this section, probably tomorrow.

