View Full Version : Help! what did I get?

05-07-2009, 10:46 PM
It is a Taylor & Co. 1873 carbine in 45 Colt, does it need to be shot only with Black or can I use smokeless also? I traded for it today, and I know that the forend isn't supose to be there but someone has acuglassed it to the barrel and I am not sure how to remove it without ruining the blue job, any sugestions would be apreciated. I didn't even know where to post the pictures as it isn't a revolver (pistol) and isn't a S-S or a Lever action so here it is.

05-08-2009, 12:09 AM
To remove the forend you can try to put it into the freezer overnight. The shrinkage of the metal versus the acraglass may help it to break loose.

05-08-2009, 05:43 AM
I have the cap and ball version of you rifle and have shot it some. It is not the most fun gun to shoot with black powder due to the blow back. I always shoot mine with safety goggles on and even then get a dirty face from blow back. I suggest the same for you. You can shoot that rifle with any factory or equivalent load without a problem.

cajun shooter
05-08-2009, 07:08 AM
Don't know why you are getting your blowback Nick but I shoot 3 CAS matches a month with the 45 Colt. If you shoot a full case of 2f you will not have a problem. Nick you might be referring to some splatter caused by the cap not the load. Freightman, that gun would be safe with both smokeless and BP. Load them cases up and have some fun.

05-08-2009, 09:45 AM
Thanks! I didn't get hurt I traded a Bursa 45 cal seven shot pistol for it. I guess I am addicted to 45 Colt guns this makes four I now have. A 92 Puma, a Gaucho, a Taurus 450 with a 2" barrel and this one, all shoot great and I carry the 2" Taurus, great gun for defensive work to 15 yds not much good after that, and with a full house defensive load it gets your attention.

05-08-2009, 01:39 PM
To remove the forend you can try to put it into the freezer overnight. The shrinkage of the metal versus the acraglass may help it to break loose.
If that would work, hunting in Monatna would ruin glas-bedded stocks.

Epoxy cures when it heats up. Heat can soften (uncure) it.
A propane torch applied carefully...moved around constantly...will heat the barrel without damage to the bluing. 250 degrees is surely safe, and a little more might be OK, too.


05-08-2009, 01:54 PM
If that would work, hunting in Monatna would ruin glas-bedded stocks.

Epoxy cures when it heats up. Heat can soften (uncure) it.
A propane torch applied carefully...moved around constantly...will heat the barrel without damage to the bluing. 250 degrees is surely safe, and a little more might be OK, too.

That is just what I did first I drilled 1/8" holes above the barrel through the wood, broke the wood off with my hand, then the wood that was left I heated and it came off leaving the epoxie. Then heated the epoxie let it cool and used my finger nail to peel off the epoxie. (no finger nail left but been mashed off before) looks better don't you think?

05-08-2009, 04:47 PM
Much better! That was pretty ugly before.


05-08-2009, 05:45 PM
looks better don't you think?
Yes it does, but it also looks like something that would give Nancy Pelosi a hissy fit. She just wouldn't be able to figure out how to classify it.

Heck, she might even decide it's the only firearm in the world that is okay to leave in private hands...!?!?

05-08-2009, 06:03 PM
So how do you shoot one of those without wearing a leather gauntlet on your forward hand? (cylinder gap blast) I didn't see the "before" picture, but if it had a forend stock, that would just *beg* someone to hold it wrong and hurt himself.

05-08-2009, 07:09 PM
See the finger hook at the rear of the trigger guard! you put your middle finger on it and pull back against the shoulder and fire. It is not very heavy and I can see riding a horse and firing from the saddle one handed. To get a better platform hold your left hand under the right or opposite if you are left handed. Be careful to not put your other hand in front of the cylinder might get a burn.
I went to the range and it shoots left but adjusting the POA I put five in the 10 and X ring at 50 yds with one in the 8 ring. So it is decent since I have a hard time seeing the front sight without a peep.
Here are the before pictures. and an after

05-08-2009, 08:10 PM
Damn Freightman that was one ugly looking bubba before you started and one beautiful weapon when you finished.


05-08-2009, 09:07 PM
Don't use a torch on that forearm or near it! Just borrow your wife's hair dryer and heat it up. It wont burn the wood, and it wont get hot enough to anneal the barrel either.

05-11-2009, 04:46 PM
Wow Freightman,

Nice job. You really can turn a pig's ear into a silk purse. I agree with your appreciation of the 45 Colt. I'll bet that little rifle is a blast to shoot. Thanks for the pictures. Helice

05-12-2009, 12:21 PM
Makes my fourth firearm in 45 colt must like them. Yes it is fun-fun-fun