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View Full Version : Did some casting and lubing.

05-07-2009, 08:16 PM
Well, today was a mighty pretty day out in the Tulsa area. So I fired up the 20 pound pot on the patio and broke out my Lyman 358495, this was to be my first time using this mold since I purchased it. I had been waiting on finding a set of handles for it, and luckily BCall hooked me up (thanks again my man).

So I ended up casting up about 250 keepers, and 10 rejects (out of what went into the padded drop box.) I did have quite a few rejects to get the mold up to temp. Why Lee hasn't decided to put a mold warmer on their pots I'll never know.

I ended up pan lubing a 100 with Old NRA Lube, and am waiting on the cake to cool as I type. I did have a problem with the mold though, in specific the sprue plate. It seems that the previous owner had abused the locking screw some. As it would not hold the sprue bolt secure, and the mold kept trying to tighten up on me. So now I guess I'm going to have to see about finding an allen screw to replace it. But I can't complain too much as I got the mold for like $25 dollars off of FeeBay.

CHEERS :drinks:

05-07-2009, 09:55 PM
Good deal! My wife is visiting in Tulsa right now and said the weather has been terrible until yesterday. Glad to hear you made good use of a good day. I cleaned the yard...

05-08-2009, 04:00 PM
The wife is in Tulsa, eh? Well, too bad you didn't come with her. I'd buy you a beer!!! Yeah, the weather has been horrible. Its been raining for 8 days straight, and we're supposed to get more rain tonight, and Saturday. Thats one reason I'm packing my bags and heading south to my "Southern Home" as I like to call it. The other reason is the Army requires my presence, in the form of Drill weekend.