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05-05-2009, 11:22 PM
got into an argument with my relative, I need to know if I am right, (when a bullet is water droped it will continue to get harder over a few days period of time.) he continues to belittle me and imply that I could not possibly know what I am talking about, about many subjects! and I am getting tired of it. so when I get response to this, I will print it and hand it to him. I reminded him how long cast bullets have been cast and that lyman has been making molds longer than he has been alive, so it is most likely known what a cast bullet will and will not do when heat treated. he continues to argue that as soon as the bullet cools in the bottom of the water bucket that it is as hard as it will ever get, with inference that I am stupid. then we start talking about bhn numbers and he says hard cast bullets of around 30 bhn will rip the rifleing out of the barrel, I tell him it will not, that you cannot heat treat wheel weight alloy to the point that it could hurt a rifle barrel. the only way it would hurt the barrel is if there were contaminate in the mix that caused abrasion. and he keeps telling me that loading cast bullets o.a.l. to jam into the rifeling that the preasure is going blow up my rifle. just cannot seem to let go of this and needed to vent! I get this crap about once a month. last months argument was a good one, he STILL beleives if you fire a bullet straight up at 3,000 fps it will be travelling 3,000 fps when it returnes to earth, I just keep repeating terminal velocity of the falling bullet will not allow this. even sent him links from NASA and US aberdean proving grounds to prove my case, of course in his mind there findings are wrong to.

05-05-2009, 11:29 PM
Well, first explain to your cousin that most tool steel sits at a Rockwell hardness of about 50 - 60. Which is much harder then lead is going to get on a normal basis...unless there is some kinda babbit that I'm unaware of.

However, I am of the impression that Air Cool Wheel Weight alloy will harden over a few days time. And that the water dropped pretty much reach their peak hardness almost immediately. I could be wrong, as there are a great many others on this forum that have been casting far longer than I have. However, that is the way I have understood it.

05-05-2009, 11:48 PM
I learned long ago that you can't tell people anything they don't want to hear!

Lead is not harder than Steel! Period!:shock:

How to prove it? Buy a Lee hardness tester make some test samples, air cooled and water drooped and test over several days. The answer should be self evident and put an end to this arguement at least.

As to inserting boolits into rifling before firing? If the load is developed with this boolit seating technique used from the start "over pressure" loads will not happen! Developing a high pressure load ( max load) and then seating the boolit out to engage the rifling may cause a pressure spike but not nessasarily a blow up. I will give the cousin a half right on this one and a big atta boy for it's better to be safe than sorry.

Firing a projectlie in the air and having it return to earth at the same speed? If this post hasn't shown him the light of day by now it's not gonna!

Have him check the NASA site.

05-05-2009, 11:53 PM
My guess is, after buying a hardness tester, and completing the test, with him in attendance, and even allowing him to do the test on his own, he would refuse to even participate. People like this do not care about proof or what is correct or incorrect. They simply want to argue and make them selves seem smarter in their own eyes. Truth be damned. JMHO, Billy

05-05-2009, 11:54 PM
If he thinks a lead bullet at 30 BHN will rip the rifling out of a barrel then I guess he figures one shot from a jacket bullet and the barrel is toast. By his theory there are a awful lot of people running around out there with smooth bore rifles and don't know it. Anyway, using the testing done by Rick Kelter at http://www.lasc.us/HeatTreat.htm , oven heat treated bullets that are quickly submerged in cold water will reach their peak hardness in 96 hours and may increase in hardness ever so slightly up to 14 days. I would think water dropped bullets from the mould would be the same.

05-06-2009, 12:07 AM
Sounds like your relative is a 'know it all'.

Good luck with that as those kind of people think they are right and everybody of a differing opinion is wrong, evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

05-06-2009, 12:20 AM
You can do a search for water dropped hardness on the site and find a thread or many that will dispute your relative's opinions, but that's not the real problem. It sounds like he's got some shortcoming in his life that he's not dealing with properly or maybe even denying. Tell him that putting you down isn't healthy for him and that he might want to seek professional help to deal with his problems. Tell him that you are sympathetic to his problem, but you won't be a part of his unhealthy denial pattern. Try to say this with a straight face and you probably won't hear any more garbage about your hobby.

Tom Herman
05-06-2009, 12:28 AM
Stop arguing with idiots! Your relative is unfortunately incapable of understanding and accepting facts.

Happy Shootin'! -Tom

05-06-2009, 12:30 AM
to HeavyMetal: my cast loads were developed jamed into the rifleing.
.358 win, 196g pb, 8g red dot, and 10g unique LIGHT Plinking loads.
but to his thinking I will blow up my rifle with these because the bullet is jamed into rifleing!
also says I am going to do the same because the powder does not fill the case.

running a .300 win mag at 3,300 fps with 180 jacket (THATS ON OVER LOAD IN MY BOOK)
thats .300 rem. ultra mag terretory! and the kicker is he anneales his brass in the oven! and I tell him he is weaking the entire case by doing this. I feel if he keeps this up, it will not be long and I will not have to worry about any argument any more! but he will not listen, remember I do not know anything.

he can also qoate all the ballistics for his rifle out to 1,000 yrds, but missed his deer last year at 250 yds from a tree stand. I shot his deer at 70yds when it ran by me, with a muzzle loader and iron sights. and he tryed to claim my deer until he dug the power belt .45 cal out of it. he was so sure it was his shot that got it that he gutted it to prove it to me. HA HA! its easy to tell the difference between .30 cal and a .45 power belt with the yellow belt still attached.

05-06-2009, 12:49 AM
Hi Treerat,

The guy is a head case, don't waste you time on him. I'm betting he talks alot more about shooting, then what he acutally shoots.

I can tell he does not watch Mythbusters!
They did some good testing out in the desert shooting bullets straight up!

The important thing is can you out shoot him!
When he starts up with that type of crap. TRY this:

Just sit back, shake your head a little bit & smile knowingly at him.


05-06-2009, 01:05 AM
Keep that Powerbelt handy when he starts his stuff, just hold it up and take a look at it and smile!
Go to the Lead Bullet Technology website for some additional info on water dropping cast bullets. Veral has completed long term ttesting on this subject. If you can't find the info on the website PM me and I will let you borrow my copy of his book.

05-06-2009, 01:05 AM
I learned a long time ago -- you can not reason with unresonable people!! I worked in the Human Resources field for 38years -- this was one of the first lessons I learned!! QUIT TRYING!!

05-06-2009, 01:42 AM
to HeavyMetal: my cast loads were developed jamed into the rifleing.
.358 win, 196g pb, 8g red dot, and 10g unique LIGHT Plinking loads.
but to his thinking I will blow up my rifle with these because the bullet is jamed into rifleing!
also says I am going to do the same because the powder does not fill the case.

running a .300 win mag at 3,300 fps with 180 jacket (THATS ON OVER LOAD IN MY BOOK)
thats .300 rem. ultra mag terretory! and the kicker is he anneales his brass in the oven! and I tell him he is weaking the entire case by doing this. I feel if he keeps this up, it will not be long and I will not have to worry about any argument any more! but he will not listen, remember I do not know anything.

he can also qoate all the ballistics for his rifle out to 1,000 yrds, but missed his deer last year at 250 yds from a tree stand. I shot his deer at 70yds when it ran by me, with a muzzle loader and iron sights. and he tryed to claim my deer until he dug the power belt .45 cal out of it. he was so sure it was his shot that got it that he gutted it to prove it to me. HA HA! its easy to tell the difference between .30 cal and a .45 power belt with the yellow belt still attached.

Does he go by Lefty? Is he from Minnesota? He sounds like someone I know.

05-06-2009, 01:47 AM
I'm going with the consensus here. You sure put an awful lot of effort into proof, and it sounds like the burden of that proof is entirely on you while he just acts as the naysayer. (A jacket is much harder than 30 BHN, by the way.) It probably isn't worth any more effort. I doubt he understands what else is in the alloy that makes nice, small crystals when it's water quenched. He is right about the return velocity of the falling bullet--in a vacuum that is.

Just ask him how many bullets he's cast and fired in his rifles. And as a follow-up, you might also ask him which hardness tester he uses, which alloy he tested, and to produce the chart with his chronological hardness testing data for his water-quenched bullets.

For all I know, this guy casts and shoot regularly. However, I notice that the most vocal detractors of bare lead projectiles have never made and shot their own.

05-06-2009, 03:24 AM
Tell him he is right. Since copper is harder than lead his rifling must be ruined in his rifles. He should give them to you so you can shoot only air cooled pure lead boolets at low velocity in them. That way you are keeping him safe so he can't get hurt. :mrgreen:

05-06-2009, 04:03 AM
Tell him he is right. Since copper is harder than lead his rifling must be ruined in his rifles. He should give them to you so you can shoot only air cooled pure lead boolets at low velocity in them. That way you are keeping him safe so he can't get hurt. :mrgreen:

I have to agree with defib, it would be safer for us all in the end. :-D

I had a shooter who was rubbishing my use of the SxS 12g percussion shotgun. We went hunting one day, he was using a Mossberg 8 shot Pump action shotgun. I had two rabbits and him none, we split up to improve his chances. After a little while, I hear a rapidfire of a number of shots; after rejoining with him I asked him how many he got, NONE!
To this day he mutters something about shotguns which lay down their own smokescreen so no one else can see the rabbits. I just sit their with a smile on my face.


05-06-2009, 04:04 AM
Treerat, I think that you need to buy that man some kool-aid. He obviously enjoys drinking it.

05-06-2009, 07:11 AM
THANKS FOLKS, I am glad I was able to unload that here. it was eating me up!!! you are a great bunch to let me come into your forum and spew like that. I actually feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. and to clear up one detail the relative happens to be my brother, which I care a great deal for, but it is getting almost unberable to continue to put up with this kind of b.s.

thanks again!

05-06-2009, 07:16 AM
Your cousin is wrong across the board. Nothing you are doing is unsafe. Yes, a WQ boolit gets a bit harder over a few days, no they don't fall at a 3K. If you work a load up having the boolit firmly in the throat is no big deal.

Your cousin is a moron, know it all who's obviously educated beyond his intelligence. His logic and knowledge is probably based on what he "heard" at the bar or Walmart. Either ignore him, punch his lights out or gather the info to show him he's dead wrong on nearly everything.

Personally I think you;re wasting your time, but this idiot sounds like the type that would badmouth you to the rest of the community too. We have a name for people like that up here, but obviously it's not going to be posted on a family site like this. Lets just say that toilet paper and this guy see a lot of each other.

05-06-2009, 07:28 AM
With people like that I tend to let them believe what they want.

Of course you could take your boolits and tell him that they are made of silver. Tell him this is the way you have been stockpiling your wealth. See if he might be interested in going in halfies with you when you go buy some more "silver", and you will be sure he gets his half of the special boolits. :-D

People like that just get my goat, but I have learned to take advantage of them if they are going to be assess. Makes it tolerable to be around them if I have to be (family).

05-06-2009, 08:06 AM
I would not shoot at the same range with him. What he does with his brass and loads scares me. I hope he shoots alone!

05-06-2009, 08:24 AM
Ditto what 44man said. I would never go to the range with that man. I have some relatives like that and know exactly what you go through. I haven't seen them in years. By my choice.

With deepest sympathy,


05-06-2009, 09:05 AM
You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your relatives.

05-06-2009, 09:31 AM
You mean this brain donor actually has firearms??? Please let us know what range he goes to so none of us will be in danger around him! A bullet fired straight up at 3000fps returns to earth at 3000fps??? REALLY!!!! My son, who is 17yrs old, learned about terminal velocity in GRADE SCHOOL! Lead harder than steel???? On what planet!!! I have a cousin who is a know it all too, but at least he limits his knowledge to things he really knows about, computers, not other things he has no clue about. Do yourself a favor, do one of two things here, either stop associating with this relative of yours, or simply agree with everything he says and ignore his attempts to be a self righteous egotist. That's exactly his motivations here, ego driven self righteous know it alls are all the same.

05-06-2009, 12:12 PM
Having been exposed to similar situations in the past, I just remember the old adage about trying to teach a pig to sing and basically let the clueless morons involved go about their business in my absence (for my own safety, usually).

I've learned to listen to those who know (the majority of the people on this site) and ignore the ones who don't (usually gunshop/mall ninjas).

A good background in basic physics helps to sort the wheat from the chaff.

05-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Of course you could take your boolits and tell him that they are made of silver. Tell him this is the way you have been stockpiling your wealth. See if he might be interested in going in halfies with you when you go buy some more "silver"

I got a table at the last gun show here in town. One of the things I had on the table was lead ingots. I had at least a half dozen people ask me "Are those silver?" If I was a less scrupulous person, I probably could have made a killing.

05-06-2009, 01:23 PM
"Never try to teach a pig to sing. I wastes your time and it annoys the pig!" RAH

05-06-2009, 01:40 PM
Sound like my own brother. Came to a point that we just couldn't communicate effectively (read: couldn't get along) so agreed to disassociate from each other early in life. Even his wives couldn't stay around long. He had a difficult time in life (no surprise) but after >50 yrs, and the passing of our parents, I'm all that he has left. We can get along w/each other now tho his decision process etc isn't to be trusted still. Tho he has been reluctant to acknowlege his shortfalls, they stare him in the face daily so he has done so. I guess the point is, the only way to win is to save yourself ~ don't let his personality/traits/character drive you nuts and make you uptight. You are under no obligation to change him. Living large yourself is the greatess victory. Its obvious which has the high ground here ~ don't let him aggrevate you into losing it.

05-06-2009, 01:42 PM
got into an argument with my relative, I need to know if I am right, (when a bullet is water droped it will continue to get harder over a few days period of time.) he continues to belittle me and imply that I could not possibly know what I am talking about, about many subjects! and I am getting tired of it. so when I get response to this, I will print it and hand it to him. I reminded him how long cast bullets have been cast and that lyman has been making molds longer than he has been alive, so it is most likely known what a cast bullet will and will not do when heat treated. he continues to argue that as soon as the bullet cools in the bottom of the water bucket that it is as hard as it will ever get, with inference that I am stupid. then we start talking about bhn numbers and he says hard cast bullets of around 30 bhn will rip the rifleing out of the barrel, I tell him it will not, that you cannot heat treat wheel weight alloy to the point that it could hurt a rifle barrel. the only way it would hurt the barrel is if there were contaminate in the mix that caused abrasion. and he keeps telling me that loading cast bullets o.a.l. to jam into the rifeling that the preasure is going blow up my rifle. just cannot seem to let go of this and needed to vent! I get this crap about once a month. last months argument was a good one, he STILL beleives if you fire a bullet straight up at 3,000 fps it will be travelling 3,000 fps when it returnes to earth, I just keep repeating terminal velocity of the falling bullet will not allow this. even sent him links from NASA and US aberdean proving grounds to prove my case, of course in his mind there findings are wrong to.

You can't fix stoopid people, nor can you educate them. It is best not to argue with stoopid people, it demeans them and wastes your time. Learn how to change the subject, that way you will never talk about what he wants to drivel over and he will eventually tire and leave you the hell alone so you can go about your business of castin' great boolits.

Another way of handling it, is to make some pure lead plain base, load up to max velocity and let him lead up his barrel. He'll figure the rifling is gone, (You can even encourage that idea) he'll go buy another rifle and you can buy his at a song. If you're really good you get him to think you are doing him a favor for taking it off his hands.

Uncle R.
05-06-2009, 03:10 PM
I believe it's Mark Twain who's credited with saying "Never argue with a jacka$$ - it only wastes your time and makes it hard for others to tell which is which."

Or words to that effect.
This guy has no respect for truth and no regard for reality. He doesn't care, and can't be swayed by logic or facts. He just likes to argue. That's irrational, he's irrational, he's wasting your time and raising your blood pressure for nothing. If you lined up ten college physics professors and the Pope to convince him that he's wrong he'd be happier than a pig in slop because then he'd have more people to argue with.
Robert Ringer had the best way to deal with irrational people.
Ignore him.
Utterly, totally IGNORE him. Because he wants the argument, he loves the argument, he craves the argument - if you ignore him he'll soon go away and find some other poor schmuck that will argue with him. Then YOU can live in peace.
Uncle R.

05-06-2009, 03:29 PM
Tell him the reason your barrel is safe is because you only shoot boolits that are at least one caliber smaller than your bore. That way nothing ever gets "jammed into the rifling" and that rock hard lead doesn't get a chance to strip the rifling from your soft-as-butter steel barrel. Wasn't there a moderator selling Lube Grooves a while ago? Buy your cousin a couple of boxes!
If he refuses to listen or engage in a productive conversation, may as well have some fun with him.

Wayne Smith
05-06-2009, 03:38 PM
Your brother, eh? That does add a fillip to the discussion, you can't really disown him. I think I would seriously reconsider hunting with him in the future, though. No, it is unlikely that you will get through to a person convinced of his own self righteousness. But he is your brother and you do have to deal with him. The best way may simply be to let him go on and on. Most of these people will put their foot firmly in their mouths and proceed to chew if you let them. At some point they may even realize that something tastes bad.

In reality it is everyone around him that you want to influence, not him. Any of his delusional beliefs that may actually hurt someone need correction, not in him, but in those around him. The best you can do is ignore the rest. Facts need explanation, not defense.

05-06-2009, 04:51 PM
Treerat, A very good friend told me "NEVER ARGUE WITH AN IDIOT BECAUSE INNOCENT PEOPLE MIGHT BE LISTENING". I just look at 'em and grin. That's what I do when I listen to an Obama speech.

05-06-2009, 04:57 PM
Treerat... Just a couple of thoughts on the subject at hand.

1. Ignore the fool. For the most part he is just enjoys punching your buttons and watching you get spun up. He is what the shrinks call a "passive agressive personality". He is playing you like a fiddle and you let him do it.

2. If you can't just blow the idot off, then don't go around him. If anybody want to know why, then tell them..because he is a *******. I am certain, you are not the only one who is the butt of his games.

3. If you continue to let him jerk you around, then shame on you! You have no control over him, but you do have control over yourself.

05-06-2009, 05:07 PM
Does he go by Lefty? Is he from Minnesota? He sounds like someone I know.


05-06-2009, 05:08 PM
You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your relatives.

You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends
but you cant pick your friends nose...

05-06-2009, 05:14 PM

You actually listen to der fuhrer's speeches? (:>)



05-06-2009, 05:16 PM
A fool is wiser in his own eyes than 7 men who can give an intelligent answer. That's Bible truth.
Don't argue with a fool lest you be like him.
That's Bible truth.

You've had a bunch of good advice on this Post. Here's mine. When the fool is around, try not to be around. When that can't be helped, just chuckle and shake your head but don't ever say anyting. If you're wrong he'll rub your nose in it and never forget it and if you're right he'll deny it and hate you for it.

Natural selection is supposed to rid our planet of idiots but some just seem to be luckier than they should be. In other words don't shoot or hunt with him. Heck, I wouldn't even ride in the same car. Where is Darwin when you need him.

05-06-2009, 05:28 PM
Treerat, I agree with the posts saying you cant tell somebody something they don't want to hear. Sounds like you need a new hunting partner. I also liked the posts suggesting a bhn tester but you know if it proves him wrong he'll just say its defective. FB

05-06-2009, 05:51 PM
Lead will harden to a point after water dropping, but on the other hand, it will harden a bit after sitting for a few months. The book "The Modern Schuetzen Rifle" by the late Charlie Dell and Wayne Schwartz adresses this. Many competitive cast boolit shooters cast enough boolits for an upcoming match and fire them fairly soon after casting and lubing. It'll never harden to the point that it'll ruin a barrel. Get yourself a lead hardness tester and show the idiot the results as you perform the hardness tests. If he still doesn't get it, well, there's no sense in arguing with an idiot.


05-06-2009, 05:53 PM
A fool is wiser in his own eyes than 7 men who can give an intelligent answer. That's Bible truth.
Don't argue with a fool lest you be like him.
That's Bible truth.

You've had a bunch of good advice on this Post. Here's mine. When the fool is around, try not to be around. When that can't be helped, just chuckle and shake your head but don't ever say anyting. If you're wrong he'll rub your nose in it and never forget it and if you're right he'll deny it and hate you for it.

Natural selection is supposed to rid our planet of idiots but some just seem to be luckier than they should be. In other words don't shoot or hunt with him. Heck, I wouldn't even ride in the same car. Where is Darwin when you need him.

Idiots survive by government intervention.


05-06-2009, 06:33 PM

You actually listen to der fuhrer's speeches? (:>)



Yep. I listen,laugh and yell. Not always in that order.

05-06-2009, 06:37 PM
A swine flu pandemic? I don't know about that, but how about an epidemic (pandemic?) of rectal-cranial inversion?

05-06-2009, 07:04 PM
Considering his .300 loading and annealing practices, you'll not have to worry with him much longer. I'd just try to not be there when he pulls the trigger.
My brother-in-law and I get along very well. He is a better hunter and probably a better shot than I am.
He still marvels in amazement that my pistols hit anywhere near the target because "all those cast bullets do is lead your barrel up". I just smile at him.

05-06-2009, 07:04 PM

Consider yourself fortunate - many of my idiot relatives barely know which end of the gun the bullet exits, and those very same people think that the only ones that should be allowed to have guns wear a uniform.

We all have idiot relatives - but at least yours is comfortable with guns and the idea of casting boolits...even if he doesn't know much about it.

Nonetheless, I'll give you the same advice that many others here have: invite him, ONCE, to do some testing with you present, so that he can see for himself. If he bites, and looks at the data with an open mind, you'll have shown him that you're right (and don't rub his nose in it - buy him a beer, just for the sake of good relations). If, OTOH, he refuses (which is more likely - we all know the know-it-all type), then save yourself the aggravation and don't talk to him about this. Anything else, fine, so long as the same attitude doesn't come out of him. If so, don't bother with him - life is too damned short to voluntarily deal with *******es like him that only piss you off.

Paul B
05-06-2009, 07:07 PM
A swine flu pandemic? I don't know about that, but how about an epidemic (pandemic?) of rectal-cranial inversion?

You mean like Democrats. Sorry, I just had to steal that line. it fit.

Well, about the only way to fight this situation is to NOT FIGHT. Just look at him, mile, and say, "Gee Bro, I think you might be right." and just walk away.

You know better. We know better and if the facts had teeth and bit him on the butt, it still would not take hold.

I get the feeling it's more a way to get attention that he must feel he needs. By disputing everything you say and creating the arguments, he gets fullfilled.

Are you the younger or older brother?

FWIW, I believe you are correct on all points.

Paul B.

05-06-2009, 07:59 PM
I bet you can't discuss any other subject intelligently with your brother. Why should guns and reloading be any different? He is not going to listen to you, so why spend the energy?

05-06-2009, 10:43 PM
Here's the good news, we don't get to pick our kin. Doesn't mean we have to be friends with them though.

05-06-2009, 11:02 PM
Like Ron White says, "ya can't cure stupid"! I would find someone else to hang out with. Ya can pick your inlaws but you are stuck with the Rellies! Don't mean you have to hang with them. He doesn't sound particularly safe, and he is definately not well read!

05-07-2009, 12:06 AM
I know a few like that. According to them I don't talk much. That's not the case, I don't talk much with them around. Don't want to give them the chance to run their mouths about something they know nothing about. Much easier that way for me.

Browsed threw this thread pretty quick so If it's already been said, then I'm sorry. But yes water dropped boolits will continue to get harder with the following days after being cast. An easy test is to size them right after they are cast less a few. Save those for about a week then send them threw the size die. Those will take a little more arm to push threw.

05-07-2009, 12:10 AM
thanks to all for the support, it has helped!
he is nine years older than me, and attended one semester of collage.
so he automaticaly beleives since he is older he always knows more.
I left high school at 16 and got married, NOT because I had to.
15 years ago I was involved in a bad car wreck, that left me brain injured, and un able to work. and he continually says I should be out fishing and hunting every day. he will never get it through his head. I keep saying if I could do those things daily then I could work! I think part of it is the fact I have a wonderfull wife who has a good job, and actually perfers to have me at home. I know he will never change! so I will have to find a way to deal with him. and through your post I have gotten some good advice on how to do that.

05-07-2009, 12:30 AM
THANKS FOLKS, I am glad I was able to unload that here. it was eating me up!!! you are a great bunch to let me come into your forum and spew like that. I actually feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. and to clear up one detail the relative happens to be my brother, which I care a great deal for, but it is getting almost unberable to continue to put up with this kind of b.s.

thanks again!

Relative or not, I have zero patience with people like that.

Also have a motto that goes, "Never argue with stupid people. They simply drag you down to their level then beat you with experience."


05-07-2009, 02:34 AM
Send your brother to a politics board. He'll fit right in.

05-07-2009, 07:21 AM
TR, if I was too hard on this guy, not knowing he was your brother, I apologize.

I enjoy arguing too. But I enjoy it when there's humor involved. I also enjoy discussing things, but there has to be some basic knowledge involved from both parties. You're in a pickle with him. He doesn't have the facts.

Prairie Wolf
05-07-2009, 06:58 PM
thanks to all for the support, it has helped!
he is nine years older than me, and attended one semester of collage.
so he automaticaly beleives since he is older he always knows more.
I left high school at 16 and got married, NOT because I had to.
15 years ago I was involved in a bad car wreck, that left me brain injured, and un able to work. and he continually says I should be out fishing and hunting every day. he will never get it through his head. I keep saying if I could do those things daily then I could work! I think part of it is the fact I have a wonderfull wife who has a good job, and actually perfers to have me at home. I know he will never change! so I will have to find a way to deal with him. and through your post I have gotten some good advice on how to do that.

Basically, when you are right, be satisfied with that. Don't worry about trying to convince him went he won't listen. Do your own thing.

For sure, tell him when you think he is wrong, but if he won't accept it you can't make him, and it seems like arguing will only get in the way of your relationship.

Just agree to disagree. He might know you are right and be too proud to admit it.