View Full Version : hatchet job

Paul B
04-13-2009, 03:28 PM
Did anyone else watch that hatchet job that Diane Sawyer and David Muir did to gun owners on the 20/20 special called If I Only Had a Gun?
This was so poorly presented and so slanted against being armed for self defense that is was sickening. That old comment, "Hey, you don't cheat fair" certainly applied to that abortion of reporting. so reminiscent of the Dan rather hatchet job he did on GMC trucks.
One can complain via E-mail but you're only allowed 500 character, nowhere near enough to file a proper complaint.
However, there is an alternative. Write the top man himself and let him know that this type of unfair unbalanced agenda filled reportage will not only not be tolerated, but that as many of the sponsors for the program will be notified that their products will be boycotted.
It is high time that Ms. Sawyer, like Dan Rather be placed on the retirement rolls. Let's give her and Mr. Muir the Jim Zumbo treatment; out on their butts on the unemployment line.
Might be nice to get a strong letter writing campiagn going to get those two fired, just like it was done to rather.
Contact info follows:

ABC News
David Westin, President
47 W. 68th Street
New York, NY 10023-6298

RE: 20/20: “If I Only Had A Gun,” air date 04-10-09

Paul B.

Heavy lead
04-13-2009, 03:39 PM
I feel your pain, here is what I did several years ago, stopped listening or watching the government (socialist) news channel, meaning ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNNBC. I can't or won't listen to the communists and won't write them because I do not care. They IMHO will go by the way of the newspapers because they lie. We will end up with two news organizations, Fox and CNBC, both for conservatives mainly because true liberals get there news from Comedy Central, and before you laugh, I'm not joking, it's true.

04-13-2009, 04:00 PM
Write them and the local ABC affiliates that are usually privetely owned. Tell them your going to write the local sponsors as well. I have and oneof the major sponsors in our area wrote me back almst immeiatly.

Flag this messageRE: Customer Inquiry - Gallery Furniture - April 13, 2009 11:13 AM
From: "Gil" <Gil@galleryfurniture.com>Add sender to Contacts To: jdm324@yahoo.com. :

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, as our marketing division
does not get the opportunity to view all news content. As you know,
Gallery Furniture is a patriotic-centric company and we do share the
values of the Constitution as you do.

As an employee here and speaking personally, I do own firearms myself,
and am a rabid defender of our right to bear arms and am now very
curious as to the content of this news cast you speak of.


Gil Velasquez
Marketing & Advertising

-----Original Message-----
From: jdm324@yahoo.com [mailto:jdm324@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 4:28 PM
To: gallery@furnituredealer.net
Subject: Customer Inquiry - Gallery Furniture -

Bob Krack
04-13-2009, 05:19 PM
I am too upset to post a reasonable post right now!

I agree 100% and intend to followup as soon as I regain my composure..... it's only been about a week and I am still livid!


Old Ironsights
04-13-2009, 05:27 PM
There was somthing bad about guns on TV?

You mean more than the daily "dramatic" misuse, demonstrable misinformation, and downright mendacity?

Who'da thunk it?

04-13-2009, 05:58 PM
CBS Communist Broadcasting Sysyem
NBC Nothing But Communists
CNN Communist News Network
ABC Always Been Communists
MSNBC Mostly Socialist Nurturing Baby Communists
PBS Propaganda Broadcasting System

I haven't made up my mind about FOX yet but they're looking worse every day.


04-13-2009, 10:31 PM
If I am watching news (not very often), I prefer Fox. But I have to be bunt here, if you think Fox's news is fair and unbalanced, you are kidding yourself. They put just as much propaganda and biased slant on their news as the other networks. It just so happens that their slant is often times slanted towards my own personal biases. I think anyone who is somewhat educated and worldly can easily pick up the media slant on just about any of the networks.

Don't burn me at the stake here, but I do listen to PBS in my car. Sometimes I am laughing to myself at the bias some of the articles contain. I don't mind PBS at all. They have a much greater variety of news articles than the TV news outlets. Just like TV news though, I have to be able to sort through the B.S. and touchy-feely news for the real stuff.

Anymore, news doesn't report, they have articles and stories which contain to varying degrees some semblance of truth. I really don't know what makes me laugh more, today's "news" or the product placement in every movie and TV show out there. I guess that is why I don't have cable and I'm lucky to watch an hour of TV in a week's time. Actually, most of time I used to spend watching TV has been exchanged for time on the internet.[smilie=1:

Larry Gibson
04-13-2009, 11:42 PM
The game is afoot, the left wing media is beginning the propaganda indoctination of the public. Did we expect anything else from the Obama/Pelosi run government?

Larry Gibson

04-14-2009, 01:45 AM
One can complain via E-mail but you're only allowed 500 character, nowhere near enough to file a proper complaint.
Paul B.

If you don't count the spaces, this comes in under 500 characters -

I realize that the lofty ideals of broadcast journalism set forth by Edward R. Murrow have been slipping ever since his untimely death in April of 1965, but your network has defined a new bottom in slanted & fictitious “reporting” with your piece titled “If I Only Had a Gun”. I could glean a more balanced understanding of current events from reading a 1982 copy of Provda. You have made April of 2009 an even darker month for truth in broadcasting than April of ’65 was. I see no reason to subject myself to anymore of the programs that you choose to call “news”.

tall grass
04-14-2009, 10:21 AM
The reason Jim Zumbo is no longer with Outdoor Life and on the unemployment roll is about money. The folks that advertized at Outdoor Life were getting shelled from all angles from the shooting community. So if we want to be effective we have to let the sponsors know what we think. My guess is that Mr. Westin doesn't actually care what gun owning folks think anyway, but you can take it to the bank that that he cares what his sponsors think.


04-14-2009, 10:54 AM
YES! …….Letters should be written to David Westin!!

…..And YES! ………..The sponsors of such trash should be made aware that we know who they are, ….and that we will not buy from them!

…….But isn’t it time that we stop REACTING to attacks, ….and go on the OFFENSIVE ourselves??

Right now, …the media is capitalizing on the recent series of tragedies, …with the clear intent of making these events the centerpiece of a new anti-gun campaign: …..They want to try the gun owning portion of the population in the court of un-informed public opinion, ….and then prosecute us accordingly.

We need to bring one really important question about these gun-related tragedies to the attention of the American Public:

“Who TEACHES these unstable and mentally deficient people the concept that a gun is the answer to every confrontation???”

It certainly isn’t the gun owners in this country!! ……We have ALWAYS advocated the responsible use of firearms!


Just look at the krap that Hollywood and the broadcast media crank out! ……Virtually every drama or “action thriller” features a “Hero-With-A-Gun”, who uses it freely and without remorse! ……TALK ABOUT YOUR DOUBLE STANDARDS!!!!

When they do documentaries about us, they take the attitude that the mere ownership of a weapon is proof of an unstable mind and criminal intent: …….But when it’s time for them to make money in the Prime Time Entertainment market, or in the theaters, …..all of a sudden guns are a mandatory part of the programming!!

The media needs to “clean their own house”! …….Because THEY are the ones who are teaching (…and effectively advocating) the irresponsible use of weapons!!

I have already started contacting my representatives (…who already consider me to be a painful rectal itch!) on this subject: ……..I hope others will do the same!


04-14-2009, 11:07 AM
The exercises are a JOKE. You have a trained gunman (police officer) who knows someone in the room has a gun and maybe even where they are seated. They are seated in the front row where they will be a primary target gun or no gun and most try to draw before taking cover. In all honesty the average shooters wouldn't probably even have recognized that they were drawwing a weapon. You will notice other students who took cover were not drawn upon. All the exercise proves is that if you are in a position that will likely be a primary target your chances of defending yourself are lessened. Some one located in the back row would have had a much better opportunity to draw and return fire.

Old Ironsights
04-14-2009, 12:18 PM
The exercises are a JOKE. You have a trained gunman (police officer) who knows someone in the room has a gun and maybe even where they are seated. They are seated in the front row where they will be a primary target gun or no gun and most try to draw before taking cover. In all honesty the average shooters wouldn't probably even have recognized that they were drawwing a weapon. You will notice other students who took cover were not drawn upon. All the exercise proves is that if you are in a position that will likely be a primary target your chances of defending yourself are lessened. Some one located in the back row would have had a much better opportunity to draw and return fire.

Never, never, never have a mass of people & or a door to your back if you can at all help it.


It is beyond tactically unsound and borders a death wish.

You can only control the space in front of you, not behind you.

Wild Bill Hickock learned that the hard way...

04-14-2009, 01:48 PM
Well said Kent. What does it say about a society when the (simulated) killing of a human being is passed off as 'entertainment'? Anyone want to draw a parallel to Rome and gladiators?

This next comment may well cause this thread to be moved to off-topic but frankly I don't care. This needs to be said.

When man flaunts his dis-regard for God, in whose image all mankind was originally created, this is the inevitable result. It has also been close to the end game for every great society.

If a person watches the violence and perversion on the tube or big screen and is not somehow bothered by what they see...may God help them because only He can.

We can only hope to stem the tide by leveraging the greed for profits and going after advertisers. If we succeed in reducing the amount of trash that may numb someone else, it is worth the effort.
