View Full Version : Bull plate lube

04-11-2009, 03:55 PM
I haven't used the stuff before but it almost appears to be a mandatory thing once you've tried it. Thing is I'm not sure how far a stick will go. Don't want to order less than I'm going to need. But if it's like Brownell's Action Lube Plus, and a 2 oz container will last me a life time, there's no reason to order 5 cakes either. My normal casting rate is around 1-1.5k a week using Lee doubles, weather I need them or not. How much would you suggest I get to start off with, and how far will it go? Thanks in advance.


04-11-2009, 04:20 PM
One bottle should last a lifetime, but you stand a chance of spilling it. shipping is cheap, so I bought 3 bottles. one to use and 2 for back up.

04-11-2009, 04:36 PM
I ordered two bottles. I have used a grand total of 5 Q-tip heads worth so far. Over 1500 boolits cast so far.

04-11-2009, 04:41 PM
Bullplate lube is a liquid, and sold by the bottle. For lubing sprue plates, one bottle is about a lifetimes supply. It can also be combined with beeswax to make Speed Green lube. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "The Bull Shop' for all the details. The Congiolosi's are very nice people to deal with.

04-11-2009, 04:47 PM
I ordered 2 bottles.

When they arrived, I took one bottle and shook it.....just in case it needed ''stirring up''

Then I took the top off and wetted the Q-tip from the liquid that was on the inside the cap......this was enough to cast shed loads of bullets...... so at this usage rate I reckon will be leaving 2 full bottles in my will!!!!

It is absolutely brilliant stuff......speeded up casting and improved quality no end...........thank you Bullshop for dreaming this stuff up.

Safe shooting


04-11-2009, 05:19 PM
I like mine. Sprue plates slides and slices right through casting sprues.


04-11-2009, 05:50 PM
and trust me ...you will spill it:mrgreen:... and it is very addictive, just can't/won't cast with aluminum without it now. Great on steel too.

04-11-2009, 06:16 PM
GET SOME You can make a great bullet lube with it as well as lubing the sprue plates. Once you try it you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.



(PS: Dan, just send the check as usual. (:>)

cajun shooter
04-12-2009, 08:46 AM
Phil, Dan is out of checks at this time as he mailed out his last two with my commission at the first of the month. Later David

04-12-2009, 08:52 AM