View Full Version : Primers (Drastic measures...)

04-10-2009, 04:25 PM
:confused:Ok guys...

I am about to the end of my rope. I am down to a few hundred small rifle and about a thousand large rifle primers. This shortage crap is becoming ridiculous.. and though I tried to remain optimistic, Im just not seeing any end to the madness here.

Primers at gouging prices are starting to actually become less and less abundant on Gunbroker, and I notice that the prices keep going up. Several weeks ago, I was appauled to see a brick of primers selling for 50-60 dollars... now people are winning them for 80-100.

I have called, CCI, Midway, Natchez, Midsouth, and just about every primer dealer I can think of... none (except for CCI who says, "were putting out millions of primers per week!") are optimistic that new primers will be arriving THIS YEAR!!!!!

So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

My rational is that having a million guns is about worthless so long as you can only use them as throwing weapons.

So what do you all think??? Am I over reacting, should I gamble on NEVER shooting again, at least in the forseeable future or drop the cash and stock up now, before it, god forbid, gets worse??? I mean, even ar-15 type rifles and their respective magazines are coming back down and becoming abundant again.. Im not seeing the same optimism when it comes to reloading- or casting supplies for that matter... heck, Ive been waiting on 30 caliber gas checks now for about six months. :castmine:

Opinions please?

04-10-2009, 04:57 PM
So what do you all think???

I think it pays to be prepared and stay stocked up on whatever it is you use and need. I don't have any shortages of anything that I need or want. :)

04-10-2009, 07:20 PM
Don't know where you're at but you could try some gun shows.

04-10-2009, 08:00 PM

Buy ammunition and wait until the shortage ends.
Try ammunition reloading companies.

04-10-2009, 08:57 PM
I'm not sure that my definition of "unessential" is the same as yours, but overall, I like your plan. Having 5000 primers each in the basic categories isn't too many to have on hand in the best of times. If the guns you've referred to are truly "unessential" to the needs of yourself, and those in your immediate orbit, go for it.

Something else you can try is to find out which day the gun shops in your area receive their shipments, and then either be there, or call and purchase on a credit card. Just a thought.

04-10-2009, 09:16 PM
A small sporting goods store in my area just got 50,000 Win Large Rifle primers and 50,000 Large Pistol primers and sold out in 15 minutes. People knew they were coming in and were standing at the door when he opened. Limited to 2000 per person. They went for $50 per 1000. I am glad I stocked up a while back. This has taught me to never have less than 10000 of any I use. Been to gunshows the last 2 weekends and no primers at all at either of them.

04-10-2009, 09:20 PM
I leave my name at the local store and they call when they get in. Longest wait has been a couple of weeks. I believe hoarding IS the problem.


Le Loup Solitaire
04-10-2009, 09:43 PM
J23, Firstly, welcome to the forum. Stick with us and ask lots of questions. Second, a solution to your 30 cal gas check woes....make your own!! Many of us are doing it. For around the price of 1500 gas checks being sold by the Horny-aday/Lyman monoply ripoff you can own a gas check making gadget that can make completely functional gas checks out of copper, brass, aluminum (pop cans), chimmney flashing, cat food cans and other sources. In the six months spent waiting for any gas checks to show up, you can be punching them out. Its not a high speed process, but its better than being at a standstill. Do a search on Freechex or look for that name on E-Bay under the auction titled Loading Tool, or ask around on the forum. You might find it interesting reading and/or possibly worth a try. LLS

04-10-2009, 10:00 PM
Wait it out, dont sell the firearms. Its like selling stock after it hit rock bottom. I am seeing AR stuff coming about also lately. I think reloading stuff will catch up soon. If you need small amounts to shoot now just buy enough to get by. If you just want to stock up to have at ready I would wait for sure.

Heavy lead
04-10-2009, 10:11 PM
:confused:Ok guys...

I am about to the end of my rope. I am down to a few hundred small rifle and about a thousand large rifle primers. This shortage crap is becoming ridiculous.. and though I tried to remain optimistic, Im just not seeing any end to the madness here.

Primers at gouging prices are starting to actually become less and less abundant on Gunbroker, and I notice that the prices keep going up. Several weeks ago, I was appauled to see a brick of primers selling for 50-60 dollars... now people are winning them for 80-100.

I have called, CCI, Midway, Natchez, Midsouth, and just about every primer dealer I can think of... none (except for CCI who says, "were putting out millions of primers per week!") are optimistic that new primers will be arriving THIS YEAR!!!!!

So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

My rational is that having a million guns is about worthless so long as you can only use them as throwing weapons.

So what do you all think??? Am I over reacting, should I gamble on NEVER shooting again, at least in the forseeable future or drop the cash and stock up now, before it, god forbid, gets worse??? I mean, even ar-15 type rifles and their respective magazines are coming back down and becoming abundant again.. Im not seeing the same optimism when it comes to reloading- or casting supplies for that matter... heck, Ive been waiting on 30 caliber gas checks now for about six months. :castmine:

Opinions please?

Take a valium or two, couple shots of scotch, bourbon, Jose or whatever, and don't sell any damn guns for 20 dollar a k primers, that's what they'll be in 6 to 8 months, just chill. I've gotten a little panicy myself, but I've calmed meself down. They'll be back, then you'll wonder what you did.

04-10-2009, 11:00 PM

So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

IMVHO this is the reason we are having such a problem with a "primer crisis" Panic buying leads to hyper inflating the value. Look at all the other products and industries with in the firearms trade. I don't expect they are going to want to go under because we "will never " be able to find and buy primer again. If the price doesn't go down and the current availability doesn't improve, my money would be on new companies starting to get into the primer manufacturing market. My primmer stores are low as well, 1k sp, 1k lr, and that's it. I look when I'm at the store and will buy when available. As far as shooting goes, I've got around a thousand mixed rounds for rifle and maybe twice that for hand gun that I've loaded. Not to mention couple of stray spam cans of mil surp crap. It's not a life time supply by any means but I won't be going hungry any hunting season soon. Don't forget .22lr are still real cheap so maintaining marksmanship practice isn't an issue. If we could all just take a deep breath and let the primer market settle down things will get back to normal sooner rather than later. But I would still agree that being prepared is better than getting caught with your pants down. I'm just going to wait till after the panic is over to do any major stocking up of primers. The prices have become unjustifiably high and I'm not going to pay extortion prices to someone selling on GB.

*steps down from soap box*

Nora :coffee:

04-10-2009, 11:16 PM
Don't forget .22lr are still real cheap so maintaining marksmanship practice isn't an issue. :coffee:

I don't knw about 22LR in your area- but its nowhere to be found around here. Not that I need any [cough] but I do keep an eye on things. I was in a mart store today talking to a clerk, he said that he just got some 22 LR in earlier in the day. They were out when I inquired, that was at 1 pm [smilie=1:

04-10-2009, 11:36 PM
I think we will be giving ourselves Christmas presents of primers at $30 per thousand.

04-10-2009, 11:51 PM
Uh Huh. I ordered some .22 that are on BACKORDER. Even .22MAGNUM. Not because I have to stockpile them, just because I need them. Who are all these hoarding j-holes???
Don't they realize that ITSHTF that one bullit will render their ninja-black suit-survivalist-mentality heinies obsolete??
If I need more than the primers I have on hand to accomplish the objectives I have, this whole WORLD is in a world of hurt. And no, I have no need to hoard. I only need one primer per kill.
Obamites have taken over government...
Bubbas have taken over ................

04-11-2009, 12:05 AM
Walmart here had 10 boxes of federal 550 pack 22 shells. They were gone in under 3 hours. I found 1800 primers of winchester Large Rifle for $45 a thousand. Black powder is still reasonable.

04-11-2009, 12:27 AM
I'm with ddeaton, wait it out and don't sell any guns to buy high dollar primers. Keep your eye out for enough to get you by until prices come back down.

04-11-2009, 12:59 AM
Don't sell any firearms to buy primers. If you are short, just buy some loaded ammo. Shoot the ammo you bought now and save the brass to reload later when prices come back down to levels of sanity. Personally, I can't recall the last time I actually purchased loaded ammo (other than 22LR) But, if/when I start to run short on components, I won't be buying over priced primers or brass. If you are over paying for components it kind of undermines the savings of reloading your own. Yes, I know that cost is not the only reason to reload, but if I needed something special I'd save my components for that and buy cheap ammo to practice with. Just my personal take on things.

Another option would be to trade for the primers. Trade off some of your excess brass or bullets or whatever else you may not need or no longer use. If you sell a gun to buy pimers you will most likely REALLY regret it later.

04-11-2009, 02:28 AM
.............This primer, component, parts thing is going to fade off. People buying and buying for the sake of merely "Gotta have it, because" are gonna wake up one morning and realize they have enough, or can't afford to buy any more, or don't NEED anymore. They'll just wear out and lose interest in it.

It's kind of like a bidding frenzy. They're doing it because someone else is too. It's not big deep pockets companies buying this stuff up. They don't shop at Midway, or Graf's et al. It's people like you and me. It started small, but inventories started getting spotty so the race was declaired and it just built. It WILL ease off as summer gets on and other interests intervene. Heck lots of folks can't even get out to shoot much yet, so they get to sit indoors and freak :-)


04-11-2009, 08:08 AM
Once the $250,000 fines settle in that SOME people will get for shipping primers illegally we will see less and less of them on GB.

I'm glad I'm sitting on 20k or more, and once the supply gets moving again I will make sure I have even more than that. The reason I have what I have is because I remember the primer drought in the 80's-90's


04-11-2009, 08:40 AM
Don't sell your guns. I did that once to help buy a house, and regretted it ever since.

Probably not essential anymore, but I had a BF 7mm SuperMag serial number 379 that I sold and regret it, also a TC 30-30 and 22 hornet.

It is the memories tied with those guns I missed, I still have my trophies from shooting IHMSA, but not the guns, and it is just not the same.

You will need to decide just how important primers are, I need some more primers, but until I get some I will sit on what guns I have and wait for the supply to trickle back in.

I honestly believe the primers manufactures are doing what they can, it is just that demand is exceeding supply. I ordered enough primers to keep me happy for a year. If they come in, in the next 6 months, I can increase my shooting tempo. But until then I will shoot enough to be able to adequately defend my house.

Of course I use a BB gun in between, but there is no substitute for the smile on my face when I pull the trigger and feel the jolt in my hand!

Just my .02

Ron B.
04-11-2009, 08:51 AM
I have in excess of xxxxxx primers set back. And, all my brass is sized, and primed. Am I worried? Hades yes! Everytime I shoot of late, I'm worried. Will I be able to replace my primers? And, if so; at what cost?

Certainly the ammo-primer issue is effecting the price of guns; my guns. I've noticed people aren't buying like they were several months ago. Especially rifles.

All we can do is wait; Time may surprise us.

04-11-2009, 10:24 AM
J23, Firstly, welcome to the forum. Stick with us and ask lots of questions. Second, a solution to your 30 cal gas check woes....make your own!! Many of us are doing it. For around the price of 1500 gas checks being sold by the Horny-aday/Lyman monoply ripoff you can own a gas check making gadget that can make completely functional gas checks out of copper, brass, aluminum (pop cans), chimmney flashing, cat food cans and other sources. In the six months spent waiting for any gas checks to show up, you can be punching them out. Its not a high speed process, but its better than being at a standstill. Do a search on Freechex or look for that name on E-Bay under the auction titled Loading Tool, or ask around on the forum. You might find it interesting reading and/or possibly worth a try. LLS

I was at Cabela's the other day and they had quite a few 30 cal gas checks. I bought the 30 cal Freechex II through Ebay and am very happy with it. Freechex II has an integral punch and guide. I use it with an arbor press and have got the system down. I cut thin aluminum roof flashing into strips with my paper cutter then run them through the Freechex II. I can make several hundred an hour. They fit great on my Lee cast bullets.

04-11-2009, 02:58 PM
Panic buying in anticipation of impending disaster (real or imagined) isn't the problem. Panic buying is a symptom of the failure to buy, in times of plenty, those commodities necessary to get one through whatever dreadful scenarios we can reasonably foresee. Now that's a problem. Think Boy Scout Motto here.

Now, hoarding for the purpose of gouging and profiteering in the event of disaster, to the extent that those who would like to be prepared now, can't be, due to lack of availability, that's a whole nother ball game.

I've studied tea leaves in the past, all it did was give me a headache. I don't know the future. In the final analysis you're just going to have to trust your gut on this one.

04-11-2009, 10:10 PM
Well, great news... out of frustration, I performed a search of every gunshop in a 250 mile radius, then started calling. It wasnt too aweful long, I came across a rural gun shop 77 miles from my house. I took a little roadtrip for myself, after having the shop owner (nice guy...) put me back some primers. I managed to purchase 4,300 small rifle, and 400 large rifle primers. Pistol primers were still on order :( But alas, I believe with my current stock, plus this most recent purchase, I should be fine on small, and probably large rifle primers for a while. I paid 26.50/k, down from 30.00/k due to the amound that I purchased. Surprisingly enough, I managed to locate 1,600 Federal Gold Medal Match primers-which I use. The rest being a mix of Federal and CCI.

For small rifle, aside from my match gun which uses Federal GM Match, I generallly use CCI. Does anyone feel I will see significant differences is group size/point of impact swiching from CCI standard to Federal Standard?


04-11-2009, 10:15 PM
Regarding the gas check maker... I went to purchase one in 30 caliber for my 30-30 bullets... It seems that the gentleman who sells the FreeChex II only sells them on Ebay, which Im not crazy about, however, I signed up and decided to pick one up. Then I relaized that you have to PRE PAY!?!?! ...as in Paypal, before you can win?? Ive never seen anything like that? So BuyNow! doesnt work?? Anyone want to clairfy this? I just want to give him money and take a FreeChexII!

04-12-2009, 01:07 AM
First there was the dot com bubble. Then there was the housing bubble. Now there is the primer bubble. It will be interesting to see how things go at the gun show later this month. We didn't have one last month & the store shelves around here have been pretty thin, so the natives are probably a little restless.

Two months ago the ammo components table at the show had a line about 20 people long for most of the day. They sold out several skids of primers. People were taking them away in hand trucks. The ammo guy brought a tractor trailer that he owns & a straight job that he rented.

I think that things are still a little crazy now, but I'm with Buckshot about the craze fading away soon. I think that the bubble will pop soon unless Obama actually does something drastically unconstitutional, or at least threatens to.

04-12-2009, 02:58 AM
The distuibtors are out . they get a shippment and is SPF in an hour. Look at GB $65 a 1000. I will wait. How ever I dont need any for several years. I bought a store out last spring and am set for a loooooong time

04-12-2009, 07:15 PM
Regarding the gas check maker... I went to purchase one in 30 caliber for my 30-30 bullets... It seems that the gentleman who sells the FreeChex II only sells them on Ebay, which Im not crazy about, however, I signed up and decided to pick one up. Then I relaized that you have to PRE PAY!?!?! ...as in Paypal, before you can win?? Ive never seen anything like that? So BuyNow! doesnt work?? Anyone want to clairfy this? I just want to give him money and take a FreeChexII!

that's not how it works. you don't pre pay before you can win. do the buyitnow (that's an instant, non-competitive, pay what the seller wants for it bid) and then it will walk you through how to pay for it. you can use your credit card to pay for it via paypal, you don't have to have a paypal account, just the ebay account so you can bid. some sellers also take money orders allthough ebay doesn't allow them to anounce that in the auction. I sell a lot of stuff off and on on feebay myself, same username as here. hope that helps.


Wayne Smith
04-13-2009, 02:55 PM
Regarding the gas check maker... I went to purchase one in 30 caliber for my 30-30 bullets... It seems that the gentleman who sells the FreeChex II only sells them on Ebay, which Im not crazy about, however, I signed up and decided to pick one up. Then I relaized that you have to PRE PAY!?!?! ...as in Paypal, before you can win?? Ive never seen anything like that? So BuyNow! doesnt work?? Anyone want to clairfy this? I just want to give him money and take a FreeChexII!

Check PatMarlin's sticky thread on the Group Buy area. I think he's either very close to or actively shipping now.

04-20-2009, 08:50 PM
History has shown that every time a Democrat has been elected as President, there has been a run on anything firearms related. This time it just happens to be worse that previous times. I figure the internet is to blame partially...people ranting on message boards about the govt. taking guns, overtaxing ammo, etc. and next thing ya know...a panic sets in. I'm not holding my breath, I think it will take a little longer than that. But give is some time and the survivalist morons will fade back into their trailer courts of discontent and all will return to normal ! Cheers !

04-22-2009, 10:25 AM
My stop gap measure to the problem until things settle back down (209 shotgun primers are still plentiful in my area):


Old Ironsights
04-22-2009, 10:55 AM
My stop gap measure to the problem until things settle back down (209 shotgun primers are still plentiful in my area):


That's a great way to (re)use Blazer "brass" or any berdan-primed corrosive foreign crap...

04-22-2009, 11:16 AM
ATK currently has the contract for the Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO) ammunition facilities at Lake City Missouri (Independence City). A more knowledgeable corporation regarding this issue does not exist unless its one of their competitors.

Lake City is all military production. One could reasonably assume that some, if not all, of ATK's yearly raw material purchases for ammunition production include planned production for Lake City and Federal's commercial (consumer) ammunition line. ATK knows its demand curve well, and plans its Just in Time inventory to match that demand. Federal knows its consumer demand have well over 50 years of hard data supporting their forecasting. They are not guessing. They are planning. And doing it rather well. Federal has mastered its demand curve for maximum return on investment (ROI).

Lake City has been running at near 100% production capacity since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have commenced. That demand curve is relatively stable, and at least six years old. Again, the Demand curve and ROI are known by this time (April 2009).

However, the commercial demand curve spike only goes back to November 2008, when BHO was elected. That is too short a period for the supply curve to rise to meet demand. Commercial production, and therefore commercial supply has not had sufficient time to respond to the temporary and sudden surge in demand. Demand therefore exceeds supply on the commercial side, and prices for consumer ammunition have skyrocketed as supply has dwindled.

How can ATK respond to this surge in demand? Logic and common sense indicates that they should not. Demand is temporary. Demand will drop to what it historically has been for commercial consumer sales over a longer period. Every chart they have shows this curve as being a stable predictable quantity. There is historical precedence for this (see ammo buying panic of 1994). ATK, and Federal, will simply keep making ammunition, both for the military and the commercial/consumer market at their present production rates. Demand will lessen, and the two curves will meet, and prices will fall.

None of the raw materials for production of ammunition, whether military or consumer, are easily obtained. There is a long lead time for these chemical mixtures and the production of those raw materials is planned YEARS ahead of time. YEARS. Not months or weeks. No one keeps lead styphnate in stock for example (priming compound for primers).

Manufacturers cannot, unless supported by a concurrent flood of support by a government customer, *cannot* readily increase the supply of this commodity. The supply curve for ammunition is therefore somewhat inflexible. The current panic reinforces that statement. Demand can be flexible for a short period, and if so, supply remains inflexible.

See 1941, spin up for World War Two for example. We went from one small arms ammunition government facility (Frankford Arsenal) to over 20 in under 18 months. And when World War Two ended, only Frankford Arsenal again remained.

For this current spike in demand what we have is:

Demand goes up, supply remains fixed, prices go up, supply goes down, prices increase, cycle repeats until the supply curve zeroes.

Over a longer period, probably stretching into 2010 or 2011, demand *will* drop for a number of reasons. Primarily will be lack of supply. You cannot buy what is not available. Eventually, over a longer period of time, probably 12-18 months, supply will emerge, meet demand, and prices will drop.

Economics 101.:-D

I will be happy to revisit this post in 2010 or 2011 and see what the law of Supply and Demand has shown me.

04-22-2009, 06:23 PM
j23. I'll tell you what. If you are in the N.E. Oklahoma area, send me a PM. I'll show you where you can get some primers. And they just recently put up a 1000 per kind, per customer limit on primers. So, you don't have to worry about some "blue falcon" coming in and buying them all up knowing he wont shoot that many in 20 years.

And their going for a reasonable price. Last time they had Wolf primers they were $23 or $24. Been about a month ago. Everything else is about $30 I think...thats per 1000 of course.

Slow Elk 45/70
04-23-2009, 03:26 AM
Turbo, thanks for the link, why didn't I think of that[smilie=1:

04-29-2009, 01:51 PM
:confused:Ok guys...

I am about to the end of my rope. I am down to a few hundred small rifle and about a thousand large rifle primers. This shortage crap is becoming ridiculous.. and though I tried to remain optimistic, Im just not seeing any end to the madness here.

Primers at gouging prices are starting to actually become less and less abundant on Gunbroker, and I notice that the prices keep going up. Several weeks ago, I was appauled to see a brick of primers selling for 50-60 dollars... now people are winning them for 80-100.

I have called, CCI, Midway, Natchez, Midsouth, and just about every primer dealer I can think of... none (except for CCI who says, "were putting out millions of primers per week!") are optimistic that new primers will be arriving THIS YEAR!!!!!

So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

My rational is that having a million guns is about worthless so long as you can only use them as throwing weapons.

So what do you all think??? Am I over reacting, should I gamble on NEVER shooting again, at least in the forseeable future or drop the cash and stock up now, before it, god forbid, gets worse??? I mean, even ar-15 type rifles and their respective magazines are coming back down and becoming abundant again.. Im not seeing the same optimism when it comes to reloading- or casting supplies for that matter... heck, Ive been waiting on 30 caliber gas checks now for about six months. :castmine:

Opinions please?

Don't cave in, I have seen this before. Don't do something you will regret later. All these guys out there are going to get their comeupens' when the manufactures get ahead of the curve. They are going to be stuck with huge inventories of primers and will have to sell them cheap to move them. The major sporting goods retailers are not the ones causing this. It is being fueled by greed and opportunism by individuals with a large bank roll behind them. But trust me when I tell you this won't last but as few more months, and when its over, stock pile what you can estimate 5 years of current use from each size and brand you use, same goes for 22 ammo and powder. Now days this fueled by poltical climate and speculation it happend to the gas, and now it happening to reloading componants. As soon as the mfgs can get caught up there will be a glut. So for the short term tighten your belt, hold on and become intimantly familiar with your .22


04-29-2009, 02:13 PM
If you live in NorCal you shouldnt have any problems. Ive picked up 20,000 primers in the last few weeks at my local gun shop. They have even started getting in powder of all types.
Just have to be lucky on the powder but they usually have primers in stock latley.

04-29-2009, 02:40 PM
So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

Am I over reacting, should I gamble on NEVER shooting again, at least in the forseeable future

I think that you are becoming part of the problem & not part of the solution. I have less primers on hand than you do. I am just reducing my recreational shooting for now. When the craze ends, I'll pick up my shooting hobby again. Your solution to the problem is just going to feed the fire & make the problem bigger.

If you sell your M4, sell it because you can get a pile of money for it right now. Then hang on to the money until the silliness blows over.

04-29-2009, 02:53 PM
In my area gun prices seem to be softening lately. only a handful of gun stores withing a 30 mile radious and none have primers.

Old Ironsights
04-29-2009, 03:01 PM
I just got my Precision Reloading catalogue. Nothing saying "out of stock" but primers are ony listed in cases of 5000 at roughly $130 - $180/cs.

Ron B.
04-29-2009, 03:33 PM
This is an interesting thread; how so many react, to the madness. :)

I've got way too many LPP. Okay, they are Wolf brand, all I could find, cheap. So what; they go bang! If anyone in Southern Colorado wants to swap, I could use more rifle primers.

Fellows, if we work together I think we all can get through this. If worse comes to worse? The gov't's got us all beat, I'm afraid. Maybe local-state SWAP PRIMER clubs would help?


04-29-2009, 03:37 PM
Just placed an order at my local range for 5k small pistol primers. They told me I might get them by the end of the year.

04-29-2009, 03:59 PM
Last month a buddy found some primers for me at a gun show, and they cost me $24 a thousand, what he paid for them. He said there were maybe 50 bricks of primers but they went fast. Also heard a new Cabelas opening soon ( I won't disclose the loacation) will have three semi-loads of reloading components to initially stock the store.

Yesterday I did a quick on-line check of .22 RF ammo, and it is something that is hard to come by as well. There is an Outdoor Marksman here in my town where I usually get 22, and they are completely out. The Ammo Bank has no loaded ammunition of any kind, from pistol to rifle.

I am shooting very spareingly right now, and will get through the competition season comfortably enough, as well as hunting season. I am not selling any of my firearms just to get a few compnents. Just remember, if you really feel you need the practice, dry firing with snap caps is a very good way to practice your hold, sight picture and trigger squeeze. I do that alot over the winter months in the house.

And to anyone hoarding primers who thinks they'll make a huge profit on it, I hope they choke on them.


04-29-2009, 04:10 PM
Like 5 minutes ago Natchez showed Federal LP primers as in stock. $31+/1000

04-29-2009, 04:31 PM
Remember, the hyperinflation usually precedes the crash...

04-29-2009, 04:42 PM
I have to say, I am surprised at the low stores of components many on here seem to maintain. I had assumed that enthusiasts of this caliber would keep their component stores more fully stocked. When a guy posts about getting 10k primers and others are saying he is part of the problem, that is just strange to me. 10k primers is not a drop in the bucket. I am a working guy in his 30s and I will run through 10k, primers in just large pistol every 10-12 months. I mean, good grief! I've shot 3k+ of 45acp alone in the last four months. I know things are tight right now but many people I know were keeping significant stores of primers way before this madness started and I hope folks are not now mad at them too. What will the climate be towards all those guys with 10k lbs. of lead ingots when some states outlaw lead wheel weights, etc. Will they then become vilified because they stocked up years before? Just a thought. Regards to all.

Heavy lead
04-29-2009, 04:52 PM
Like 5 minutes ago Natchez showed Federal LP primers as in stock. $31+/1000

33 plus, ordered 5, max they would let order. We'll see if I get them.

Ron B.
04-29-2009, 05:47 PM
That's funny. If Natchez did have any, they are out now!
Wonder how many they "had?"

http://www.natchezss.com/product.cfm?contentID=productDetail&prodID=FA150&prodTitle=Federal%20Large%20Pistol%20Primers%20100 0%2Fbox


Ron B.
04-29-2009, 06:05 PM
Wow, Natchez is weird!
They show out; but then on another screen "IN!" I just ordered 5m each Winchester LR, LR-mag, Large pistol! And, some Trail Boss! Still ain't cheap; a rip on shipping; but what can you do? I'm left hoping I get it. Confirmation just arrived; via email!


04-29-2009, 07:03 PM
Glad somebody found what they needed - I use relatively few pistol primers, I should have enough rifle primers to last this season and hope availability of components returns to normal even if prices never do.

04-29-2009, 07:05 PM
Natchez shows they have Winchester Large Pistol primers.

I don't need any, but I thought i'd pass it on for those that do. :mrgreen:

04-30-2009, 04:29 PM
I have to say, I am surprised at the low stores of components many on here seem to maintain. I had assumed that enthusiasts of this caliber would keep their component stores more fully stocked. When a guy posts about getting 10k primers and others are saying he is part of the problem, that is just strange to me. 10k primers is not a drop in the bucket. I am a working guy in his 30s and I will run through 10k, primers in just large pistol every 10-12 months. I mean, good grief! I've shot 3k+ of 45acp alone in the last four months. I know things are tight right now but many people I know were keeping significant stores of primers way before this madness started and I hope folks are not now mad at them too. What will the climate be towards all those guys with 10k lbs. of lead ingots when some states outlaw lead wheel weights, etc. Will they then become vilified because they stocked up years before? Just a thought. Regards to all.

I agree. After the last "shortage" in the Clinton admin, I have kept a 10K min. supply. At one time I was shooting 2K-3K/month so 10K was pretty skinny. I don't shoot that much anymore but I am glad I maintained those mins now.[smilie=w: I placed an order for another 10K mixed last month & am now told it could be 6m wait. So again, planning ahead helps.

04-30-2009, 04:35 PM
:confused:Ok guys...

I am about to the end of my rope. I am down to a few hundred small rifle and about a thousand large rifle primers. This shortage crap is becoming ridiculous.. and though I tried to remain optimistic, Im just not seeing any end to the madness here.

Primers at gouging prices are starting to actually become less and less abundant on Gunbroker, and I notice that the prices keep going up. Several weeks ago, I was appauled to see a brick of primers selling for 50-60 dollars... now people are winning them for 80-100.

I have called, CCI, Midway, Natchez, Midsouth, and just about every primer dealer I can think of... none (except for CCI who says, "were putting out millions of primers per week!") are optimistic that new primers will be arriving THIS YEAR!!!!!

So in light of the madness, Im thinking of dropping several HUNDRED dollars for 5000 small- and 5000 large rifle primers, and probably 5000 small pistol and large pistol as well. I will probably sell off one of my M4 rifles or one or two of my unessential guns to do so...

My rational is that having a million guns is about worthless so long as you can only use them as throwing weapons.

So what do you all think??? Am I over reacting, should I gamble on NEVER shooting again, at least in the forseeable future or drop the cash and stock up now, before it, god forbid, gets worse??? I mean, even ar-15 type rifles and their respective magazines are coming back down and becoming abundant again.. Im not seeing the same optimism when it comes to reloading- or casting supplies for that matter... heck, Ive been waiting on 30 caliber gas checks now for about six months. :castmine:

Opinions please?

sell your guns? are you serious? I would rather, if I needed primers, make phone calls to gun shops in other states to see if they had primers. Fly out there and then ship them back home via UPS terminal. I have access to tens of thousands of primers but due to this madness, I won't reveal my source. He already had people email him and offered to buy primers but he's not set up to ship hazmat and he won't drive to do it either. Think.........before you react like that and begin selling off your guns.

05-01-2009, 02:12 AM
I have to say, I am surprised at the low stores of components many on here seem to maintain. I had assumed that enthusiasts of this caliber would keep their component stores more fully stocked. When a guy posts about getting 10k primers and others are saying he is part of the problem, that is just strange to me.

Not all enthusiast of this caliber can afford to keep a lot on hand. My normal in a good month is to have 2.5k on hand. Wish I could stock up for a rainy day but that just isn't in the budget. I served my country both well and proud. Not all came home with me that I left with to the Gulf. Now I live on what Uncle Sugar sends me once a month. I'm not complaining, and I'm not alone in not being able to shell out for the mass purchases. I feel there are a lot of others with their own circumstances that enjoy the hobby out side of their ability to afford it.

IMO it's not those of us who would be loading and shooting regularly and buying bulk that is the problem. But the Johny come lately who bought the store dry repeatedly who wont stay with the hobby, just because we got a new man in the White House.

Lloyd Smale
05-01-2009, 08:01 AM
heres my take on it. i have more then you but probably shoot more then you so its a wash. I have decided that my everyday shooting is now going to be limited to 4 times a week. 22 shells are still available here and I have at least 2 cases of them in stash now. I will shoot only 22s for two out of the four days. Would i sell a gun to keep shooting? in a pair of seconds. there nothing but paperweights to me if i can shoot them. As much as some people like to pretend, NOBODY knows how far this shortage will go. It could last 6 months and it could be the end of handloading as we know it. Selling a gun that isnt used much now to get components makes more sense then holding off another year when components may be costing twice as much again and because of it your gun is worth about half what it is today. theres very few guns i have that i cant live without or replace down the line if this shortage ends. Where i disagree with you right now is in the selection of the gun you want to sell. Again it may be bs but i still worry about a assult rifle ban and even though i have 6 ar15s they would be the last thing id sell right now. I figure if the ban comes there to valuable in a couple ways. fist the price will skyrocket on them even more then it allready has. Second you wont be able to buy anymore. I have 4 grandsons that wont be able to buy one that will someday have one to protect there family. Even if this ban doesnt take effect i bought mine at pre craze prices so ill get my money back anyway if i ever decide to sell. Right now if i was to recomend something to sell id say sell a 3006 or 270 or a 44 mag revolver. Something like that is easy to replace.

05-01-2009, 09:13 AM
Well once again there is a shipment of powder and primers at my favorite sporting goods store. Only Large rifle primers and a whopping price of $23.99 per thousand.
This is a pretty good group of guys here. Only I have I seen one person trying to gouge a little on primers. Others forums I have seen many gougers. If you live in northern Idaho and need powder or primers pm me and I will tell you where this stuff WAS yesterday. It may be gone today.

05-03-2009, 09:18 PM
If we're talking about drastic measures, would it be possible to re-use primers somehow? Save the anvils, too, knock the firing pin's indentation out, and somehow replenish the compound inside the cup? Primers are brass, right, not steel?

05-04-2009, 12:04 AM
Brick, Yes it IS possible....but making priming mixture is a bit complicated and somewhat dangerous.

05-04-2009, 01:59 AM
Brick. Back in the `20`s and early `30`s you could buy a tool and supplies to re-charge .22 cases. The tool was a hand operated centrifuge to spin a liquid compound around the rim in .22`s. The gov`t put an end to the sale of this kit as people were useing the "compound" to blow open safes during robberys. The compound was a variation of nitroglycerin used in mining operations! :!: Robert

05-04-2009, 08:41 PM
Brick. Back in the `20`s and early `30`s you could buy a tool and supplies to re-charge .22 cases. The tool was a hand operated centrifuge to spin a liquid compound around the rim in .22`s. The gov`t put an end to the sale of this kit as people were useing the "compound" to blow open safes during robberys. The compound was a variation of nitroglycerin used in mining operations! :!: Robert

Nice! Although tossing dynamite around isn't exactly a low-risk activity. . .

Brick, Yes it IS possible....but making priming mixture is a bit complicated and somewhat dangerous.

Fingers? What do we need those for? :mrgreen:

I suppose it makes sense to just sit out the shortage. . .

05-04-2009, 10:13 PM
Knowledge is a good thing. Back in the 40's (I think) a couple of guys published a pamphlet on rehabilitating primers. They had dimensions for punches etc and formulae for priming mixtures. In our so called land of the free it is now considered to be a crime to actually mix up the stuff.

05-04-2009, 11:12 PM
Most primers in our town are usually purchased at Sportsmans Warehouse - they are in the process of being sold to a Canadian company so are not getting in much in the way of reloading components. Lots of empty shelves, maybe 10 pistols in the whole store, no primers at all - sad to see. Have to wait this out.

05-04-2009, 11:50 PM
The Canadian co. that you speak of just bought out another sporting goods chain here in Canada and with a little luck they won't drive your reloading supplies into the ground the way that they are here !