View Full Version : New use for paint containers

04-05-2009, 11:09 AM
Hey guys. I kindof accidentaly stumbled onto this idea because I had left an empty latex paint can outdoors. The combination of the sun and rain had made the paint inside the can peel out easily. Now I have a perfectly clean can to use.

Hmmm.....What to do with it?

I remember those old surplus ammo cans that are sealed from the elements and packed with ammo and figure that a paint can should be just as weatherproof.

Just pack it up nice and full with the caliber of your choice, pop in a small dessicant packet, and pound the lid shut with a rubber mallet. If you were really paranoid about it being weather proof, you could stretch some saran-wrap over the lid before you pound it down.

Plus-you have natural camo for your ammo hoard and can store it in plain sight, in your garage. I haven't ever heard of people getting half-emply paint cans stolen.

See? I'm glad that I'm a packrat. I got a new use out of something that normally goes into the trash.


04-05-2009, 12:38 PM
Good idea!

Silicone O ring lube could also add additional protection for the saran wrap.


04-05-2009, 02:05 PM
Seal the lid with molten wax...Ray

04-05-2009, 02:19 PM
That's a GREAT ideal!