View Full Version : Hornady cam-lock bullet puller

04-04-2009, 12:53 AM
Edited because I need to do a complete retraction.

Separate post and letter of apology to Steve Hornady forthcoming.


04-04-2009, 01:30 AM
Well sorry to hear that; for what it's worth I've pulled thousands with mine. They do occasionally slip but that's about it.

04-04-2009, 02:27 AM
I've not used the Hornaday but have a Wilson and used it for years-When I first started pulling it was on german military 8x57 and they were a bear to break-free ! quite by accident I ran a shell up in the die that was'nt centered in the shellholder and it bumped the tip of the bullet on the press frame causeing the bullet to seat just a tad futher down , it was'nt a big bump just a little bump-well I made sure the shell was centered and went thru the process of tighting the collet and found that the bullet pulled with very little effort!!! since then I've always give them a little bump with the shell off center in the shellholder and never had another tough pull and found that I don't have to use a lot of force when tighting the collet ether--I think it like when you get a nut of bolt that won't loosen but just a tad of tighting will break it free and then you can loosen it easely-- try it -you might like it!!

04-04-2009, 12:06 PM
Buy a Forster and you will be happy and save gas by not having to return it to the store. Initial outlay is not super cheap depending on how many collets you need but you are getting a good quality tool. Have had mine for many years.

04-04-2009, 01:44 PM
Just to add my 2 cents.. I use the RCBS collet pulling system and have had good luck with it.. I use it to pull 223, 35 cal, and 30 cal. Except for having to buy a collet for each caliber, they seem to work well.

04-07-2009, 11:53 AM
+1 on the RCBS collet type puller. Works like a charm and no broken handles.

Ron B.
04-08-2009, 04:06 PM
Hello Recluse!
Thanks for the head's up! I almost ordered the Hornady today. Problem was; Midway's out of most the collets I needed! :killingpc