View Full Version : Hollow point help please...

04-03-2009, 12:25 PM
I'm not a total noob to casting but have never used a hollow point mould before. I just got my Lyman 457122 which is obviously for a 45-70. It came with the generic instructions, but no mention of how to use the hollow point setup. I think I can figure it out, but would rather have the benefit of the wisdom from the hollowpointers among us before I go the trial and error route. So, I need guidance and instructions on how to do this right. I've been using the coleman stove, cast iron pot and ladle pour method successfully for years, so that's the setup I'll be working with. Help please!



04-03-2009, 01:52 PM
First of all keep your HP pin hot, I use a piece of wire to hold the pin in the lead when it is not in the mold itself.

Second I have found that it is best to pull the pin with a twisting motion before cutting the sprue.

My 457122 is one of my easiest molds to cast with.

One other thing, using a dipper works better than a bottom pour for me with hollow point molds.


04-03-2009, 04:47 PM
I guess I'm old and " set in my ways ", but a dipper works better than a bottom pour for me, on all my molds ( all 110 of them )


04-03-2009, 05:36 PM

Amen to that!
Old habits are hard to brake.

Swede Nelson

04-03-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm with Ben, Swede and Robert- use a ladle and give the spud a twist before opening the mould.

04-04-2009, 03:34 PM

Hey I just was going to ask how to keep my HP pin hot, and the first thing I see is your post. Now the big question: how do you use a wire to keep the pin in the lead? Do you have any pics. My handle got kinda scorched from trying to ballance it on the side of the pot; of course it fell in the lead.
I really dont want to do that ballancing act again, trying to hold the pin as I wiped off the lead from the handle; and now my kids are mad at me for teaching my grandson some new words.
Anyway if you have a pic of your wire setup is sure would be appreciated; or some real clear instructions for a guy dumb enuff to let the whole shebang fall in the molten lead.

04-04-2009, 07:24 PM
1) Use a ladle !

2) Cast HOT !

3) Cast VERY quickly ... as fast as you can! Do not waste time admiring your bullets. :) Sort rejects later.
If you cast quickly you will not have to heat the pin ! It will stay hot enough.



04-04-2009, 08:11 PM

Just read your post Jerry. That's exactly what I did this afternoon. I did it hot and did it fast, very fast; and it worked. Only two rejects; I figure those were my first two; actually there were two more that I hit the cutter on too quickly and smeared the lead on the base. But I got 182 real good ones without a blemish. Then I came in and read your post lol; but I thank you and the others for your help. I will cast more tomorrow; this 74 Y.O. butt is dragging now.

04-04-2009, 09:22 PM

I have exactly one mold that requires pressure feeding from the bottom pour spout; a single cavity Ideal 313445.


Sorry no pictures, my daughter dropped the digital camera. But all I did was twist some baling wire and form it to hold the pin to heat up, then like Jerry said cast fast.


04-04-2009, 09:39 PM
Pick up one of those heavy copper ends they use for securing ground wires
(L shaped). Take the set screw out and toss. Remove one of the screws on the top of your pot (Lee pots have them I'm not sure about the others) get a slightly longer one and screw the tang of the end to the top of the pot and let the fat leg hang down into the pot. In the correct position it will have a hole through the top. I just stick my pin in the hole. It actually doesn't have to touch the lead because the copper holder gets hot enough to transfer heat to the pin. If the fit is too sloppy leave the set screw in to make contact with the pin.


04-04-2009, 10:50 PM
Hey that's a great idea dakota; I will combine your idea along with what Jerry said, "to cast hot and fast". With your idea then I can take a break every now and then and keep the pin hot while I am doing it; then go back to pouring hot and fast.
Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions guys.

Slow Elk 45/70
04-05-2009, 05:26 AM
Necessity is the mother of invention , goes to show we are still capable of thought, even with out Gov't intervention......good idea. [smilie=1: