View Full Version : Using Murphy's oil soap as a patch lube.

03-29-2009, 11:48 PM
Will straight murphy's oil soap work as a patch lube?
Anyone ever try it?

03-30-2009, 12:13 AM
As an ingredient in patch lube. Not straight.

Some claim that Murphys contributes to a brown residue in the barrel that can be difficult to get out. I don't have any evidence that this is true.

Given that olive oil and Ballistol are cheap, easy to obtain and work well straight, or mixed with water (Ballistol), I have given up on other concoctions.


03-30-2009, 12:23 AM
Same here, ktw.......I've spent a lot of time, and money, trying to build a better mouse trap, but I was very unsuccessful to say the least.

The K.i.s.s. method remains prevalent when it comes to lubes. There are as many recipes as there are shooters, and those sticking with the K.i.s.s. principal seem to fair quite well without all the fuss.

Just my thoughts......


03-30-2009, 12:24 AM
So olive oil is a good patch lube by itself?

Gerry N.
03-30-2009, 12:54 AM
"So olive oil is a good patch lube by itself? "

It works for some folks.

Over the last twenty years it seems like I've tried several dozen formulas and concoctions. I gave up and went to plain old lard. It works for me. I've also used beef tallow, mutton tallow, goose grease, bear grease, Crisco and house brand vegetable shortening. They all worked as well as lard and all the other majik potions.

I also tried white lithium aurtomotive grease and milspec axle greas. BIG mistake. The powder fouling in combination with those two petroleum greases, anyway, made a god-awful mess that was very difficult to clean out of my rifle. The critter and vegetable greases cleaned up with warm water.

Like I said: lard. Easy to get, cheap, and I can fry my morning eggs in my patch lube if it comes to that.

Gerry N.

03-30-2009, 02:42 AM
As posted above it does not really seem to matter for the most part what you use...that being said:

50/50 neatsfoot OIL/ Murphy's makes a great patch lube.

as does

50/50 castor oil/ Murphy's

Both turn into a thin frosting like liquid when combined....and they work.

I prefer a mix using ballistol though.

50/50 Ballistol water for at the range, and 50/50 Ballistol and beeswax for hunting.......30% Ballistol/70% BEESWAX MAKES A NICE CONICAL LUBE btw.

I have used deer tallow/hog lard/coonlard and a few others....and although they all differ slightly in performance....it just do not seem to matter....I like the rust resistance ballistol brings to the table.....that and the 50/50 water/ballistol can also serve as my cleaning fluid with abit more water added......to each his own..use what you have and if you are unsatisfied then go looking elsewhere.

IMHO they all beat BoreButter....smells good, but it does not store worth a hoot.

Save your money...go buy a thing of lard<-------advice I wish I had taken seriously.

Tom W.
03-30-2009, 05:45 AM
I've tried some of almost everything. Lard, crisco, Pam cooking spray, Hoppes #9, aircraft bearing grease, spit, vasoline , silicone spray and the stuff that is used to lube wires to pull them through conduits. If it was slipperyand I could get some of it I tried it.

I never had any issues when I cleaned my rifle, but found that some things were better than others when it came to patch lube. An old Dixie Gun Works catalog had some recipies, as did a lot of "Muzzle Loader" and "MuzzleBlast" magazines...Deep frying pre-cut patches comes to mind...

03-30-2009, 09:28 AM
I've always had good luck with equal parts Murphy's OS, (rubbing) alcohol, water.

03-30-2009, 09:35 AM
I've always had good luck with equal parts Murphy's OS, (rubbing) alcohol, water.

That's become my standard cleaner for holy black...Works like a charm.:drinks:

03-30-2009, 10:15 AM
I'm still learning this black powder stuff so....I have tried Murphy's Oil Soap as a lube, it did work, it didn't make clean up any worse IMHO, but I only shot 1 afternoon with it because I didnt bring my Bore-Butter to the range. My friend had straight Murphy's in a squeeze bottle so I used that. I have since moved to doing the 50/50 & 25/75 Ballistol recipes previously given. I do like them. Lucky