View Full Version : cb's openned up a can or whoopa$$ !

03-24-2009, 04:34 AM
I went pinking with my sister's family yesterday and got a chance to amaze them with my boolits. My brother in law had a very accurate chicom sks, his son had a Yugo sks purchased the day before at a gun show for $309, and I brought my little sks paratrooper. As I watched them plink and shoot at paper targets about 30 yards away, I began to grin. I noticed they were grouping about 5 inches at 30 yards lol. They were firing offhand and they were NOT experienced shooters at all.
They were shooting with various military j-words and thought their rifles were awesome. That's when I pulled out my short sks and 5 rounds of Lee CTL-312-160-2r's, sitting on 14.8 grains of Alliant2400 in IMI cases with winchester primers. As they watched me step off about 65 yards to a stump down the logging trail, I heard my nephew say," what's Uncle Jim doing?". I thumbtacked a 6x6 napkin to the stump and walked back to where they were standing. They looked at me in disbelief. 5 shots later, there were 5 holes in the napkin and then they all wanted to try my ammo! They are now believers and can't wait to get started reloading and casting. I've told them about the accuracy potential with cb's but they never took me seriously until NOW! Has anyone esle had an experience like this? It sure was cool! Later, I showed them how to completely disassemble their rifles to clean the corrosive primer residue from their crappy ammo. They can't wait to go shooting again now as a family and I feel that I've enriched our lives and helped them find a fun sport the whole family can enjoy. Next time , they say they will get serious and have more fun by playing target games for competition. I just had to share this with you guys because it really made me feel good inside. As a bonus,
I set up a water-filled milk jug at 200 yards and let my youngest nephew fire at it with my bull-barrelled .223 Savage varmint rig, fired from the hood of my truck, sitting on a Harris bi-pod. ( j-word handloaded Nosler 50gr ballistic tip). We all focused our eyes on the distant milkjug and watched it literally explode, shooting water about 10 feet in every direction. Frankly, they didn't realize that a shot like that was possible but I assured them that the shot could be made at almost twice that distance. They were cheering and clapping at the shot and now my nephew says he wants to be a sniper for the secret service! Looks like I started something!

03-24-2009, 09:11 AM
Cool story. Reminds me of one. I was at the range at the 100 yard line. Nothing fantastic, just shooting my M1 Garand (well ok, for ME that is pretty fantastic) using M2 surplus. Shooting as per normal, maybe 2 MOA. Some targets slightly worse, some slightly better but around there as an average from the bench. In comes another guy with an M1 and sets up on the 25 yard line. He bangs away awhile, then sees me with an M1 and comes over to compare. He had a huge grin on his face and I asked, "how's it going?" "Great!" he replies. "Look at my first target- first time I shot this gun!"

At 25 yards he had shot about a 6" group.

It made me feel bad to burst his bubble, that that was BAD for an M1- turns out his only other centerfire gun was an AK short barreled set up and while I'd say that 6" even for that at 25 yards is quite poor, I understood why he thought that his results were normal- that's usually about what he got with the AK.

So I watched him shoot a bit. I quickly figured out why he was doing so bad! Such a simple thing! Sitting at the bench he was essentially holding the gun offhand- he didn't have a rest, and he wasn't resting his forward elbow on the table! All the drawbacks of offhand and none of the benefits, just sitting there on that wooden bench. Being fairly new to shooting, he'd never even considered it- he'd always just seen pictures of guys holding a gun to the shoulder and figured that that was how it was done.

By the time he left he was shooting 6" groups at 100 yards. Still not great but a great improvement.

03-24-2009, 09:32 AM
I always get a kick out of shooters at the range who have never seen anyone shoot cast out of a rifle, and have limited exposure to cast out of handguns. Have had more than one tell me that "cast blts just won't shoot out of a rifle", or
" they will really lead up a bbl", or "you can't get any real vol out of cast blts", or similar. I have a fondness for old milsurps, and shoot Sweds, Swiss, Mosins, and Lee Enfields, and often get the odd looks for shooting the old ones as well. The targets are what tell the tale, and when you see jacketed shooters who are lucky to keep M1's in 6" at 100. And then they see my old fellows (the Sweds over 100yrs) stayin under 3" at 100, and on occaision under 1 1/2" with cast they are quite amazed. Life is a learning experiance, and anyday you don't learn something is a wasted day. I hope to keep learning daily, and I hope I have helped some others at the range learn about cast blts and old milsurps.

03-24-2009, 10:12 AM
My son and I were at the outdoor range in Minot, ND last summer. A group of about 3 showed up with thier new black riffles (ARs) they had just purchased. They were decked out with rail systms, red dots, etc. They were shooting fullsize pistol targets at 25yds, excited they were keeping them on the paper. That's when my son (14 at the time) opens up on the steel gongs at 150yds with a mosin, hitting every one of them, about 6 hanging. I joined in with my K98. I started at the old propane tanks at 200yds, then moving to the same gongs as my son. It sounded like a bell choir. These 3 gentlemen with thier black rifles stopped shooting and watched in amaisment. They had never seen anything lilke that before. They asked where I get my ammo, I gold them I make it myself.

03-24-2009, 11:21 AM
Good job! I have also convinced/amazed others at the value and merit of cast bullets and reloads. not so much with my shooting prowess though[smilie=1:

03-24-2009, 01:51 PM
Good job! When I explain the merits of casting and handloading to some poor soul who's just blasted away $75 worth of hard earned cash on factory fodder, it never fails to make my day.

Keep spreading the news. :cbpour:

03-24-2009, 02:00 PM
The first time I ever saw cast boolits being shot from a rifle was when I did it! After lurking this site for a while, I just had to try it and sure enough, I was amazed and filled with a special pride. I'm the only one I know around here that actually makes boolits. I guess you could say that we are boolit smiths. I started casting in DEC '08. Since then I have aquired 2 Lee rifle molds, a Lee pistol mold and a Lyman rifle mold. This is just the beginning! I also like the feeling I get when I walk in the woods with my Enfield jungle carbine stoked with my own homemade 200 grain Lyman boolits. It just feels better!

03-26-2009, 01:44 AM

You spread too much good tidings about cast ........ and none of us will find any wheel weights!!!!

LOL! Just kidding .......... well ......... a little ......

Three 44s