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View Full Version : Anyone here from WV?

02-08-2006, 04:56 PM
Anti gun Delegate John Doyle introduced Bill 61-7-16 to limit handgun purchases to one per month. Another wedge in the door of freedom.
Please go to www.legis.state.wv.us and pounce on everyone.

02-09-2006, 06:33 PM
Not too many people anywhere admit to being from WVa. Don't know the reason for such but it seems like a popular thing.

02-10-2006, 12:09 PM
I had to move here when I got layed off. Transferred to Dulles. I would not live in VA. I am from Ohio!

02-10-2006, 10:14 PM
I was born and raised in WV and not the least bit ashamed to say so, right proud of it really. I have been in all but a few of the New England states, in the lower 48 and Canada on both eastern and western ends and I haven't seen anywhere yet I'd rather live. There is always the exception to the rule but for the most part WV people are honest, proud, hardworking folk. I'm glad I'm a hillbilly.

02-10-2006, 10:29 PM
I agree, great people in Ohio and WV. Thats why I stayed here after retiring.

02-10-2006, 11:09 PM
I grew up about 30-40 miles from the W.VA. border in PA. Great folks and great state. Have alot of friends from there. Got alot of friends from Ohio too, but folks in southcentral Ohio are a might strange.


Herb in Pa
02-10-2006, 11:39 PM
I'm not all that far from WV and have no problems with folks from there. Don't really have a problem with Va either............but Maryland gives me the willies!

02-10-2006, 11:59 PM
I've not been there for years, but have friends there. If you like bluegrass music, you will have reached Mecca, for the absolute best.

02-11-2006, 11:00 AM
I agree about Marylanders being weird. None of them can drive a car either. I have a lot of friends in VA but they were not born there. Some of my friends have tried to find farms to hunt on in VA. No such thing! They were cussed at, threatened and chased off the porch. One stopped at over 200 places without getting a single permission to hunt. Then they complain big time about deer damage. One friend lives next to a farm and the farmer even got an injunction against him so my friend would not step on his land. I say "NO" to VA!
I had a lot of places to hunt in central Ohio. If fact I had places all over the state. We would stop at farms and orchards and never had a problem. One even let us use their house for the season, every year. They went to Forida for the winter. We became fast friends with them and all the farmers in the area. We all got together to put on drives. I also archery hunted there and was welcomed back anytime. I killed lots and lots of deer.
You can not come close to comparing native VA people with Ohio people.
I hunted PA all the years I lived in Ohio and there are great people there. I would ask to hunt and be invited in for coffee and donuts.
Michigan has some strange people, they look at you with suspicion. Hard place to hunt until you get to the UP. Seem like a nice bunch overall though.
If you want to find out what people are like, ask if you can hunt.

02-11-2006, 12:08 PM
Me and Sharpsshooter are from there. Went to school there all the way through 12 grade. I live in Va now, but kept the family farm so I would have a place to retire to. moodyholler

02-11-2006, 06:33 PM
Me and Sharpsshooter are from there. Went to school there all the way through 12 grade. I live in Va now, but kept the family farm so I would have a place to retire to. moodyholler

Born and raised in WV and have no problem admitting it. Yeah, Moodyholler and I would be rich men if we had a penny for every 22LR shell or BP boolit we have fired on his family's farm as kids. :grin:

Some folks tend to put WV folks in the category of poor white trash folks that are 3rd generation welfare addicts that have an IQ of a houseplant. Sure we do have a few like that, but in my travels as far west as Colorado, I can tell you that we do not hold the monopoly on that mindset.

Most are hard working, church going, respectable people that raise their kids to be the same.

02-11-2006, 10:15 PM
Ditto the above ..Moved here 20 yr ago from Pa. via Va. I am allways amazed at the number of bills like this that rear there ugly heads in states like WV. where everyone has guns and seems to hunt. Also, the crime rate here seems to be pretty low, not that makes a difference to a politician?!?

02-12-2006, 10:07 AM
Hey guys. Another native WV resident here. I love it here and haven't been anywhere else I would prefer to live. I also wonder why these bills pop up from time to time. I can't think of anyone I know that doesn't have at least 1 gun.

I wasn't able to enter all the digits and dashes when searching for that bill. What date was it introduced. Looks like you really have to know a lot about the bill before you can look at it.


02-12-2006, 05:22 PM
I just got the paper from a friend that is running for office. He is a Republican, hunter, shooter, NRA member and is dead set against the way the Democrats waste our money. They just gave our tax money to a private development to build a swimming pool. We can't get our roads fixed but they have money for that crap.

02-12-2006, 07:29 PM
I just got the paper from a friend that is running for office. He is a Republican, hunter, shooter, NRA member and is dead set against the way the Democrats waste our money. They just gave our tax money to a private development to build a swimming pool. We can't get our roads fixed but they have money for that crap.

I won't vote for either of the main parties. They both have the pork barrel rolling right along. And we are the ones being ran over. Both parties throw it away.

02-12-2006, 08:35 PM
I won't vote for either of the main parties. They both have the pork barrel rolling right along. And we are the ones being ran over. Both parties throw it away.

Maybe that's why they are called parties.