View Full Version : Value of a scale

03-20-2009, 10:26 PM
Have located a Ohaus triple beam scale, check weights and factory case.

What would be a decent price to offer?

03-20-2009, 10:39 PM
Is it a 10-10 or a 5-10 they made some that look the same but have a different finish weight on the right end. 10-10 a dial and 5-10 two little metal pieces. These both have the big base with different weight checks. The weight checks are ten or five ,I think?

10-10's have gone for $100 and 5-10's $65. I would personally watch for good deals and pay 1/2 -3/4 new depending od condition.


O.K. I'm reading too fast or not good the first time. TRIPLE BEAM. I have no clue. Sorry

03-20-2009, 11:47 PM
I believe the Ohaus triple-beam scale is overkill for our hobby. One doesn't need that involved a scale. If they are giving it away, take it, but otherwise, pass.

My suggestion goes along with the above. An Ohaus/RCBS 5-10 or 10-10 is my recommendation. They are available on eBay for ~$70-80 for the 10-10 and ~ $30-40 for the 5-10. I have had a 10-10 for 40 years - to me it is the best one can buy. But I recently got a 5-10 on eBay, and find I use the heck out of it. Either one will provide all the accuracy you need in the endeavor.

One limitation of the 5-10 is that it will only measure up to 510 grains, so if you are shooting BP or other humongous rounds whose boolits weigh more than 510 grains,you would have to go to the 10-10, that will measure up to 1010 grains, or about 2 1/2 ounces, which should handle most stuff..

03-20-2009, 11:50 PM
Most of the triple beam scales are too large for powder. They're generally used by amateur pharmacologists.

03-21-2009, 12:32 AM
Most of the triple beam scales are too large for powder. They're generally used by amateur pharmacologists.

LOL !!

That's where mine came from years ago, an amateur pharmacologist!! Probably needed the money for more product.

Used mine for jewelry purposes. Comes in handy when my buddy and I divvy up
8 pounders of powder.

Pepe Ray
03-21-2009, 01:52 AM
I think the old Ohaus model # was a 360 or some such.
Yes, it is large and has twice the capacity usually needed by re loaders, even those who like to weigh their large boolets.
HOWEVER, They are superbly accurate, precise and will handle the tiniest powder charges.

Also ,I've recently read some report of how this scale is used in determining alloy content. Requires lots of formulas and dangling samples in a beaker of water.
Much beyond my needs or abilities but interesting non the less. Twas published in an old Handloader Mag.

IIRC I last saw one for sale in the early 80's for around $125- $135 new.
Hope this helps
Pepe Ray

03-21-2009, 02:23 AM
one on feebay couple months back went for $52

03-24-2009, 09:48 PM
4 beam now on there as buy now for $50

03-28-2009, 03:50 PM
they are used by druggies to.I tried the police one time but they would not give it they destroy them.I have one in grams.I think its time to see if the have the strips and will sell for grains.:coffee:[smilie=1:

Idaho Sharpshooter
04-01-2009, 01:49 AM

PM me if you do not buy it. I would be interested. I wanted one back in the day, but never had the $$$. I would still likle one, even if mostly for show. Thanks.

Buff Killer