View Full Version : We need a Farm/House gun?

Adam Helmer
09-04-2024, 01:10 PM
I hear this Question almost daily from new landowners nearby. It is amusing how Urban folks always think calling 911 will provide instant response! Here in the most rural of 67 PA counties we have usually ONE state trooper on duty. Bottom line: we are responsible for our OWN safety and the safety of any chickens, calves, and other critters. So, I tell rural residents they are on their own.

I understand the new city folks are conditioned about: "guns are bad" and never needed to be their own First Line of response in case of need. Well, Times and terrain and situation CHANGE in the Rural World. That is why I am usually full up in my shotgun training classes. All finally see the "light" and most go for a homestead 20 gauge pump shotgun and right ammo.

We have become a nation of Urban "Sheep", but once they "Move to the country", they need to adapt to new think and a reliable shotgun. Every one of my friendly students gets a shotgun for their rural property and some come back for a handgun and their CCW. Freedom still exists....and NONE will Ever Vote to give up their newly acquired firearms. See, we CANNOT convince folks, but we CAN convert them, one by one. Amen.

Be well.


09-04-2024, 01:34 PM
All you can do sometimes is just talk to them and give them the best advice. People don't like to be told what to do nowadays. So, they will learn from others mistakes. If this country keeps getting deeper into chaos, they will "flock" to training or at least be responsible for their own safety. Like you said one at a time.

09-04-2024, 01:45 PM
The problem is most don't learn from other's mistakes and then make the same dumb decisions that could have been avoided.

Adam Helmer
09-04-2024, 02:00 PM
lawdog and ford,

Thanks for the logical replies. Let me give you a recent "Flatlander" request. A flatlanded is a new resident from an urban residence, who sold their city home for Big Bucks and invested in many rural acres hereabouts, "In the county."

My Game Warden friend told me a "flatlander" called him one morning recently and Complained deer were eating her flower bed stuff and wanted the Game Warden to "Come remove his deer from her yard." Whatever. How conditioned for "services" are city folks? Get a life!
Be well.


09-04-2024, 02:33 PM
Around here flatlanders complain about the bears emptying their garbage cans and leaving a mess. Sprinkling cayenne in the can does not deter them. I explained that we have Mexican bears now.

09-04-2024, 03:51 PM
spent first 16 years of my life at aunts several hundred acre farm in Yardley Pa. [ now Lower Makefield twp. municipal building, school + park ] - they always had a long barrel H+R single shot 12 gauge by door - when ground hogs were a problem they would borrow neighbors .22 or if i was there i would use my Remington 521t -

09-04-2024, 04:07 PM
The nationwide average police/sheriff call response time is 23 minutes. The average .45 Colt response time is 0.5 second.

Adam Helmer
09-04-2024, 05:38 PM
The nationwide average police/sheriff call response time is 23 minutes. The average .45 Colt response time is 0.5 second.


LOL! You nailed it. I always said, "police are only minutes away when Seconds COUNT!" Here in the rural country, an occasional shotgun blast at midnight is not a concern, since something was dealt with. Shoot, Shovel and Shut up. The alternative may be to spend your life savings to prove your innocence. Rehabilitation results when stuff happens. Nuff said. SSS!

Be well.


09-04-2024, 05:44 PM
The thing that consistently perturbs me about people relocating to rural areas is they immediately set about trying to make things just like they were in urban areas.

Morons. You should have saved yourself a lot of trouble and stayed put. And saved those of us who reject the urban lifestyle the inconvenience and irritation of dealing with your failed ideas.

09-04-2024, 06:57 PM
Yes, Tennessee is being flooded with folks moving from the upper U.S. and California but they worry the locals because the locals are worried they will be bringing their liberal gun hating ideas with them and voting that way. We currently have a very gun friendly legislature and governor but that just may change with this influx of outsiders. james

09-04-2024, 08:25 PM
Trying to convert liberals to logical thinking can be an impossible task.
There are gun enthusiasts on this very sight that will vote for Harris, no matter how logically an argument you use.
In some ways I believe it is a mental illness.

09-04-2024, 08:40 PM
Trying to convert liberals to logical thinking can be an impossible task.
There are gun enthusiasts on this very sight that will vote for Harris, no matter how logically an argument you use.
In some ways I believe it is a mental illness.

So it's true,,,"You can't fix Stoopid !!!"


09-04-2024, 08:41 PM
Trying to convert liberals to logical thinking can be an impossible task.
There are gun enthusiasts on this very sight that will vote for Harris, no matter how logically an argument you use.
In some ways I believe it is a mental illness.

I can explain it with 2 words.

Brain Rot.

09-04-2024, 08:57 PM
Trying to convert liberals to logical thinking can be an impossible task.
There are gun enthusiasts on this very sight that will vote for Harris, no matter how logically an argument you use.
In some ways I believe it is a mental illness.Michael Savage said liberalism is a mental disorder.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

09-04-2024, 09:48 PM
I’m surprised that most go for 20 ga. I would say 16 ga if you’re not up to 12ga.

09-04-2024, 10:18 PM
Ah but Greg the 16 is not all that common nor cheap in the US anymore. I think the three inch 20 gauge and lighter guns is what killed it.

It is so uncommon I posted about my surprise at seeing a brand new 16 ga sxs a few months ago at Walmart. It is still there tempting me, but the shells are $22-$25 per box.


09-04-2024, 10:20 PM
......legislature and governor but that just may change with this influx of outsiders. james

Colorado did! Almost worse then the west coast.

09-05-2024, 12:30 AM
If you’re gonna live in the country I suggest one or two of each. I’d have a couple different shotguns, maybe one with a shorter barrel to boot, a couple pistols semi auto and a revolver at least, some hunting rifles and probably a couple different muzzleloaders, at least 1 AR for self defense and some pellet guns for the kids!

I’m not so sure a game warden can be a friend. Invited the neighbor warden over for a barbecue with friends one evening and we were all fishing steelhead and spring chinook on the river behind the house. The ******* started checking licenses. He left on an empty stomach and I put up no trespassing signs toward his property!

09-05-2024, 12:50 AM
Back in the '50s 60s my grandparents farm, there was a 12 gauge single shot by the back door and a 32 revolver in the top drawer of a little glove stand next to the front door. That was grandma's pistol and I never, ever touched either gun. Grandma loved you more than your mom, but was scarier than Satan at midnight.
At our house, there was a Sears 12 gauge pump and a K98k in the closet next to the back door. No one ever used the front door, it faced the woods and fields, not the drive. Feral dogs can terrorize your horses and kill all of your chickens with little warning they're coming.
Then we moved to the suburbs and guns are bad/not needed. :not listening:

09-05-2024, 03:15 AM
Ah but Greg the 16 is not all that common nor cheap in the US anymore. I think the three inch 20 gauge and lighter guns is what killed it.

It is so uncommon I posted about my surprise at seeing a brand new 16 ga sxs a few months ago at Walmart. It is still there tempting me, but the shells are $22-$25 per box.


Over here most of the older shotguns are 16 ga. Today however, when buying a new gun, it’s always a 12 ga. I’ve got a modem double barrel 12 ga. It’s not easy to get the authorisation for a pump. The only other choice is a three shot semi auto. I’ve seen some people have been buying 12 ga lever actions.

09-05-2024, 08:19 AM
When I moved to northern MI the locals warmed right up when I told them I was a shooter, reloader and caster. Did some minor gun repairs and scope mounting for neighbors.

You should have seen their eyes when I showed them my Trap gun...Kreighoff Trap Special Combo. One of them saw my reloading set up at the time. Two Dillon 1050's, a 550, hydraulic Spolar, PW800+ with Autodrive, RCBS RC and a Co-Ax. When the SHTF, they know I will be the "ammo factory".

09-05-2024, 08:36 AM
Out here it is very common to hear shots at all hours. Normal for us. I keep a Mossberg Maverick 12ga for snakes and other critters. There is a Beretta Storm 9mm carbine at the front door for scaring of yotes and such and my Marlin 45/70 for bears and such if needed. Always a pistol within reach in most parts of the house plus the over 250 lbs of dogs (in my avatar). Where my place is there is no "oh sorry got lost". I am 3/4 mile from main road on typical WV backroads with no trespassing signs nearer the house.

09-05-2024, 10:31 AM
most go for a homestead 20 gauge pump shotgun and right ammo.






Adam Helmer
09-05-2024, 11:38 AM
If you’re gonna live in the country I suggest one or two of each. I’d have a couple different shotguns, maybe one with a shorter barrel to boot, a couple pistols semi auto and a revolver at least, some hunting rifles and probably a couple different muzzleloaders, at least 1 AR for self defense and some pellet guns for the kids!

I’m not so sure a game warden can be a friend. Invited the neighbor warden over for a barbecue with friends one evening and we were all fishing steelhead and spring chinook on the river behind the house. The ******* started checking licenses. He left on an empty stomach and I put up no trespassing signs toward his property!


OK, SO who was fishing without a license? The Game Warden did his job, like any other lawman should do!

Be well.


35 Rem
09-05-2024, 12:00 PM
Over here most of the older shotguns are 16 ga. Today however, when buying a new gun, it’s always a 12 ga. I’ve got a modem double barrel 12 ga. It’s not easy to get the authorisation for a pump. The only other choice is a three shot semi auto. I’ve seen some people have been buying 12 ga lever actions.

Are you saying that Pump shotguns are restricted in Alaska?? I've always thought of Alaska as still wild and free for all things gun and outdoor related??

35 Rem
09-05-2024, 12:03 PM
In my family going back several generations the standard farm gun was a single shot shotgun of some sort. Nothing else could be afforded most of the time. They were always full choke and would kill anything that needed killing around rural areas in Tennessee and Alabama.

09-05-2024, 01:52 PM
In our family, whether living in East Tennesse or Southwest Virginia, a 12 gauge single barrel shotgun was as necessary as a hoe or a shovel. james

Texas by God
09-05-2024, 02:21 PM
35Rem, I believe that Greg is in France, not Alaska.
I’ve had a 20 gauge Topper for farm use since 1972, Dad had a cut down CBC 20, all my brothers had a 12 or a 20 single shot handy.
I have a Winchester 37A 12 gauge single shot in the shop and a Maverick 20 gauge pump in the Mule.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-05-2024, 02:23 PM
I'm sorry but a Single Shot 12 ga. is not going to cut it when you really are facing some serious danger. Like when the Cities empty out when there's no food left in the stores. Where do you think they are going to go?

A house on some Back Water Country Road will be a prime target. Depending on the cover around your house a Tactical 12 ga Shotgun, and/or a Semi Auto Rifle and the training to go with it would be my best suggestion.

Here's the reason why I say this

I shot with a guy at an indoor Range last Wednesday. He told me that he was a pretty good pistol shot so I figured he would be safe enough to be around at an indoor range?

Boy was I wrong!!!.

This guy showed up with a .38 Special Revolver that he didn't even know how to open the cylinder on, and a Californized AR style 12 ga. Shotgun. (Rock Island Arsenal)

This guy didn't even know which end of the bullet the gun came out of!!!!!!!!! Luckily he had brought a friend with him that did have some training and he helped getting this guy to be somewhat safe.

We started with the Shotgun and it became very obvious that the gun was a complete abomination. He loaded the 6 round mag and put it in the gun, then fired 6 rounds and the Magazine wouldn't come out. Turned out you had to pull the Rear Takedown Pin out to open the action then the Mag Release Button would work.. He had a lot of problems with the safety which was set up ambi and he kept trying to operate it with his thumb on the right side of the gun instead of normal AR operation. Also was not getting the operation of the gun at all. Point being this guy had no gun training whatsoever, but the real point was he had bought something that he didn't know anything about. But he actually "thought" he knew about guns and shooting?.

Then came the Pistol,,, He insisted on having his finger up around the junction between the Cylinder and Barrel. Finally got him clued in why this was a bad idea, showed him how to properly grip the gun and then fired a few rounds. he did ok with that.

When I left I advised him to get hooked up with one of the Fire Arms Instructors that work out of this Indoor Range. I also told the guys at the Cash Register to make sure he got hooked up with one of the instructors before he left. I also told him to sell that Shotgun because in a real firefight it would just get him killed. Any Pump Action Shotgun would be far superior,,, Hell a single shot gun would be superior to that abomination... !!!

Here's my recommendation for the guns and training you should have if you are going to live 'Out of Town."

A Pump Action Shotgun in 12 or 20 ga. for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY over 12 years old. And an AR Rifle unless you live in CA or other state that restricts those guns in which case a Mini 14 for everyone.

Then everyone goes to school for at least 3 classes on each Weapon. And if you are going to live far off the beaten path maybe a pistol for everyone to be carried daily and the training to go with it.

It is pointless to have these guns and not have the Training to know how to operate them effectively!

And if you are Not Willing to Kill someone in order to survive, then maybe staying in town is the best idea.

The simple fact here, and I have seen this first hand while Jeeping in the Desert. The farther away from Civilization you get, the stoopider people get.

Civilization Controls Bad Behavior, Wilderness Encourages It.

My .02


09-05-2024, 05:51 PM
The country folks around me like those that live in the bush in Alaska consider a gun( usually more than one just like screwdrivers) and a chainsaw as absolutely necessary tools. Now there are some I wouldn’t trust with a butter knife or a hand saw but that reminds me of the old adage…..there are 3 kinds of people the sheep, the wolf and the sheep dog.

country gent
09-05-2024, 06:03 PM
Weve had a few move out here from the big cities and most were a royal pain about styandard farming practices, complaining about the tractors working ground combines harvesting and the trucks and wagons on the road. Want to get phone calls spread manure on a spring day after they have moved in. LOL
Most of these people have no clue about firearms and the difference between whats seen on news and television and farm life. You need to get them to understand that the firearms in the farm setting are tools like the saw hammer and pry bar. It does a job or task just like any other tool. Ive helped several buy their first firearms and learn how to safely use them. Here the big problem are wood chucks skunks possums and a few others moving in around buildings and under them.

Sgt H
09-05-2024, 06:28 PM
Remington 870 with a 20" rifle sight barrel. Tube is loaded with 00 buck. Side saddle carries 2 slugs, 2 3"mag #4 buck and 2 3" #4 turkey loads. Loads in the side saddle handle the 4 legged or slithery critters where there is usually time to change to the proper load. 00 in the tube self explanatory. Loads in the side saddle can do double duty should the need arise. Also to heck with the shovel, neighbor across the creek has a back hoe I can borrow anytime, digs a hole faster and deeper.

09-05-2024, 07:20 PM
The thing that consistently perturbs me about people relocating to rural areas is they immediately set about trying to make things just like they were in urban areas.

Morons. You should have saved yourself a lot of trouble and stayed put. And saved those of us who reject the urban lifestyle the inconvenience and irritation of dealing with your failed ideas.

Yep. Those street lights come along with them too.

09-05-2024, 07:22 PM

OK, SO who was fishing without a license? The Game Warden did his job, like any other lawman should do!

Be well.


Even a Game Warden can be a human being occasionally.
You don't need to be a Nazi death camp guard all the time.
Sieg Hiel!
Oh yeh, almost forgot.
Be well.

Adam Helmer
09-05-2024, 07:41 PM
Even a Game Warden can be a human being occasionally.
You don't need to be a Nazi death camp guard all the time.
Sieg Hiel!
Oh yeh, almost forgot.
Be well.


So WHAT is your message? Ich weiss nicht? Perhaps when we get more information, I suggest the law breakers buy a fishing license. Macht viel spass!


09-05-2024, 08:15 PM

So WHAT is your message? Ich weiss nicht? Perhaps when we get more information, I suggest the law breakers buy a fishing license. Macht viel spass!


I think you heard my message.
At a family barbeque is not the time to be asking to see peoples fishing licenses.
If you were not an invited guest and showed up on an official capacity would be other matter, as a guest, it would be pretty tacky.
Save it for working hours, unless it is a gross infringement.
I doubt if little Tommy catching a 3-inch Bluegill without a license is going to make the world stop.
It is no wonder people have little respect for authority.
What ever happened to Officer Friendly?

09-05-2024, 09:01 PM
Some guys in authority just don't know how to use (or not) it.

In S. C. a 22/410 or 22/20 Stevens/Savage would be more than adequate for farm use.

09-05-2024, 09:28 PM
They do learn after awhile. When building our new home years ago, we broke off five acres the old farm house sat on and rented it out for 20 years before selling it. Some nice folks from Las Vegas bought it and oh boy were they lefties! now, 10 years later they own guns, have taken classes on shooting and even switched polictial parties being Trump supporters..There is hope for some.

35 Rem
09-05-2024, 09:47 PM
From my experience, once you leave town you are far safer because it's people who commit crime and they are mostly in town. Now you will have some trouble with vandalism if you let your land stand vacant long enough but that is quickly remedied by once again occupying it. To be honest I can't imagine having to take training to learn how to shoot because I learned it all on my own so many years ago that it sounds like taking a class to learn to breathe. To me you should be able to just look at a gun and understand how it operates.... Of course, I know there are especially in the past few years many new gun owners who know NOTHING about guns and they need somebody to show them. Doesn't have to be formal training but sure needs to be somebody who will correct them firmly and often until they are at least safe. A lot of these people are buying guns based on their experiences playing video games and they think the most complicated looking gun is automatically the "best". They would be far better off with a revolver or double barrel shotgun! OF course, I'd recommend they get a good pump 12 gauge and practice with it at a skeet range until they feel comfortable. Hard to beat that for general home defense. I don't know how likely it is to become common to fight off hoards of rabid city dwellers swarming the countryside in a "Mad Max" scenario. If that happens the odds are against anyone living no matter how prepared you are. Even if you work with a group, some of that group is most likely going to die if it goes long enough. Most of the time living in the country is only going to require a gun to kill a varmint eating the garden, chasing a young calf or crows eating the corn. But being a bunch of gun nuts here, we are going to have plenty of firepower to handle all the worst-case scenarios as well as possible just because we like guns.

09-06-2024, 10:24 AM
Yep. Those street lights come along with them too.

And a McDonald's............... [smilie=b:

Adam Helmer
09-06-2024, 01:05 PM
I think you heard my message.
At a family barbeque is not the time to be asking to see peoples fishing licenses.
If you were not an invited guest and showed up on an official capacity would be other matter, as a guest, it would be pretty tacky.
Save it for working hours, unless it is a gross infringement.
I doubt if little Tommy catching a 3-inch Bluegill without a license is going to make the world stop.
It is no wonder people have little respect for authority.
What ever happened to Officer Friendly?


Thanks for the help determining your message. For your example about "little Tommy catching fish without a license." In my state, he would NOT Need a fishing license if under age 16. On the other hand, his dad, if over age 16, would be in violation. If dad was fishing without a valid license, he is in violation. Family barbeque, or not, a Violation is a violation. Comprende? Are you an LEO? Do you comply with Game Laws?

I made arrests for law violations at many alleged violators' family gatherings. Tacky or not, I did not write the laws and cannot grant amnesty, that is up to the judge. You would KNOW that if you are a lawman.

Be well, and buy a license if you are going fishing. LOL!


09-06-2024, 01:57 PM

Lacking couth.

“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

The game warden missed the opportunity to befriend the neighbors. He may have been thrown a bigger bone later if a relationship had been cultivated...

09-06-2024, 03:35 PM
Barry: the actual statement was ,,"You can catch more Flies with Sweetness than you can with Sour Puss." From Popeye cartoons Mid 1950's.


09-06-2024, 06:10 PM
I'm sorry but a Single Shot 12 ga. is not going to cut it when you really are facing some serious danger. Like when the Cities empty out when there's no food left in the stores. Where do you think they are going to go?

A house on some Back Water Country Road will be a prime target. Depending on the cover around your house a Tactical 12 ga Shotgun, and/or a Semi Auto Rifle and the training to go with it would be my best suggestion.

Here's the reason why I say this

I shot with a guy at an indoor Range last Wednesday. He told me that he was a pretty good pistol shot so I figured he would be safe enough to be around at an indoor range?

Boy was I wrong!!!.

This guy showed up with a .38 Special Revolver that he didn't even know how to open the cylinder on, and a Californized AR style 12 ga. Shotgun. (Rock Island Arsenal)

This guy didn't even know which end of the bullet the gun came out of!!!!!!!!! Luckily he had brought a friend with him that did have some training and he helped getting this guy to be somewhat safe.

We started with the Shotgun and it became very obvious that the gun was a complete abomination. He loaded the 6 round mag and put it in the gun, then fired 6 rounds and the Magazine wouldn't come out. Turned out you had to pull the Rear Takedown Pin out to open the action then the Mag Release Button would work.. He had a lot of problems with the safety which was set up ambi and he kept trying to operate it with his thumb on the right side of the gun instead of normal AR operation. Also was not getting the operation of the gun at all. Point being this guy had no gun training whatsoever, but the real point was he had bought something that he didn't know anything about. But he actually "thought" he knew about guns and shooting?.

Then came the Pistol,,, He insisted on having his finger up around the junction between the Cylinder and Barrel. Finally got him clued in why this was a bad idea, showed him how to properly grip the gun and then fired a few rounds. he did ok with that.

When I left I advised him to get hooked up with one of the Fire Arms Instructors that work out of this Indoor Range. I also told the guys at the Cash Register to make sure he got hooked up with one of the instructors before he left. I also told him to sell that Shotgun because in a real firefight it would just get him killed. Any Pump Action Shotgun would be far superior,,, Hell a single shot gun would be superior to that abomination... !!!

Here's my recommendation for the guns and training you should have if you are going to live 'Out of Town."

A Pump Action Shotgun in 12 or 20 ga. for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY over 12 years old. And an AR Rifle unless you live in CA or other state that restricts those guns in which case a Mini 14 for everyone.

Then everyone goes to school for at least 3 classes on each Weapon. And if you are going to live far off the beaten path maybe a pistol for everyone to be carried daily and the training to go with it.

It is pointless to have these guns and not have the Training to know how to operate them effectively!

And if you are Not Willing to Kill someone in order to survive, then maybe staying in town is the best idea.

The simple fact here, and I have seen this first hand while Jeeping in the Desert. The farther away from Civilization you get, the stoopider people get.

Civilization Controls Bad Behavior, Wilderness Encourages It.

My .02


I wish we had a "like" feature.

Randy, I not only have the guns you suggested, but extras for each person who will be here if the SHTF. We lean more to AR's in 5.56 and pistol carbines as we live in the middle of nowhere.

I also have three .308's for long range work. If the SHTF, addressing potential threats from long range is a game changer. Most people think they are safe at 400 yards, and popping a threat at twice that range might make the rest of raiders think about finding an easier victim.

09-06-2024, 07:28 PM
In my opinion, there is a big difference between a "farm and ranch gun" where a single shot can serve admirably, and a "End of the world/ Repel boarders gun" where I want some thing with lots of magazine capacity and spare box mags.


09-06-2024, 08:04 PM

Lacking couth.

“You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

The game warden missed the opportunity to befriend the neighbors. He may have been thrown a bigger bone later if a relationship had been cultivated...

I was at my pond well out in the woods fishing for perch and throwing them back. Game Warden showed up, caught me fishing without a license and wrote me a $50 fine. I paid it. The law was the law even if I thought it was a little much.

09-06-2024, 09:14 PM
I was at my pond well out in the woods fishing for perch and throwing them back. Game Warden showed up, caught me fishing without a license and wrote me a $50 fine. I paid it. The law was the law even if I thought it was a little much.

I buy a license every year although many years I don’t need it. Landowners don’t need one. I appreciate wildlife conservation efforts and hope the money is put to good use.

Here recently when I needed a game warden due to someone baiting on an adjacent property, I was s o l.

Apparently the TWRA had been overstepping their authority for many years and due to a lawsuit, they are very cautious now.

I had verbal permission to hunt the property from the new owners agent. The local game warden needed someone to report a violation and get a warrant before they went on the property.

I didn’t “report anything” since I didn’t have written permission to be there. Mr green jeans and I had a nice conversation and let it be. The bait pile is placed in a way that it can’t be seen from my property and they have game cameras all over the place.

Sometimes you’re the windshield, and sometimes you’re the bug...

09-07-2024, 08:36 AM
Out here landowners are not required to buy a license to hunt, fish, etc their own property but it must be in season and in accordance with regulations. No idea what the rules were for the game warden but for the small stuff, a warning would have sufficed and everyone would have been better served. Guarantee if that guy needs help one day, the list of folks that would help got reduced. That may or may not matter to the die hard power players but they typically have the discretion to issue warnings.

Adam Helmer
09-08-2024, 01:27 PM
Out here landowners are not required to buy a license to hunt, fish, etc their own property but it must be in season and in accordance with regulations. No idea what the rules were for the game warden but for the small stuff, a warning would have sufficed and everyone would have been better served. Guarantee if that guy needs help one day, the list of folks that would help got reduced. That may or may not matter to the die hard power players but they typically have the discretion to issue warnings.

Mr. Wolf,

I totally agree; all officers have wide discretion when handling a case. We do not know if the alleged violators were cooperative or confrontational. Cooperative folks get Warnings in most cases, and "Hard Cases" get what is their due.

We do not know who was in violation in the mentioned case, or were they cooperative. Maybe they ended a long career of fishing without a license. Let us hope. As for helpful citizen input to wardens, I am not sure career law violators would be a good source. LOL.


09-08-2024, 01:46 PM
Seems like certain people are jumping to conclusions that there were “violators” at the family bbq.

I guess when the only tool you use is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.

09-14-2024, 02:52 PM
After retirement, we moved a couple of miles outside Eureka Mt from 32 years in AK. Four new houses have been built in my neighborhood which is now ten houses on about 140 acres. My closest neighbor died recently and her daughter and husband moved up from California. Five of us have shooting ranges. All have guns including two California, two Colorado and one Georgia transplant. All are good neighbors.

No longer having kids at home I have plenty of guns around the house. I keep a 454 Puma by the deck door as well as a Iver Johnson single shot loaded with 3" 15 ball 00 Buck and a 44 long shot single shot gun, a 22H 220 Savage over the door and a 22 cal PCP pellet gun. Never know what will show up in the front yard. Entry door has a Savage 24 22/410. Back door has an 20" 870 with 00 Buck in chamber and mag tube and two each slug and 00 Buck in side saddle. 45acp, 22 KH and 20ga 870 in upstairs bedroom. 9mm and 38 spl in
kitchen and office. Can't remember what all is in the gun room or the garage gun safe. I even keep a Daisy Red Rider ready to shoot unwanted dogs out of my skunk bait station. I probably need to put at least a rifle, pistol and shot gun at the walk out basement door. Other than that I think I'm well covered.

For new country non shooters I would recommend a short barreled 12 or 20ga pump with side saddle and some tactical training dealing heavily with keeping the gun loaded and in the fight. Also training on the different loads and how effective they are on different types of targets.

09-14-2024, 03:43 PM

Thanks for the help determining your message. For your example about "little Tommy catching fish without a license." In my state, he would NOT Need a fishing license if under age 16. On the other hand, his dad, if over age 16, would be in violation. If dad was fishing without a valid license, he is in violation. Family barbeque, or not, a Violation is a violation. Comprende? Are you an LEO? Do you comply with Game Laws?

I made arrests for law violations at many alleged violators' family gatherings. Tacky or not, I did not write the laws and cannot grant amnesty, that is up to the judge. You would KNOW that if you are a lawman.

Be well, and buy a license if you are going fishing. LOL!


No, I am not a LEO but have had friends that were.
I have a lifetime hunting and fishing license, so I guess I comply with game laws, although I rarely go hunting or fishing.
When I was a teen, I repeatedly got stopped by one of the towns "Finest", just to hassle me.
Once he stopped me to look at my eyeglasses, to make sure I was complying with the regulation of being restricted to corrective lenses.
Another time he stopped me and asked where my motorcycle helmet was, I said to him that I didn't think we had a helmet law, he said "we don't".
Then he asked me if I had a helmet, I said, yes, then he said, "what color is it?" I said "white", he then said, "ok you can go".
I asked him what it was all about, and he said, "police business".
A couple years later he was caught going 120 mph driving thru a nearby city and not long after that he was kicked off the force.
I still remember his name; it made my day to find out what happened to him.
I also knew a cop some people called "Wally the Rat", I really liked him, he used to come and go pheasant hunting with me when I was a teen, he never asked to see my hunting license, although I did have one.

I have the feeling you are not quite the hard nose you are making out to be and didn't write citations without probable cause.
If it makes you feel better, I will take a photo of my license and post it. LOL
I wish you well.

09-14-2024, 05:47 PM
I was invited to dove hunt with a neighbor on the sheriff’s department. There was an impressive meal cooked on the Blackstone grill. His son in law said the blessing before we ate.
After the meal, and before we went out to hunt, He asked “does everyone have a license?” “Does everybody have a plug in their gun?” Someone shouted “what’s that?” And everyone laughed...
We had a safe and successful hunt. No licenses were checked, and I highly doubt anyone was doing anything illegal. A good time was had by all. Looking forward to opening day next year!

Adam Helmer
09-14-2024, 07:05 PM

You made me laugh. I am not "hard nosed", but was paid to enforce the law. On day 2 as a town cop, I saw a car run through a stop sign. I pulled the car over and found out it was a member of my church. She had a toddler unrestrained in the front seat. "Linda" said, "Oh, I am glad you stopped me." I said, "License and registration, please."

I ran her data, and gave her a ticket. She was dumbfounded and hostile. I told her to READ the ticket, it was a WARNING, but if she preferred, I was able to write a money ticket. She shut up, put her kid in a child seat and stopped for stop signs thereafter.

Officers have wide discretion. If they let their friends go, then why not everyone? I got chewed out by my captain at roll call a few days later because I wrote 7 Warning tickets on my prior shift. The captain said, "do you know how much money the town lost?" I said, "I got the desired correction and the taxpayers were educated, gently." Also, Warning tickets do not require an officer to appear in court on their day off!

Try the job on for size for a year or two and check back. LOL.

Be well.


09-14-2024, 08:40 PM
Now how about everyone else hijack the thread to talk about their chosen profession that has nothing to do with the subject matter at hand, and suggest that everyone should try their profession for a year so they may show proper respect to the hijacker. How about it; any truck drivers want to tell everyone how to properly respect a truck driver? How about pharmacists? Now there are some folks who deserve the utmost respect.

At my farmhouse, I have found a single shot shotgun, a .22 LR rifle, a .38 or .357 revolver and a .22 pump air rifle to be a good basic battery.

09-14-2024, 09:01 PM
Now how about everyone else hijack the thread to talk about their chosen profession that has nothing to do with the subject matter at hand, and suggest that everyone should try their profession for a year so they may show proper respect to the hijacker. How about it; any truck drivers want to tell everyone how to properly respect a truck driver? How about pharmacists? Now there are some folks who deserve the utmost respect.

At my farmhouse, I have found a single shot shotgun, a .22 LR rifle, a .38 or .357 revolver and a .22 pump air rifle to be a good basic battery.

Adam, my friend, I think he is talking about us!

09-15-2024, 08:18 AM
Getting back to the topic of the thread of a farm/house gun, it’s not a bad choice to pick a shotgun. New shooters and those less practiced might be able to hit the target easier with a shotgun than a handgun.

Tennessee has recently created a nighttime coyote/bobcat season and it’s shotgun only. I guess the law makers were concerned about rifle bullets traveling off to who knows where in the dark...

And one other thing to add. My friend sent me a news link a few years back. Someone was shooting their 9mm on their property in the county, which was legal. I don’t recall if they had a backstop, or most likely just a tree line. Anyway, one of the stray bullets traveled around 400 yards and struck a woman. The woman was my friends mother.

It hit her “in the stomach” his words. She survived.

I tinkered around with a ballistics calculator and determined the energy was similar to a shot from 380 by the time it hit her. Assuming it wasn’t a ricochet and hadn’t slowed down from contact with another object on the way there.

09-15-2024, 01:05 PM

Found it.

Adam Helmer
09-15-2024, 02:59 PM

It is a Free Country and people can VENT. I have a thick skin and it is akin to "water off a duck's back." LOL.

One more thing as Columbo would say, I opened this thread, so my opinion is MINE! If Tracy can do better, then let him/her POST and show us!

Be well, my friend.


09-15-2024, 10:34 PM
I'm glad you have a thick skin. I've had my say about farm/house guns, so since it's your thread and you are apparently finished with the original topic, I'll move on because I have no interest in the new topic.

09-16-2024, 03:19 AM
SKS, you never know when that pig sticker will come in handy.

Adam Helmer
09-16-2024, 11:44 AM
I'm glad you have a thick skin. I've had my say about farm/house guns, so since it's your thread and you are apparently finished with the original topic, I'll move on because I have no interest in the new topic.


Thanks you for your kindness. I do not know where you live or what your circumstances are, so please open a thread and I will reply with kindness. May the Lord be with you.

Be well.


Ithaca Gunner
09-16-2024, 11:58 AM
Eh, when I was kid at the farm, (Elk Township, Tioga County, right next to you) we just kept an old Mossberg 42B handy for coons and fox, etc. That was many years ago when we didn't have to worry about any two legged predators.

Adam Helmer
09-16-2024, 12:15 PM
Eh, when I was kid at the farm, (Elk Township, Tioga County, right next to you) we just kept an old Mossberg 42B handy for coons and fox, etc. That was many years ago when we didn't have to worry about any two legged predators.

Ithaca Gunner,

Do you still reside in Tioga County? Since every state is now a Border State, I keep a pump 12 gauge, loaded right for the Biden/Kamala Illegals criminalizing this nation. Meanwhile, we have many "Flatlanders" moving up here from downstate and most CROSSOVER to being locals. They sell their urban homes for big bucks and relocate here and buy up old farms for a pittance compared to Philadelphia home prices.

Suddenly, these urbanites find they need to do for themselves when critters raid their neat chicken coops or kill their lambs or calves. Dialing 911 for such problems is akin to Dial-A-Prayer. Hence, a 12 or 20 gauge is needed. Most catch on quickly and earn a new respect for their needed country input. Some never crossover and remain Dims.

Be well.


Ithaca Gunner
09-16-2024, 01:29 PM
No Adam, I haven't lived there since the early 70's about the time the New Yorker's began moving in. After my time as one of Uncle Sam's Miss-guided Children I've been in the south central PA area, little prospect in dairy farming, and not much work in N-W Tioga County. We were right along the border of Potter County, about seven miles to Galeton or Germainia.

My grandfather, William Brecher was pretty well known in that area as a bear trapper, (sold the meat to the logging companies and the hides in Williamsport) until outlawed in 1920. He farmed and guided after that, and died at the Coudersport hospital, his brother, Henry was equally well known as a blacksmith/wagon wright in Germania.

Adam Helmer
09-16-2024, 04:01 PM
Ithaca Gunner,

Thanks for the nice trip down memory lane. I came home to my farm bought in 1988 in 1996. All my extended family still resides far away in Chester County. I found Tioga County in 1985 and will not be removed without a stick of dynamite! In 1996 I retired and my happiest view was Boston in my rear view mirror!

Last Saturday, September 7, I was elected for my 21st year as president of my county historical society. Yes, I have Crossed Over.

Be well.


09-16-2024, 05:38 PM
brings back old memory - was in Tioga at the boar hunting preserve, long before they built the dam + flooded the valley - snowed on my birthday in April -

09-20-2024, 02:06 PM
SKS, you never know when that pig sticker will come in handy.

Interestingly the gun that Ryan Routh had with him was NOT an AK! It was an SKS with the 30 round mag which means it was probably made in China by Norinco.

I hate it when the guys on TV talk about guns. I say, " they don't know which end of the bullet, the gun comes out of !!!".
