View Full Version : Blessings

Good Cheer
08-09-2024, 05:53 AM
We went out for a drive and cheese burgers yesterday. Over lunch we got to talking about the blessings we've received over the years. Ever do that? Just start trying to add them up? Not the first time we've had that conversation but it convinced me to start a list, just to see big it gets.
So yeah, I'm putting a short cut on the desk top so it's staring me right in the face.:coffee:

08-09-2024, 11:46 AM
I made it my goal to practice an attitude of gratitude years ago. Better yet, make gratitude calender. Record what your grateful for each day, when you have a bad day, look back a year, and see what you where grateful for on that day a year ago.

What if all could keep for tomorrow, was all we where grateful for today?

08-09-2024, 01:14 PM
God has blessed me greatly. A lot of that can't be measured in material wealth, but in health, family, happiness, the church I've been led to, and my life.

I don't have a lot of money but God always supplies my needs and many of my wants. Most people look at a Christian, and if they aren't wealthy in a material sense, say something like: "well they talk about being rich but they don't have anything." But they are only viewing the world from a monetary standpoint.

BulletMatch.com is one of the material things I have been blessed to have. Many people see it and they first think, wow, you're crazy for trying that. But really it's my passion, and BulletMatch is a way for me to organize all the information and research I would do anyway into a concise manner that others can share.

Another of the blessings I've received, and a material item I can handle, is a Turnbull finished Winchester 92. It was a gift from a friend. It's the nicest firearm I've ever had, and I would have never purchased it for myself.



Good Cheer
08-09-2024, 01:31 PM
Wow. That's lovely!

08-09-2024, 01:39 PM
Another of the blessings I've received, and a material item I can handle, is a Turnbull finished Winchester 92. It was a gift from a friend. It's the nicest firearm I've ever had, and I would have never purchased it for myself.



She sure is a Beaut!
I could look at that all day...

08-09-2024, 10:06 PM
I’m blest by the little things. A hobby, a green light, a good report. Peace in the midst of the storm. Trials happen but the joy of the Lord is our strength.

08-17-2024, 04:40 PM
Every day, many of us take for granted the blessings we have. Food in the fridge, shelter, jobs, maybe some money in the bank.
We can get so caught up in the things we don't have, we miss the basics. The bride and I have everything we need.


08-17-2024, 07:02 PM
Many years ago my wife and I started randomly talking about our blessings. I won't tell the story here but I know without a doubt that God brought my wife and me together. We are not financially wealthy by any measure, but we are truly rich with what the Lord has blessed us with. I don't have enough time left to count all the blessings I have received but we do discuss it many times.

08-17-2024, 09:20 PM

Too many to count here, and they go back a LONG long ways.

Good Cheer
08-18-2024, 08:24 AM
Many years ago my wife and I started randomly talking about our blessings. I won't tell the story here but I know without a doubt that God brought my wife and me together. We are not financially wealthy by any measure, but we are truly rich with what the Lord has blessed us with. I don't have enough time left to count all the blessings I have received but we do discuss it many times.

The wife and I came to the same realization that we were brought together. After seeing interventions time and again during our years together we've concluded that God has things set up in advance, ready for you to do your part, ready for you to ask.