View Full Version : Can You ID This Creepy Insect?

steve urquell
05-29-2024, 08:22 PM
This big guy showed up on the screen at my back door. I have a yellow bug bulb that comes on at dusk till dawn but bugs still show up to it so I assume he's a predator of some sort. At least 3" long.

Any bug experts recognize this fella?

05-29-2024, 08:32 PM
male Dobsonfly

Recycled bullet
05-29-2024, 08:32 PM
That is a Dobson fly. His larval form is a hellgrammite.

05-29-2024, 08:40 PM

I got one. What’s this?

steve urquell
05-29-2024, 08:44 PM
male Dobsonfly

That is a Dobson fly. His larval form is a hellgrammite.

Interesting and thanks. I read a little about him and it looks like mine is a male and only lives a few days in this form only to mate. Doesn't even eat. Weird bug.

Winger Ed.
05-29-2024, 08:50 PM
I can't remember if it's the male or female dobson fly, but one has a real bad attitude.
When it pinches you, you'll think a lobster got a hold of ya.

05-29-2024, 08:52 PM

I got one. What’s this?

Eastern-Eyed Click Beetle

steve urquell
05-29-2024, 09:01 PM
I can't remember if it's the male or female dobson fly, but one has a real bad attitude.
When it pinches you, you'll think a lobster got a hold of ya.

Looks like he could get you good with those pincers.

Winger Ed.
05-29-2024, 09:44 PM
Looks like he could get you good with those pincers.

Oh yeah. We have plenty around here if anyone needs a few.
They'll grab onto ya like that mean, old, bitter, elementary school teacher with claws that we all had.

05-29-2024, 10:14 PM
They make good trout bait!

05-29-2024, 11:22 PM
They make good trout bait!

Mean elementary school teachers?

35 Rem
05-29-2024, 11:25 PM
They both look like good justification for those rice revolver loads to me. :)

05-30-2024, 02:07 AM
That is a Dobson fly. His larval form is a hellgrammite.

I didn't know that, thank you kindly for that information. I fish with hellgrammite lures sometimes.

05-30-2024, 05:28 AM
Here is some about them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-33BbRiRysw

05-30-2024, 05:49 AM
Yes, the larval firm(hellgrammite) is some good fishing bait. You must have a water body nearby.

steve urquell
05-30-2024, 07:23 AM
They both look like good justification for those rice revolver loads to me. :)If he made just one wrong move....

Here is some about them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-33BbRiRysw
Thanks or that. It's a very interesting insect.

Yes, the larval firm(hellgrammite) is some good fishing bait. You must have a water body nearby.
Weirdly enough not too close. The Illinois river is ~1/2 mile away. Maybe a farm pond within 1/4 mile at the closest.

steve urquell
05-30-2024, 07:29 AM
Here's a video of a guy letting the male and female Dobson fly bite him

05-31-2024, 01:58 PM
Aaaaaaand that's why I don't live in the south. That and humidity that makes for constant sweat year round, even indoors.

I'm just fine out here with the scorpions, centipedes and buzzworms, thank you.

Recycled bullet
05-31-2024, 08:00 PM

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 07:39 PM
My Dobson's fly is gone. Replaced by this guy. 3" wingspan. Really neat looking.

Recycled bullet
06-02-2024, 07:51 PM
Oo is that a Luna moth??

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 07:57 PM
Oo is that a Luna moth??

After a google search it looks like you nailed it. Yep, Luna moth.

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 08:03 PM

Did you figure out what this guy is?

Recycled bullet
06-02-2024, 08:04 PM
Did you figure out what this guy is?No I have not. I found it inside an engine compartment of a Volvo sedan.

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 08:16 PM
No I have not. I found it inside an engine compartment of a Volvo sedan.

Maybe Vanessa atalanta aka red admiral moth?

Recycled bullet
06-02-2024, 08:17 PM
I think you hit a home run with that because I typed the name into Google and it looks very similar!!

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 08:19 PM
I think you hit a home run with that because I typed the name into Google and it looks very similar!!

Ha, ha! I googled "orange circle moth"

Recycled bullet
06-02-2024, 08:19 PM
Anyways I'd much rather find a butterfly or a strange bug inside of an engine compartment instead of the gross thing which was a dead cat, or that one time I found a bird, other time a mouse.

The cat was retched and the smell would peel your eyes back.

The other ones were desiccated like mummified.

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 08:22 PM
Anyways I'd much rather find a butterfly or a strange bug inside of an engine compartment instead of the gross thing which was a dead cat, or that one time I found a bird, other time a mouse.

The cat was retched and the smell would peel your eyes back.

The other ones were desiccated like mummified.

Wife had a pile of snakes in hers falling out after getting run thru the belts.

06-02-2024, 08:52 PM
Wife had a pile of snakes in hers falling out after getting run thru the belts.

Worst was after a friend hit a deer, the body shop washed the outside of the car but didn't open the hood and clean in all the frame and nooks and crannies. It sat in the sun for 4 weeks... in August... I went with him to move it to a different shop and I barfed... and nothing makes me barf... but that was... bad... deer was turned inside out and all the insides were in the engine compartment and frame rails. We had to car wash it before the other shop would let it on their lot. And that car wash banned him LOL

steve urquell
06-02-2024, 09:07 PM
Worst was after a friend hit a deer, the body shop washed the outside of the car but didn't open the hood and clean in all the frame and nooks and crannies. It sat in the sun for 4 weeks... in August... I went with him to move it to a different shop and I barfed... and nothing makes me barf... but that was... bad... deer was turned inside out and all the insides were in the engine compartment and frame rails. We had to car wash it before the other shop would let it on their lot. And that car wash banned him LOL

Yuck. I had a co-worker run over a carcass in the road. Didn't get it to the bodyshop for a month. He was parking it in the garage because the neighbors were complaining about the stench.

Recycled bullet
06-03-2024, 08:55 AM

06-03-2024, 11:02 AM
Polyphemus moth, aka giant silk moth, and so pretty!

Recycled bullet
06-10-2024, 03:56 PM
This moth looks like a leaf. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240610/1d562d09379818b098904c3ae90e2836.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240610/834ac5aa4067b5c023d2bfd5aa98f863.jpg

06-10-2024, 07:32 PM
When we were kids and did not have many artificial lures we would rake the shallow riffles of the upper Allegheny River below Tidioute, PA. One would rake the small rocks while standing in the riffles and a buddy would hold a fine mess screen. The Helgamites (larvae of the Dobson Fly) would be dislodged from the under side of the small rocks and be caught in the net. We used em for bass and walleye bait. If you see small white spots the size of a quarter on the sides of large river rocks along the shore; they are the egg pods of the Dobson Fly. The eggs drop off into the water and eventually turn into a nymph and eventually a larvae. The Helgamites really attraced the fish!!!

steve urquell
06-10-2024, 07:39 PM
When we were kids and did not have many artificial lures we would rake the shallow riffles of the upper Allegheny River below Tidioute, PA. One would rake the small rocks while standing in the riffles and a buddy would hold a fine mess screen. The Helgamites (larvae of the Dobson Fly) would be dislodged from the under side of the small rocks and be caught in the net. We used em for bass and walleye bait. If you see small white spots the size of a quarter on the sides of large river rocks along the shore; they are the egg pods of the Dobson Fly. The eggs drop off into the water and eventually turn into a nymph and eventually a larvae. The Helgamites really attraced the fish!!!

I read a bit about them being good bait. Thanks for sharing.

Recycled bullet
06-10-2024, 08:12 PM
Hellgrammites is fantastic bait even the plastic ones work all the big fish want to eat them

06-10-2024, 08:53 PM
Did you figure out what this guy is?

Lost #23….Yep, that’s definitely a red admiral they’re all over here. Love the stuff when I was a kid and still do. I’ve got an Audobon book. That’s gotta be 3+ inches thick with nothing but photographs of bugs in it coolest book on the planet!!!

I know all these bugs without the book…I’m a nerd!

06-10-2024, 09:06 PM
That is a Luna moth.

steve urquell
06-12-2024, 08:01 AM
My male Dobson fly has been gone since a couple days after I started this thread. I looked out this morning and now have a female on the screen. Ain't she purty?

06-12-2024, 09:29 PM
Looks like something only a male Dobson Fly would love.

steve urquell
06-12-2024, 09:59 PM
Looks like something only a male Dobson Fly would love.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

06-13-2024, 12:19 PM
I hate bugs.

steve urquell
06-13-2024, 12:39 PM
I hate bugs.

Yeah it's hard to floss the legs from between your teeth.

06-13-2024, 04:56 PM
Aaaaaaand that's why I don't live in the south. That and humidity that makes for constant sweat year round, even indoors.

I'm just fine out here with the scorpions, centipedes and buzzworms, thank you.

We have all three of those in the South, too.

Texas by God
06-13-2024, 07:28 PM
I had the only Luna moth I’ve ever seen in my hand long enough for my wife to see. Then it fluttered down on the porch floor- where our cat hit it at a hundred miles an hour!
It was a brief encounter…..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-18-2024, 08:22 PM

steve urquell
06-18-2024, 08:30 PM


06-26-2024, 06:54 AM
Just from this morning. We get some beautiful and different insects out here.

steve urquell
06-26-2024, 07:20 AM
Just from this morning. We get some beautiful and different insects out here.

Those are great. I have the one on the low right side here as well. Thanks for the pics.

Recycled bullet
06-26-2024, 03:32 PM
Jumped out at me after I removed an axle. Looks like a bird was chompin on him but he can still fly just finehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/38e14c693a4666b7cd35858d6f1a9517.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/1ad8fcb6f94d7664c7f9b720dfcc704d.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/89ccc0a4fb1b6745c2875c4827c4e79a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/b09074bc57512dd3cb57ce88f83ffebe.jpg

steve urquell
06-26-2024, 04:56 PM
Jumped out at me after I removed an axle. Looks like a bird was chompin on him but he can still fly just finehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/38e14c693a4666b7cd35858d6f1a9517.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/1ad8fcb6f94d7664c7f9b720dfcc704d.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/89ccc0a4fb1b6745c2875c4827c4e79a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20240626/b09074bc57512dd3cb57ce88f83ffebe.jpg

Poor guy. Was he able to fly off?

Recycled bullet
06-26-2024, 05:30 PM
Poor guy. Was he able to fly off?Yes he flew surprisingly well.

06-26-2024, 05:34 PM
Wife had a pile of snakes in hers falling out after getting run thru the belts.

My wife is from Thailand and she has warned me to be sure there isn't a cobra under the hood when checking oil. uh, we live on a different continent [smilie=2:

Recycled Bullets - Love your avatar.