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01-27-2006, 02:23 PM
AP) Alaska Revives Aerial Wolf Control Program
Jan 27 2006
Associated Press Writer
The state reinstated a population control program Thursday that allows shooting wolves from the air _ more than a week after a judge ruled it was illegal.
The program was reinstated after the Board of Game filed new regulations passed in response to Superior Court judge Sharon Gleason's concerns.
"They are effective immediately," said Annette Kreitzer, chief of staff to Lt. Gov. Loren Leman.
Gleason ruled last week that the board violated its own standards for expanding the program, in part because it did not provide justification for it or explain why alternatives such as sterilization or habitat destruction would not work.
The program, intended to boost moose and caribou populations in five areas of the state, got its start in 2003 in an area of Alaska's Interior where residents had long complained predators were killing too many moose, leaving too few for food.
In an emergency meeting Wednesday, the board scrapped its existing regulations and created new ones that list alternatives it considers unfeasible, primarily because they are expensive. The board will seek to make the new rules permanent at a regular public meeting in March.
Animal rights groups fighting to shut down the program may return to court to argue that the process of rewriting the rules was illegal.
"We do not regard it as an emergency when an agency needs to adopt regulations to fix a problem of its own making," said Jim Reeves, the lawyer representing Darien, Conn.-based Friends of Animals and seven Alaska plaintiffs.
About 400 wolves have been killed so far under the program, which permits pilot and gunner teams to shoot the wolves from the air. The state intends to kill another 400 wolves this year.
Alaska is home to the largest remaining population of gray wolves in the country. State biologists estimate about 7,000 to 11,000 wolves roam the state.
On the Net:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game: http://www.wildlife.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfgwolf.main
Friends of Wolves: http://www.wolfsanctum.org/current_events.html

01-27-2006, 06:03 PM
That is new news. For the last couple years they have issued permits to fly and shoot the same day for wolf but not to shoot from the air. The law for big game is you cant shoot the same day you fly.
I have worked on winterizing guns for pilots for this. The guns must be free of all liquid oil type lubes or they mal function. I strip them clean then lube with molly powder.
Last year out of I think 50 permits issued one pilot got most of all that were taken, his gun worked. Cant remember exact numbers but he got like 350 out of 360 taken.
If you read my gone hunting thread you will see why they are doing this.
The animal friendly freekies want to save all the wolfes but most of us up here would rather eat.

01-27-2006, 06:20 PM

That's interesting about winterizing rifles. I read a report one time, gee don't ask were as I've forgotten, where they took military rifles such as the M16, M14, the Garand, HK, etc. and where up north somewhere really cold minus minus minus cold, I forget the exact temperature too. Was very interesting..some wouldn't fire at all, some would fire once and quit and some it didn't bother alot. The M16 came out pretty high on the list and the M14 and Garand didn't fair too well. Neither did the Ruger Mini 14.


01-28-2006, 12:23 AM
BS, I'd also like to ask, just out of curiosity, if you've ever tried Lyman (I think that was the brand name?) Dri-Slide. I think that's the way it was spelled. I used to carry an AR-15 behind the seat of my pickup truck, with a loaded mag and empty chamber, and it's really dusty down here in SE Georgia. This was back when stories of the AR and dust were saying the rifle just wouldn't function in such situations. Mine did. It did bobble a time or two when lubed with, IIRC, Breakfree or other liquid oils. I tried that Dri-Slide, a teflon base in an evaporative carrier, and not only did it never bobble or hitch, but being dry, any dust that got on it just fell off, so there was no accumulation of dust or dirt, and I USED that gun, a LOT. Sure worked for dust, and just wondered how this would/maybe has worked in cold.

01-28-2006, 12:32 AM

I knew a guy that carried an AR15 on his trail bike bungie corded to the handlebars. Talk about it getting dirty and dusty would be an understatement and the rifle never failed to function for him. I believe you will find the guys that run down the AR15/M16 are the old hardcore Garand/M14 folks. Alot of them refuse to believe that the AR15/M16 could function alone shoot good. Look how long the M16 has been the U.S. Military's rifle. I think it's getting to point where it's been the longest.
