View Full Version : Simple primer question; Magnum vs Standard

Patrick L
02-21-2009, 09:38 PM
I have a father-in-law who has a heart of gold. However, his understanding of the technical side of reloading is almost nonexistant, which is fine since I do all of the reloading. He does occasionally buy primers for the ammo I load for him. Over the years I have managed to get him to understand the brand and type we use: CCI standard, both large and small.

Well, he messed up today and bought small rifle magnum primers. Like I said, he has a heart of gold, and he is the kindest, most generous man I could have hoped to get as a father-in-law.

I have a very simple question. Can I use the magnum primers in place of the standard ones without getting into trouble? I load only two rifle cartridges that take small primers: .223 and .30 carbine. My sole .223 load is a mild one; 24 gr IMR 4320 under a 55 gr FMJ bullet. We shoot it in my .223 HBAR and his Savage 110. Various sources list the max as around 26 gr or a tad higher, so I'm a good 8-10% below. My two carbine loads are 12 gr Alliant 2400 under a 110 FMJ, or 11 gr of the same under a 120gr cast lead plainbase.

What would you all recommend? With primers being in short supply, plus his good intentions, I'd like to use these up.

Heavy lead
02-21-2009, 09:47 PM
In the particular case with the 223 IMO IME they should work fine, actually I like mag primers in the 223 (I use R-10x for most loads out of my AR-15's), might back off a touch and work back up just to make sure, but I would use them.
I have no experience with the 30 carbine.

02-21-2009, 10:14 PM
Check the loads in your manual and back off 10%, you should be OK.

You're at max now with the carbine now so it should still cycle.

Well after rereading your post you had already said what I said. Is there an echo in here.

02-21-2009, 10:15 PM
I wouldn't say they would hurt the 30c but I had trouble with mine with standard rifle primers and it wasn't just the primers, I had other things going on but a long time loader told me it was best to use pistol primers in the 30c since it is more like a pistol cart. design and they are a little weak in the firing pin dept. Mag primers as I understand have a thicker cup to withstand the extra pressure so they may not fire for you.

02-22-2009, 04:30 PM
I think your father-in-law has given you a great opportunity to buy another gun. 454 Casull uses small rifle primers and it is a fun gun to shoot with MODERATE loads. Full power loads are infrequently used when hunting dinosaurs or other creatures that bite back. Tell him thank you then go out and buy a Raging Bull or Freedom Arms in 454.

03-03-2009, 09:54 PM
I now load all my 55gr .223 with 25.1 gr of AA2330 and a small rifle magnum primer and never saw a difference in function or signs of pressure after the switch.


03-03-2009, 09:57 PM
I think your father-in-law has given you a great opportunity to buy another gun. 454 Casull uses small rifle primers and it is a fun gun to shoot with MODERATE loads. Full power loads are infrequently used when hunting dinosaurs or other creatures that bite back. Tell him thank you then go out and buy a Raging Bull or Freedom Arms in 454.

Or a Ruger :)