View Full Version : The Genealogy of Jesus Christ

05-15-2024, 01:48 PM
How many have followed the lineage of Yeshua, Jesus the Christ..King of Kings, Lord of Lord, Prince of Peace, a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek?
If you don't feel the information has value, I feel sorry for you. It is the foundation for the Key of David.

So Jesus's parents are simple. YHVH + Mary
Nothing to follow or trace with our Father for he has no beginning and will have no end.
So what of Mary? A lady blessed beyond all other blessings. How could a woman be any more fortunate than to carry our Messiah? There are people who would even deify her by praying to her....I do not agree ....but I will say nothing further on the matter for one simple reason...How would you like to look upon feet of brass...eyes like fire...and the sword of truth speaking to you asking...."What'd you say about my momma, little boy?" I jest...but seriously....that could get rough on a fella!

We have two genealogies in the New Testament to look at. First up in Matthew 1:1...looking at these we see one begat another..meaning blood related. If we follow all the way to 1:16 we see Jacob begat Joseph. Joseph, husband of Mary and Step-Father to Jesus...So Joseph's father was called Jacob.

If we go to the 2nd genealogy in Luke we see a totally different pattern. 1st..no begats, letting you know these are NOT blood related (to Joseph). We go to Luke 3:23 Jesus "As was supposed" son of Joseph. Take that word 'supposed' back to the greek Nomizo which means "To do by law". That tells us this is Joseph's "In-Laws". Mary's Father being Heli. Why is this important? Follow the line. Christ came from the root of Jesse..David...but NOT Solomon. Christ was born through the line of Nathan.
What does that matter you ask? Jeremiah 22:5 and the following verses...The LORD swore by himself (cause he could swear by nothing greater) I will make the house of Jehoiakim, son of Josiah..a desolation. 22:30-No man of his seed shall prosper. ....Well, Christ CANNOT come through that for HIS blood certainly DID prosper! ......go back to Matthew 1:10&11 we Josias right there. Back up to 1:6 and we see Solomon.
Christ coming through Nathan and NOT Solomon certainly shows our Father's statement in Jeremiah is true...LOL, as if there was doubt.
BTW, Josiah and Josias are one and the same. One being Hebrew and the other being Greek. Names are transliterated and NOT translated.

Maybe you all knew this. Maybe ya'll are smarter than me...but there are a great many that do NOT. I pray and I wish I had a lineage for Mary's mother but we are not given that. The catholics call her St. Anne but that's unprovable. By their own admission, they know nothing of Mary's mother for a fact.
I have my own suspicion but it is nothing more than supposition. I believe in my heart Mary's Mother was a Levite. I'll leave that on the shelf for the moment and stick to the topic at hand....for now.

Who has something useful to add or point out? This is certainly not a complete study but it's where I will pause for now.