View Full Version : is your generator ready for solar storm

05-11-2024, 10:07 AM
I remember a solar storm hit years ago and popped breakers and melted power lines in Canada and up north that way in New York. power was out for a while from news reports I saw.
ive yet to see a statement by an experts saying what side of the planet will take the brunt of it, maybe it will be the whole planet, I guess we will see. but what I did see a couple experts saying that they expect it to be a 5 on a scale of five in intensity. I once saw a show about the satellite nasa created to monitor these solar storms so that communication and military satellites can be turned off as the energized particles pass by so the satellites won't get fried.
just in case ive got my old trusty Lincoln ranger with 8000 watt 120/240v all tuned up with new oil and air filter and non ethanol gas ready if its needed. and at least 20 gallons of gas to try and keep the freezer frozen just in case the power lines melt.

05-11-2024, 11:10 AM
It was at worst an X5 flare... the X28 in 2003 caused zero damage... grid operators learned and have cutouts and sensors to stop cascade failures. And yes it is a worldwide event and still ongoing! Worst effects are currently on the other side of the planet and I expect this to continue into late tonight/early tomorrow.


05-11-2024, 11:55 AM
I'm just as prepared as I was for... Y2K ... :drinks: !

05-11-2024, 12:31 PM
My generator is always ready. Getting ready to top off the propane tank with hurricane season just around the corner.

05-11-2024, 02:30 PM
Generator was pulled out a couple weeks ago and ran. Ran a couple days in Jan/feb. Battery tender shows green, enough fuel for a week if run 24/7 so we should be GTG .

05-11-2024, 04:43 PM
The news media makes solar storms sound worse then they are, today on fartbook* I saw posts as far south as Texas and San Francisco of the aura showing my satellite internet did not die my power did not flicker .

* maybe not spelled correct but spelled right!

05-11-2024, 04:56 PM
I'm not too worried about solar flares, Rusky or Chinese EMPs or even the Zombie Apocalypse. Hurricanes get my attention. Been living in SW Fla since 1987, I've seen a few. All gas appliances, 22kw standby generator and a 500 gal buried tank. No power, my life does not change. I can still cook, shower and have A/C.

05-11-2024, 05:46 PM
Ready for anything natural or man made destruction.

05-11-2024, 08:32 PM
I don't even care anymore. Whatever happens happens.

It's all clickbait anyway.

05-11-2024, 08:44 PM
it happens

guess I left out the sh

05-11-2024, 10:36 PM
Should be fine. Over 600 gallons of propane.

05-12-2024, 03:09 PM
I tended two big generators for a boy's school.
A six and an eight cylinder, ran on propane
I ran them an hour under load weekly.
Had a service contract quarterly.
Gensets powered the water and sewer, heat, lights, kitchen
all good things at a boys school.

Lost power for a week ran them for a week, with a propane delivery even
I only had two full 1000 gallon tanks.

The dorm room above one had the concrete floor go to 140F in winter with the window open
peeled the asbestos floor tiles. The tailpipe was a foot below the concrete.
I made a shroud a stove pipe duct around the redhot pipe.
I had a big well ventilated mech room, lots of makeup air, radiator blowing outside...
Controlled Power built them serviced them. Never a problem what could go wrong?

If you depend on a generator run it at least quarterly, a few 1000W quartz lights make a fine load.
How many propane delivery trucks are there in your town?
Your tank is not going to be 80% if you use it for heating.
Can they run a delivery truck when the lights go out? Suburban could, but no one else did.
Is that 30,000 gallon tank of theirs full? Not likely...
Propane trucked in from Albany? Good luck with that.
Suburban propane in W Lebanon has a rail siding for propane delivery.
RR got more expensive than trucking 200 miles round trip, over the Green Mts.

Did you know VT has natural gas under the Green Mts? Shhh, it's a secret. Mustn't drill.
But it will be there when the greenies wake up.

05-12-2024, 03:34 PM
Didn't place that, that's a typical ice storm in Canaan NH
Sleet and freezing rain (different, both nasty) blowing 60+
Chain up the Tacoma, bring a chainsaw
ice flattened every tree, took down every wire
pulled down home services, poles blew over
and I was a long ways out of town.
Only lost power for a day at my house,
but New London NH was closed for two weeks
They closed the roads to keep us safe...
My dad said "God can do this every week, if He wants to."
Makes Alaska look really tame.

I like the desert, better.

05-12-2024, 06:27 PM
You can put it up now. Click bait for sure.... non event

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05-12-2024, 06:56 PM
Didn't place that, that's a typical ice storm in Canaan NH
Sleet and freezing rain (different, both nasty) blowing 60+
Chain up the Tacoma, bring a chainsaw
ice flattened every tree, took down every wire
pulled down home services, poles blew over
and I was a long ways out of town.
Only lost power for a day at my house,
but New London NH was closed for two weeks
They closed the roads to keep us safe...
My dad said "God can do this every week, if He wants to."
Makes Alaska look really tame.
I like the desert, better.
Yup....same her only a bit worse in Strafford, NH.
Trees down every where and power lines broken everywhere.
Power out for 3 1/2 days.
50 gallons of gas worked out just fine.
Our generator runs the well pump (240v), 3 freezers and a monster fridge, sump pump, septic pumps, furnace and a few lights. Hot water and cooking is propane.
The 2 wood stoves kept us snug and warm.
I have to say it started getting old after day 2. But really not bad at all.
Not as bad as 2008 (?). Power out for 7 days. THAT was a bad storm.
Anyone that lives in rural NH that does not have a generator needs to move to the City.

05-14-2024, 08:05 PM
8K+ of solar panels cranking away every day. Should have no problem. Runs the entire house + extra. Plenty of sunshine here in AZ.

Don't know of anyone that owns a geny around these parts. Only the guys way up in the AZ mountains "off the grid" have them.


05-14-2024, 08:41 PM
Yeah, them solar panels in cloudy Florida are not so much. My front gate opener's panel would not even stay charged, so canned that crapola and dug a trench 300 ft to get to my pump house so now the gate opener works. My backup water supply, pump on our deep well, is on my 23KW generator. It is hooked up to 2 underground propane tanks. We here in the land of plywood and blue tarps have stuff to ride out the #5 storms, at least those that are wise do.
I have multiple dishes and antennas, and no problems so far with electronics, hope we do not see any.
Been thunder storming again so we can forget seeing any skies anywhere around here, just lightning.:-)

05-14-2024, 09:37 PM
I have and use a generator regularly. Need some more fuel though.