View Full Version : Winchester 9422 hammer extention.

05-07-2024, 01:44 PM
Don't know how many of members have been wanting to get a hammer extension for their Winchester 9422 lever gun, only to find that some may not fit properly. That's exactly what happened to me on my first go around. I bought the Uncle Mikes brand, and the bolt would not clear the hammer extension. The two sharp corners on either side, would jam into the extension. So, I ground and filed, and filed and filed to get the clearance to clear, until there was no more to relieve, and it still didn't clear. Finally dropped it in the round file. I remembered that my brother had an extension on his 9422, so I give him a buzz. Yep, he had one on his, and it was a "Williams" brand. So, I looked them up, and apparently they no longer make them. I looked on ebay, and low and behold, there were 2 listed as Williams 9422 AHE (auxiliary hammer extension). They did make right and left hand, so if you are looking for one, make sure which one you are buying. Got it in the mail yesterday. It fit perfectly and works great.