View Full Version : In california, what reloading/casting equipment can i nit sell at my yard sale?

04-30-2024, 10:17 PM
Recently ventured into this casting/reloading with the goal of making my own ammo. Well now that I have had that experience, I am ready to move on and leave it behind. Being in California, you can never be too careful with what/how you downsize. Anything that would fall under illegal/restricted sales without a license? Primers, powders, presses, pro melt, scales, brass, raw lead, ready casted bullets etc?

04-30-2024, 10:26 PM
None of those components have any limits for sale in the Communist Cannibis Republik. Only fully assembled ammunition is regulated by the state and one shouldn't be selling reloaded ammo anyway so you're fine. Don't expect your typical garage sale lookie loo have any idea on what you're selling however. You should advertise on Calguns.net but the website is down for a major overhaul and it's unknown when it will be back up if ever. They have a lesser known backup called Calguns.org. You might be able to sell on that board.

Edit: Well I'll be, Calguns.net is up and running. Go to the Marketplace > Private Reloading Sales forum and be sure to read the rules.

04-30-2024, 11:06 PM
All I have ever gotten on Calguns is tire kickers members wanting to buy guns under the table. I understand the regulations suck in Ca. The thing is, that here, anything can be construed as manufacturing tools, process, thoughts...nothing is clear anymore.

04-30-2024, 11:19 PM
Will that include the NOE stuff the owner covered re: your last thread, now deleted ?

04-30-2024, 11:40 PM
Don't sell powder, primers, brass or bullets to a felon or someone restricted from possessing such items.
If your ready casted bullets were bought from a retailer or licensed manufacturer, no problem. Selling your own cast bullets could be problems........license, taxes, ITAR etc.
Reselling black powder may be a problem.

05-01-2024, 10:54 AM
The_Antidote, if you don't mind me asking, what made your mind up to quit reloading? The reason I ask is, if it's because you found the results to not be worth the effort, this is something most new reloaders go through. I know when I started over twenty years ago I ran into the same thing. I didn't think it was worth it. But I kept working on it and realized that I could with practice make really quality ammunition cheaper than I could buy it, albeit at a cost of investment in the equipment and materials. I just don't want to see you give up on it before you can reach critical mass....

If it's one of those things where it's a time or cost/benefit kind of thing I totally understand. But it would seem to me that having the ability to load your own in the location you are would be something that MOST people would want to have, regarless of whether or not they did it much...

05-01-2024, 03:41 PM
Don't sell powder, primers, brass or bullets to a felon or someone restricted from possessing such items.
If your ready casted bullets were bought from a retailer or licensed manufacturer, no problem. Selling your own cast bullets could be problems........license, taxes, ITAR etc.
Reselling black powder may be a problem.

I do not think there is any restrictions on selling any components, maybe black powder. Ammo can't be sold to anyone now. Selling your own bullets is technically a Fed violation, but who is to say you made them or bought them?
If the OP is in SOcal, drop me a note, I am always looking for stuff.

05-01-2024, 04:42 PM
Could you not sell it in Swappin' and Sellin'?

05-01-2024, 04:53 PM
As I understand your specific situation, selling any bullets that you cast is not a violation of federal law, technically or otherwise. I don’t know CA

I think you’ll find that proceeds from a garage sale will be much less than the proceeds from selling here, even if you absorb shipping costs. Obviously, can’t ship primers or powder, but everything else is pretty easy to ship.

charlie b
05-02-2024, 12:20 PM
You might look up and see if you need a license to sell lead or lead alloys. Other than that all the rest of the stuff, molds, pot and sizing stuff should be ok.

05-03-2024, 04:54 PM
Now this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, but there is an effect that I've seen happen over and over again here in Commiefornia. I call it the "shallow reloader". Back during the pandemic, when there were supply chain shortages on everything and guns and ammo sales were leaving the shelves bare, a whole lot of Cali Boys decided to get into reloading. They did some things that seem pretty strange to us guys that cast our own bullets and make our own ammo.

First off, instead of getting a single stage press they just HAD to get a Dillion progressive press because Dillon was so popular on their social media that it was the only reloading press that they'd ever heard of. It couldn't just be any Dillon press either, it had to be top of the line so you could post selfies with it on social media. It didn't matter that you didn't have a clue on how to actually reload, and reading the instructions was something that never entered into your mind, the real goal here is that you got what was perceived as "the best" by other people, then posted about it to bolster your ego.

The next thing that was universal among shallow reloaders was shiny brass. It was of no consequence whatsoever that your handloads actually worked or not. By far, the most important criteria was that you had the shiniest brass so you could post about it and gain bragging rights among the other soy latte bois. Even unloaded brass needed to be so shiny that you could see your reflection in it so that the photos that you post of it wouldn't be shamed online by other dudes with shiny brass. It didn't matter that none of these guys didn't actually know how to reload.

Then the reality sunk in; this reloading stuff requires effort. You need to do things like actually get a reloading manual. Also, components like powder, bullets, primers, and tools were expensive, and on top of that you actually needed to know what you were doing. Gee whiz, that seems hard. Couldn't I just get the cheat code on this reloading stuff by posting a vague question on Reddit? Generally the answers that you got (if any) were just as ignorant and misinformed as the questions. You could just read the front part of any reloading manual, but again, that would require effort.

Because buying something just because it's expensive so that you can show off your shiny new toy to other people that place value on others solely upon their material possessions, doesn't mean that that progressive press is going to spit out cartridges all on its own, and expecting it to work without learning how to use it, lots of these "shallow reloaders" soon became disinterested in reloading. That reloading equipment then gets kicked to the curb like an old exercise treadmill. Often times these folks are surprised to discover that trying to sell their stuff at prices designed to recoup their losses ends up in no takers. I see guys like this at the range all the time - complaining about how much factory ammo costs.

Once again - this story has nothing to do with the OP, I'm sure he's a great guy - his post just reminded me about the other people that I've seen over and over again here in the great state of Commiefornia.

05-03-2024, 06:18 PM
There are no restrictions on selling lead in CA, or license needed.

05-04-2024, 11:51 AM
You can not sell your cast bullets without a manufacturing license. I bought a bucket full as scrap once...
If you have powder and primers, you might take them to a gun show to see if anyone was interested.

05-04-2024, 12:27 PM
Will that include the NOE stuff the owner covered re: your last thread, now deleted ?

I noticed that also and he was takin off my ignore list which I immediately put him back on.

05-04-2024, 05:23 PM
calguns.net is still down as of 2:21 pm 5/4/2024. Haven't been able to get on for two weeks at least.

05-04-2024, 07:09 PM
calguns.net is still down as of 2:21 pm 5/4/2024. Haven't been able to get on for two weeks at least.

Its up now.

05-04-2024, 08:23 PM
You can not sell your cast bullets without a manufacturing license.

Still untrue in his situation, internet myth.