View Full Version : Hunting/fishing/foraging Dog Partner training

04-24-2024, 12:02 PM
Most of you guys know that I live pretty remote on an island in SE Alaska. What goes along with this lifestyle is subsistence living. I do my best to harvest as much as I can from the world around me.. salmon, trout, halibut, shrimp and crab, deer, bear, mushrooms, other wild plants and herbs…

2 years ago, my hunting partner dog nearly died on me, and after operation and lots of cash, she is recovered. At just about 10 years old, that operation and recovery cost her, and she developed some shoulder issues, and other things that can make field work hard for the old gal. She is now in semi retirement with my son in a not so demanding environment as a companion. Which left me without a canine partner.. so I got a puppy.


Meet Verka (aka puppy) she was about 8 weeks there, and full of promise. She is a Belgium Malinois. Not known for a great love of the water, but by breed, is a total go getter. I am pretty excited at her progress. At this point, most of the actual training (other then The basics) is done in the form of play games… lots of work playing Hide and seek in the deep woods, and gaining confidence in obstacles that you face in the thick bush of our Rain Forest. Lots and lots of stick work…

Hide and seek

Trail work… so she learns to stay close but scout ahead.

River and more river work.

Practicing send across and back…

Crossing in more current.

And water retrieve.

She coming along in her confidence and maturity. I am pretty excited and it also helped me stay active this past winter. I generally hole up way more in the winter, but not this year.

Hope some of you like this stuff… and my training games…


04-24-2024, 12:02 PM
OPPs…. Forgot the truck work…

Truck work..

04-24-2024, 01:49 PM
Made me smile while I watch your new buddy.

Love dogs even though I am allergic to them.

04-24-2024, 02:00 PM
I clicked the "Love This" button.

crandall crank
04-24-2024, 03:29 PM
Nothing is greater than the bond between a man and his dog....I sure miss mine.

04-24-2024, 09:48 PM
Doing an awesome job IMO.

Main thing is just having it with you is going to keep you safer.

I suspect you'll know about any bear before you can see it.

I would suggest at some point teach it to pull a rope. Maybe start with a small dingy and rope that is soft on its mouth.

Could be a real lifesaver.

Cool stuff, keep em coming!

04-24-2024, 10:03 PM
Great work Marco! And Pup!

04-24-2024, 10:23 PM
Mali-gators are great dogs. I envy you.

04-25-2024, 08:10 AM
Mali-gators are great dogs. I envy you.

They are not for everyone, but I am loving mine… they are Not couch potato’s.

Texas by God
04-25-2024, 08:28 AM
Give Verka a slice of bacon for me!
She looks like a good one; I’m fond of Belgian Malinois and German Shepards.
My son has a Rhodesian Ridgeback 70 pound puppy that’s lovable but goofy and strong. I’m teaching her some manners while she provides comic relief on a daily basis….

04-25-2024, 09:51 AM
looks like lots of fun

04-25-2024, 01:28 PM
Give Verka a slice of bacon for me!
She looks like a good one; I’m fond of Belgian Malinois and German Shepards.
My son has a Rhodesian Ridgeback 70 pound puppy that’s lovable but goofy and strong. I’m teaching her some manners while she provides comic relief on a daily basis….

Did you say BACON?????

04-25-2024, 01:28 PM
looks like lots of fun

Good dog training needs to be lots of fun I think…

Adam Helmer
04-25-2024, 01:50 PM

Thanks for the post. In 1996, I retired and went to the local pound and found a wonderful 1 year old Golden, named Webley. We worked this old 60-acre farm for the 9 years the Lord allowed until his hip displasia required Vet attention in 2005. That year I got a smaller female half Yellow Lab/Shepard mix. She was my constant companion until she passed in 2017. That year I got my female Blue Heeler, Nikki.

Nikki will be age 7 in July. Blue Heelers have ONE Gear: HIGH 4! Nik and I daily patrol the farm in our Ranger. She loves to be my Farm Dog. She is the best watch dog I ever had and I sleep well knowing she is "on duty" 24/7. I would not ever live without a dog family member.

Be well.


Texas by God
04-25-2024, 03:06 PM
Kola says hello!

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04-25-2024, 07:09 PM
lost my blue heeler Bear in feb. this year. to date best dog I ever had. No one would get in our house without his consent. anyhow cannot imagine living without a furry buddy so an now bringing up a 5 month old border collie. she is learning, and at 75 will keep me active, as we walk a few miles thru the woods every day it doesn't rain too hard.

04-25-2024, 07:14 PM
Awesome pic Thomas!!!!! I see your hair grew back, But, where’s the dog pic??

Texas by God
04-25-2024, 10:50 PM
She’s doing the “Interpretive Curly Shuffle” here Mark!

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04-26-2024, 05:26 PM
Wow what a pup, you couldn't have done better:grin:

04-29-2024, 09:46 AM
Thanks SSGOldfart

John Wayne
07-21-2024, 01:24 PM
Dogs, the only relative we get too choose! Great videos Marko!
Our 3 dogs...yes the 3rd one is a dog that looks catlike ;^)

07-21-2024, 05:53 PM
Really nice ones John… especially the Dog wanna be..

John Wayne
07-22-2024, 11:11 AM
The white one is our 3rd dog. 120#. I couldn't find his pic last night.

Half Dog
07-22-2024, 11:15 AM
Well, mine has learned when chow time is. He seems to be a slow learner.

Adam Helmer
07-22-2024, 03:08 PM
Ancient Man did TWO things RIGHT; He learned to make fire and domesticated the dog!

My BEST friends have always been dogs.
Be well.
