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View Full Version : I have beat prostate cancer!!!

04-13-2024, 12:07 PM
After a 16 yr battle and a prostatectomy,, radiation and who knows what else, a life long friend contacted Vanderbilt Urology department and got an appointment for me. 225 miles away but you do what you have to do. My PSA had risen to 8.75 and was going up a point and a half every year, migrating into my lymph nodes. My DR at Vanderbilt retired midstream and I was assigned to a young lady Urologist who said "lets kill this once and for all? The plan was a Testosterone blocker pill that stopped the production to that hormone. 2 months later, my PSA is undetectable @ "0"! I have so many people to thank for the prayers but out Lord and Savior takes the front seat every time.
Now, for all you guys that are taking these free Testosterone supplements, if you are older, you are playing with fire. Prostate cancer feeds on testosterone.
To say I am happy would be an understatement.
David Murphy

04-13-2024, 12:10 PM
Great news murf!!!

04-13-2024, 12:13 PM
Awesome news ! Congrats to all involved. Sometimes it takes someone different to take a look. We have run into that many times with our son's DR's. Not sure if they don't think they need help or are afraid to ask peers.

Der Gebirgsjager
04-13-2024, 12:17 PM
Happy for you David, and glad that we'll have you around for a while!


04-13-2024, 12:21 PM
Congratulations ! My dad was diagnosed at 67. He underwent radiation and is now 91 with sub 1 PSA’s. Because of a family history I get tested every year. And ditto on the testosterone supplements. Playing with fire at any age.

04-13-2024, 12:46 PM
Good news Mr Murphy! I have heard that bell ring several times, In your case after 16 years I would take that bell home! My eight month fight seems petty compared to yours! I hope you stay well!

04-13-2024, 01:06 PM
That's awesome, thank God for the doctors, and praise God He gave them the skills. Really glad to hear that you're cancer free.

04-13-2024, 01:19 PM
Great news!

Adam Helmer
04-13-2024, 01:20 PM
Excellent report! I have been that route and today my PSA is 0.01 after radiation; the 5-daily treatments. My story began 6 years ago when my family doctor told me he had concerns my PSA number was creeping up. He sent me to a "Specialist" who merely billed my insurance quarterly as my numbers went up and he continued to tell me, "We will monitor this" as my PSA went from 5.5 to 9.5.

I did my own research and found out about 20% of men over age 60 have prostate cancer; about 2% die from it and the rest die with it. I told that to my specialist doctor and he offered the Old Fashion 45-day, daily radiation treatment 50 miles away. I found out the NEW radiation treatment was available 30 miles away and took 5 days to complete. When I asked the doctor about this new treatment, he advise "that is outside this medical system." I told him I did not care and told him to send my records to the new medical people. I am glad I did.

I met an intelligent doctor who said we do 5 radiation treatments and you will probably be done. My PSA was 9.6. He said, "You should have been here a year ago." It took 5 minutes of painless radiation treatments on Tuesday and Thursday of week one and MWF on week two. I am now 4 years out of treatment and 0.01 PSA.

Get a second opinion when any doctor says, "We will monitor this." Cancer does not go away!

Be well.


Outer Rondacker
04-13-2024, 01:20 PM
That is a great.

white eagle
04-13-2024, 01:22 PM
man that is fantastic news good for you
thanks for the tip on supplements

04-13-2024, 01:24 PM
That’s great news !! Congratulations!!

04-13-2024, 02:07 PM
Excellent report! I have been that route and today my PSA is 0.01 after radiation; the 5-daily treatments. My story began 6 years ago when my family doctor told me he had concerns my PSA number was creeping up. He sent me to a "Specialist" who merely billed my insurance quarterly as my numbers went up and he continued to tell me, "We will monitor this" as my PSA went from 5.5 to 9.5.

I did my own research and found out about 20% of men over age 60 have prostate cancer; about 2% die from it and the rest die with it. I told that to my specialist doctor and he offered the Old Fashion 45-day, daily radiation treatment 50 miles away. I found out the NEW radiation treatment was available 30 miles away and took 5 days to complete. When I asked the doctor about this new treatment, he advise "that is outside this medical system." I told him I did not care and told him to send my records to the new medical people. I am glad I did.

I met an intelligent doctor who said we do 5 radiation treatments and you will probably be done. My PSA was 9.6. He said, "You should have been here a year ago." It took 5 minutes of painless radiation treatments on Tuesday and Thursday of week one and MWF on week two. I am now 4 years out of treatment and 0.01 PSA.

Get a second opinion when any doctor says, "We will monitor this." Cancer does not go away!

Be well.


You are right Adam. The old statement that"We will monitor this" is a recipe for disaster. "Outside this medical system" is another way of dodging the problem. You did the right thing. Congratulations.

04-13-2024, 02:14 PM
After taking with several dr's about this, I believe that if the Food and Drug Commision was doing their due dilligence, they would stop the over the counter sale of testosterone pills and make it by R/x only. That is probably not a cure all but it would at least give us a chance to find a physician responsible enough to say no way!

04-13-2024, 02:34 PM
Great news.

04-13-2024, 02:43 PM
only goods to say

Adam Helmer
04-13-2024, 02:47 PM

Just yesterday I got a phone call from my twin brother who lives downstate in PA and was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He retired from working in a hospital administration position. They wanted to set him up for the 45-day OLD radiation treatment. We chatted and he advised that 45 day trip was OLD equipment the hospital could not sell, but continues to use for a Return On Investment! He will opt for the newer 5-day treatment.

Be well.


04-13-2024, 02:52 PM
That is awesome news!!
Also love the comment that your urologist quit "midstream"!!

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

04-13-2024, 03:18 PM
Interesting, I am on a similar journey. I had the prostatectomy last November and it was not quite soon enough as it was just breaking out. I am waiting to see if/ when the PSA starts to climb again. What is involved with the "new Radiation"? I have been told that eventually I will need radiation and hormone treatments, which I hate the very thought of.

Arkansas Paul
04-13-2024, 03:21 PM
Fantastic news friend.

I go to the gym 4 times a week and there are many guys in their 50s that are on testosterone supplements to help with lifting and physique.
They have the musculature and strength that men half their age would envy, but I've always wondered at what cost are they achieving this.

04-13-2024, 03:35 PM
I finally beat it in 2001, ( Thank you, Agent Orange).....still here.

04-13-2024, 03:51 PM
Is the new procedure called cyber knife?

Adam Helmer
04-13-2024, 04:11 PM
Interesting, I am on a similar journey. I had the prostatectomy last November and it was not quite soon enough as it was just breaking out. I am waiting to see if/ when the PSA starts to climb again. What is involved with the "new Radiation"? I have been told that eventually I will need radiation and hormone treatments, which I hate the very thought of.


I am no expert on radiation treatments, but I declined the 5-day per week for nine weeks (OLD) treatment over 5 days over 2 weeks. Keep asking good questions about your treatment.


04-13-2024, 04:11 PM
Congratulations !!!

Sometimes a new Doctor , a fresh set of eyes and fresh idea's are all that is needed to make a huge difference !
I'm so glad you found her and she was able to help you ...
God Bless You and Good Doctor's everywhere .

04-13-2024, 04:19 PM
Great news! So happy I read this post! Beating cansor is a real blessing for sure.

04-13-2024, 05:02 PM
Congratulations! Thats great news.

04-13-2024, 05:10 PM
Great news Murf! I had a prostatectomy about 12 years ago, appears the doc was able to get it all? I have a family history of it, a nurse noticed my PSA numbers had doubled in a year, still relatively low. The first biopsy found cancer,surgery was scheduled. I did not need chemo or radiation, glad to hear they had found better options! We want to trust our Doctor, however we need to research our own treatment options and become better consumers of medical services. hc18flyer

Texas by God
04-13-2024, 05:50 PM
That is wonderful news![emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-13-2024, 06:06 PM
Interesting, I am on a similar journey. I had the prostatectomy last November and it was not quite soon enough as it was just breaking out. I am waiting to see if/ when the PSA starts to climb again. What is involved with the "new Radiation"? I have been told that eventually I will need radiation and hormone treatments, which I hate the very thought of.

I had the OLD radiation which was 6 weeks worth of treatments. I am not versed in the new radiation but I will tell you that you can't have that style of radiation again if the cancer re-occurs. I have had several friends that have had the same results as myself with the testosterone blocker hormone therapy such as mine. The prostate cancer treatment protocol is constantly changing as we learn what is successful and what is not. When my diagnosis went to 12.5 psa, the hormone therapy suggested was the female hormone which was a crap shoot as far as survival rates so I chose the surgery route. Now days, the testosterone blocker is a much less radical yet very effective way to starve the cancer. If I was in your shoes, I would try the hormone blocker before radiation due to my experience. The main thing is to keep it monitored VERY closely and be well read and proactive about your treatment. I wish you my best

04-13-2024, 06:15 PM
Is the new procedure called cyber knife?

Cyber knife is designed for surgically complex cancers and the prostate location is nothing if not complex. But....there is a new scan called pet-psa and it is new, so every falicity will not have the equipment. After having the radioisotope injected, in a few minutes the test will highlight any cancer cells as a small starbust and that would be a great way to target the individual cells with the cyber knife instead of bombarding the entire lower area around the prostate. It's light years ahead of where treatment was even just a few yrs ago. Take heart brothers, we now are living in the "good old days".

04-13-2024, 06:58 PM
Wonder why prior Dr didn’t do the current one did…anyways congrats for beating it!

04-13-2024, 07:36 PM
Congrats and great news!

04-13-2024, 08:36 PM
Very happy for you!
Your news gives others hope and some light in the fog of treatment.

04-13-2024, 11:19 PM
Congrats, had a clean biopsy a year ago, my number jumps around a lot. Thanks all for a very informative discussion.

04-14-2024, 12:40 AM
I have always considered myself to be blessed. In 2008, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, had immediate surgery and got complete relief from cancer. I was discharged from the oncologist after five year of negative tests. I still go in for a PSA test annyally. Still sub-.05. I am blessed. By the way, at the time, Vanderbilt wanted to treat me with radiation, but I chose to go with surgery at the VA across the alley. Considerting that I never suffered any pain, had radiation or chemo treatments of lost any hair of weight, I have never used the term "cancer survivor". I just say blessed.

04-14-2024, 01:17 AM
Great news David!

04-14-2024, 01:22 AM
Praise God!

04-14-2024, 07:03 AM
GOD is good. Thanks for the reminder to the rest of us.

04-14-2024, 08:12 AM
Glad to hear this David. Please keep us posted.


04-14-2024, 08:49 AM
Wonder why prior Dr didn’t do the current one did…anyways congrats for beating it!

Well, to be honest on the prior dr's behalf, the research has(is)changing so rapidly that the only fault I can find is on myself for not being more proactive when my PSA was 4 or 5, But...I never had a urologist then and the dr's I saw then who remarked about it only suggested that we "monitor" it. Wrong answer guys. It's a lot easier to fix when the numbers are low. GET CHECKED! And btw, you don't have to be an old geezer to have prostate problems.
Now the biopsies to find the true cancerous cells is not something you look forward to. My first 2 were done by the dr who treated my rising psa as infection, of all things! With a PSA of 7.5 to 8.0 he couldn't find a single cell. I believe he might have made good at some profession but is sure a hell wasn't at a physician. If the two 12 needle(through the rectum)biopsies doesn't reveal anything then he should have put me in the hospital and sedated me and done a 40 needle biopsy. It anit a lot of fun but it beats dying from cancer.

04-14-2024, 09:18 PM

04-15-2024, 08:38 AM
Congratulations to all you guys.

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04-15-2024, 09:20 AM
Well, to be honest on the prior dr's behalf, the research has(is)changing so rapidly that the only fault I can find is on myself for not being more proactive when my PSA was 4 or 5, But...I never had a urologist then and the dr's I saw then who remarked about it only suggested that we "monitor" it. Wrong answer guys. It's a lot easier to fix when the numbers are low. GET CHECKED! And btw, you don't have to be an old geezer to have prostate problems.
Now the biopsies to find the true cancerous cells is not something you look forward to. My first 2 were done by the dr who treated my rising psa as infection, of all things! With a PSA of 7.5 to 8.0 he couldn't find a single cell. I believe he might have made good at some profession but is sure a hell wasn't at a physician. If the two 12 needle(through the rectum)biopsies doesn't reveal anything then he should have put me in the hospital and sedated me and done a 40 needle biopsy. It anit a lot of fun but it beats dying from cancer.

Asking to understand. What if the 40 came up clean?
I’m in the middle of this process, no treatment yet, still in the watching it phase.

04-15-2024, 10:53 AM



04-15-2024, 07:50 PM
I'm at 5.5 PSA right now at 58 years old and going to have a MRI of the prostrate next week. Are hormone blockers prescription only I suppose?

I've had a couple tests that were high because because of things that can temporarily raise the level. Wasn't told about them like heavy workouts, riding bicycle or being with my wife for you know what prior to giving the blood sample.:bigsmyl2:

Last fall was 5.0 and now 5.5

04-16-2024, 10:24 AM
Asking to understand. What if the 40 came up clean?
I’m in the middle of this process, no treatment yet, still in the watching it phase.

If your PSA is in the 7 or higher range as mine was at that time, it,s a pretty good bet the 40 needle biopsy will find it. If not, a PET-PSA scan would but you have to find a facility who has the equipment.

04-16-2024, 10:29 AM
I'm at 5.5 PSA right now at 58 years old and going to have a MRI of the prostrate next week. Are hormone blockers prescription only I suppose?

I've had a couple tests that were high because because of things that can temporarily raise the level. Wasn't told about them like heavy workouts, riding bicycle or being with my wife for you know what prior to giving the blood sample.:bigsmyl2:

Last fall was 5.0 and now 5.5

Yes it is R/x only and it's not cheap. Vanderbilt has a program that will cover the cost if you qualify in the income threshold. I did since I am on a fixed income(broke all the time)! The blocker I am taking is called Orgovyx and 7 weeks of it did the trick.

04-16-2024, 12:15 PM
That's great news ! My day job is in the medical field. Please stay vigilant and don't let is sneak back up on you.

04-16-2024, 12:55 PM
I've read that certain foods can lower testosterone too. Like soy, flax, mint and certain nuts etc.

04-16-2024, 04:24 PM
I've read that certain foods can lower testosterone too. Like soy, flax, mint and certain nuts etc.

It wouldn't hurt to try those for sure. I have been told by someone that was getting their psa down Turkey Tail mushrooms too.

04-16-2024, 04:25 PM
Never heard of turkey tail mushrooms.....

04-16-2024, 04:25 PM
That's great news ! My day job is in the medical field. Please stay vigilant and don't let is sneak back up on you.

Don't worry, it is forever in the back of your mind. I am due for my yearly physical in a week and my internist always orders the lab to do psa als well.

04-16-2024, 10:37 PM
If your PSA is in the 7 or higher range as mine was at that time, it,s a pretty good bet the 40 needle biopsy will find it. If not, a PET-PSA scan would but you have to find a facility who has the equipment.

Thanks much, I think I’ll skip the next biopsy and just go for the imaging. We’ll see what it is in a few weeks and then decide.

04-17-2024, 02:43 PM
Never heard of turkey tail mushrooms.....

They grow to look just like a turkey tail fanned out.

04-19-2024, 06:00 PM

04-20-2024, 06:16 PM

04-21-2024, 10:38 AM
Congratulations..great news!

04-22-2024, 01:09 AM
Wonderfully news murf205!


04-23-2024, 05:47 PM
Thanks for all the well wishes. I am still pinching myself and afraid I will wake up from a good dream. I go bacj for another checkup and blood work in July so I will keep you all posted. I sure hope this helps some of you . It has been roller coaster ride for me but I've still got primers to bust and powder to burn!!

Adam Helmer
04-24-2024, 10:28 AM

I am glad you got better PSA numbers now. When my PSA went to 5.5, I went to see a specialist who "dropped the ball!" For over a year, I saw him quarterly, my PSA numbers kept going up and he could only say, "we will continue monitoring this." NO!!!! I found a better doctor when I hit 9.5 and he said, "You should have been here a year ago!"

I had the 5 daily radiation treatments 4 years ago and my PSA as of last month was 0.01! Every 6 months I have a CBC (Complete Blood Count) including a PSA scan. "Monitoring" High PSA Numbers is NOT Prostate Cancer Treatment!

Be well.


max it
04-24-2024, 10:40 AM
Murf, praise God.

04-24-2024, 02:11 PM

I am glad you got better PSA numbers now. When my PSA went to 5.5, I went to see a specialist who "dropped the ball!" For over a year, I saw him quarterly, my PSA numbers kept going up and he could only say, "we will continue monitoring this." NO!!!! I found a better doctor when I hit 9.5 and he said, "You should have been here a year ago!"

I had the 5 daily radiation treatments 4 years ago and my PSA as of last month was 0.01! Every 6 months I have a CBC (Complete Blood Count) including a PSA scan. "Monitoring" High PSA Numbers is NOT Prostate Cancer Treatment!

Be well.


Adam, you are spot on. Monitoring is definitely not treatment and we men need to be more pro active in our health decisions. I am beginning to think that all dr's don't know their stuff and there are a lot of lucky patients!

04-24-2024, 02:12 PM
Murf, praise God.

Max it, I have praised him and will continue to do just that. Thanks for all the great responses.

04-29-2024, 06:58 PM
I had mine removed after soon after my doctor discovered a lump. That was in 2021. I wasn't using it any way.