View Full Version : Macular Degeneration

04-12-2024, 07:17 PM
Im 59 and just got diagnosed with dry macular degeneration and im in the intermediate stage already. They found it during a eye exam and sent me to a specialist who confirmed. Im dreading losing my center vison. Anyone here have MD and how long did it take for you to not see well enough to do the things you enjoy? My doctor didnt say much except lets watch it and put me on AREDS2 vitamins. Ive heard it was a slow process usually but how slow.ive read in 10 years from diagnoses my CV sight would be gone

04-12-2024, 07:45 PM
I have it genetically on my father's side. My grandfather could see well into his 80's, then it augered in. He could still see with binoculars and see through a rifle scope quite well until his death at 94. I was advised when I found out that I WOULD have it to wear quality sunglasses and keep up on vitamins. So far, so good - I am a few years junior to you but have 20/20 still. My father is 75 (TODAY!!) and my older brother are having no effects as of yet. There are worlds of treatments out there!!

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04-12-2024, 08:51 PM
Where are you being treated?

04-12-2024, 09:24 PM
My mother had it, about 3 years from diagnosis until she was legally blind, but she could still read large print with some difficulty for another 8-9 years.

04-12-2024, 11:31 PM
I'm 66. Diagnosed 2 years ago and started taking Areds2. Asked Dr if I would be blind before I expire. He said as long as it doesn't progress any faster than it does now I have nothing to worry about. Definitely worries me but hopefully the doc was right. Get yearly checkups and monitor it.

04-13-2024, 12:14 AM
I'm 76 and was diagnosed 11 years ago and it stayed dormant until about 6 weeks ago. I still have center vision in my left eye but a couple squares down from center at about 5 o'clock on the grid chart there's an area that is quite distorted. Thank God my right eye is still pretty good and I'm looking forward to turkey season. AMD is like being stalked by something that eventually is going to get you but it may be a long time before it does. Thus far it's mostly a relatively mild aggravation and I'm praying for a few more years of being able to shoot.
Take the Areds vitamins and wear good quality sun glasses. My first tipoff was when I noticed power poles had a bulge on one side and a corresponding indent on the other. Maybe they'll find a cure soon?

04-13-2024, 12:40 AM
Listen up everyone; Macular is NOT good, my wife's entire family has this stuff and it is generic parents to children. My two brothers in law lost their vision in their 30's, enough so they no longer drive and on disability. My wife has it also but she see's well enough to drive but see's her specialist every 6 weeks for injections and meds. Do not let your office doctor tell you different as they are not schooled in such things. Go see a Macular Specialist who deals in Macular Degeneration and get his help and advice ASAP. Macular continues to get worse if not getting proper help from a Specialist, not your family doctor or Optomitrist. Macular comes in the genes, my wife's grandfather had it so does her mother and both brothers. Degeneration can be a little or a lot person to person but is pretty much not curable but Specialists can slow it down pretty well now where they could not 20yrs ago but you need to get the treatments if prescribed. Degeneration of eyesite IS NOT REVERABLE, but can be slowed down if treated properly.

04-13-2024, 01:11 AM
My friends and employees heckle me because I buy quality sunglasses, at least twice a year. I chose Oakley several decades ago and have stuck with them. My opthalmologist is seeing no changes at this point and recommends continuing to ride the horse I'm on. I figure it's my cost of doing business and enjoying my life.

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04-13-2024, 12:04 PM
What GC45 said ..My father in his later years contended with MD and I learned quite a bit about it but the Doc's in the know basically break it into 2 forms ...wet and dry MD ..one you are out of luck on (at least in the early 2000's you were) and one is treatable ...

The reason I know is my father was placed into a Pharmaceutical test injections programs (Fla) w/ 1/2 receiving a placebo (fake) injection and half got the real deal ...the injection DID make a difference for the ones in the test who got the real injection ..

I am NOT trying to give false hope to anyone but I AM telling you to be proactive ..seek out the best specialist you can find in the field
and stay on the trail until you have nailed down all your possibilities

Good luck to all of us who have or face the lineage of Macular Degeneration


04-13-2024, 07:52 PM
Got it. Was diagnosed in late 2020. Get an injection it each eye every 4-5 weeks. Vision has not gotten worse. I am 81 and my Dr. seems to think he can keep my vision as is .

04-13-2024, 07:59 PM
I was diagnosed with Wet AMD in 2016. Dr. gave me expensive shots into eyeball that appeared to have stopped it, at least for now. Do what you can to get treatment. Dont' lay awake at night worrying about it because it might not change at all.
Good luck.

04-14-2024, 12:37 PM
I'm 79 and was diagnosed for 'wet' AMD in my left eye a little over 20 years ago. Underwent lazer surgery to cauterize the affected portion of the retina which, at that time, was the 'standard' procedure. Five years later, AMD came back and have been receiving regular injections since then. A little over a year ago, my opthamologist switched me to VABYSMO to extend the interval between treatments. Bottom line: wearing my glasses, vision in that eye tests about 20/40 while the unaffected eye, tests a little better than 20/20.

Best advice: as stated by previous poster(s), find yourself a good opthamologist, get on a treatment program, and get on with your life.


04-14-2024, 12:54 PM
I am 89 years old and was diagnosed with MD. Every eight weeks I get a shot in each eye. The Doctor fills my eye with a liquid to keep body fluid from coming in. It is not a fix but it does help.

04-14-2024, 01:02 PM
Great responses from "those dealing with macular", hopefully these responses whill help all those who need to see an Opthamologist who can help preserve their vision.

Plate plinker
04-14-2024, 02:51 PM
Dad gets injections every 6-8 weeks don't recall exactly. Supposedly there is research for a pill which sounds much better than what dad calls the eye poke.

04-14-2024, 03:50 PM
Just finished cataracts on both eyes, seeing much better...after reading this post I immediately went to Amazon and bought some of that allred vitamins stuff.

Wayne Smith
04-15-2024, 09:25 AM
Don't bother with the eye vitamins, they are specific for MD and essentially nothing else.

04-20-2024, 06:24 PM
You may have to take AREDS2 pills (no big deal..)
get shots (no big deal),
have inside the eyeball surgery (sounds scary but easy to handle.....).
>>> DOIT ... DON'T BE SCARED! !!! <<<
Mine verked quite well! !!!

Wayne Smith
04-20-2024, 08:04 PM
You may have to take AREDS2 pills (no big deal..)
get shots (no big deal),
have inside the eyeball surgery (sounds scary but easy to handle.....).
>>> DOIT ... DON'T BE SCARED! !!! <<<
Mine verked quite well! !!!
Absolutely! My cataract surgery fixed my near sightedness, my astigmatism, my glaucoma, and new lenses! All in one operation per eye. And essentially painless. I consider this a miracle of God and modern medicine.