View Full Version : Hummers are here.

04-07-2024, 07:42 PM
NW Arkansas... saw the first hummingbird zoom past out front window a today. Early... guess we'll put out some food tomorrow

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04-07-2024, 08:02 PM
It does seem early, probably won't see any here for another month I'd guess.

Winger Ed.
04-07-2024, 08:08 PM
We had our first arrival a couple days ago.
I'm thinking his little buddies will start coming within the next couple of weeks.

04-07-2024, 08:39 PM
It has been unusually cold the last week and a half so I hope they don't show up here yet but this is about the time they usually get here. Will need to get the feeders out and up just in case. They will need a lot of sugar to maintain their energy and body temp.

04-08-2024, 06:41 PM
they are here in the Piney woods already too.:drinks:

04-08-2024, 07:10 PM
For those of you who really enjoy Hummingbirds, and whom plan on traveling through southern Arizona at some point in the future,...do yourself a favor and make a brief detour through Portal, Arizona at the far eastern edge of the Chiricahua Mountains.

Why? Bird watching enthusiasts already know all about this place, because Portal lays within a special range of topography and elevation that sees within this special 8 mile stretch the widest range and diversity of migratory birds in all of North America. Portal is at the bottom elevation of about 4500 ft., but the road up into the nearby range goes up to over 9000 ft. in that very short 8 miles. And all of this is on the migratory path for birds transiting to and from Mexico. As a result, along with all the other various species of birds that can be seen in the area, the available habitat attracts at least 17 different species of hummingbirds, with several of them residing year round, simply changing elevation with the seasons.

Yes, it was only a short few miles away from there on the south side of the mountain range where Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed about 10 years ago in a shootout with smugglers. But because Portal has such a huge amount of upper crust academics and scientific types always roaming around, local law enforcement and the BP have a heightened presence there to put the sheep's nerves at ease, and this does indeed deter the smugglers and illegals, who tend to steer well away.


04-08-2024, 08:51 PM
Had one in the computer room last week with the door wide open and took about an hour to find find it's way out. If I get one in my 40x50 shop with an 18' overhead door open they never find their way out.

04-09-2024, 12:54 AM
Arizona Sonora Desert Museum has a big enclosed net of a hummingbird jungle.
The idea is tourists want pictures of pissed off hummingbirds.
Was there last week delighted that my wife could rent a powerchair for $25 and drive the miles of trails, me running behind.
The puma is named Cruz, after the river. They raised him from a cub, he lays there and yawns at tourists.
It is a square mile of museum, with an excellent restaurant.

In an olive tree in my yard is a tiny nest with a tiny egg.
Hope it hatches...

04-09-2024, 08:33 AM
I`ve had 1 or 2 hang around all winter.
The feeder suddenly went empty in a hurry.
I assume that the migrators are back.
It`s time to put both feeders up.

04-09-2024, 03:26 PM
My neighbors all feed hummers, I don't.
One evening a fruitbat hovered just over my wife's head, slurping juice.
Bat looked like a flying chihuahua.
Wife had me take down the feeder.

04-09-2024, 03:34 PM
My neighbors all feed hummers, I don't.
One evening a fruitbat hovered just over my wife's head, slurping juice.
Bat looked like a flying chihuahua.
Wife had me take down the feeder.

I have a friend down in Bisbee who had a similar experience. He was discovering that his hummingbird feeder was completely depleted overnight and he didn't understand why. Are there nocturnal hummingbirds, he wondered? One night he's out there grilling a steak and decides to sit down near the feeder,...and this huge fruit bat comes and hovers at the feeder and just sucked it dry. He thought it was very cool, but his wife also told him to remove the feeder at night.