View Full Version : Glory Be!!!

Wayne Smith
02-20-2009, 09:23 AM
Ya'all may remember my frustrations with finding/making a die set for my 10.5x47R Combination gun. You may remember my fustrations with CH4D and the now more than two year lapse in their not responding to my attempts to communicate. This morning I recieved the following e-mail:


I have the dies here ready to ship. Do you still need them?



CH Tool & Die Co.

We never did talk money so I don't know if there is a standard charge or what the charge might be. I'm not even sure what exactly they made, as he said that once the cutter was made adding dies was cheap. I'll still take 'em!

Better yet! $109.54. I guess I'll find out what all they cut when I get them.

02-21-2009, 04:37 AM
...............So they were keeping you in the dark? :-) After 2 years I might have tried something else, ha!
