View Full Version : Anyone familiar with Corradi triangle riffler that Woodcraft sells?

03-31-2024, 09:06 PM
https://www.woodcraft.com/products/corradi-riffler-file-cut-triangle?variant=43401559179402&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0rCEzOefhQMVT8_CBB1bNw05EAQYBSAB EgLJXPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

The last thing I need is yet another triangle fie maker’s riffler file that cuts flat bottom checkering. I had one I got from Brownells that was great, so far as I know they no longer offer it. I used it for cleaning up and fixing checkered stocks and loved it. I have no intension of using what I finally end up with and like on steel ever again, so that is not a concern. I’d just like to have another good one, but my last couple attempts to buy one ended in failure.

country gent
03-31-2024, 09:29 PM
I dont know about the woodcrafters but you might look at Groberts catalog. Groberts has a large selection of jewelers files, files, and riffles.

03-31-2024, 10:37 PM
I think what I had and liked may have been Grobet. I’ll see if I can find it in their catalogue. Thanks

04-01-2024, 10:27 AM
The cheap ones from Harbor Freight work just fine for the purpose.

04-01-2024, 10:43 AM
I buy zip ties and stuff like that at HF. I looked at the files and all I saw were some "diamond grit" needle files. Haven't found them to be usable for much of anything, instead of cutting they tear.

04-02-2024, 10:24 AM
I buy zip ties and stuff like that at HF. I looked at the files and all I saw were some "diamond grit" needle files. Haven't found them to be usable for much of anything, instead of cutting they tear.

Must have changed over the years, I have some that are regular files.

04-02-2024, 12:59 PM
Must have changed over the years, I have some that are regular files.

Thank you for the suggestion. It seems that the "diamond grit files" have pretty much taken over that market segment.

country gent
04-02-2024, 04:12 PM
Most of my files are groberts nickelsons (older) a few general needle files and my pride some hand cuts my grandfather made in his apprenticeship.

Keeping your files clean helps a lot. I use the coulton style cards but also made one from a piece of copper tubing.

I" soft copper tubing 6-7" long really not critical.
Close one end flat with a vise. file or mill flat. Make this 1'-1 1/2" long
I made an end to glue in the other end
This will scrap almost everything out of the teeth in a 1" swipe. you want a little over lap.

04-02-2024, 05:42 PM
Agreed. My file card is never out of my reach. I have some really nice files and rasps and take particular care of them.

04-05-2024, 11:56 PM
I took the plunge. Was out of town and it was on the porch when I got home. The verdict: I don’t see how it could be any better. Sharp, sharp, sharp and comes to a razor’s edge V. It was spendy, but it is what I was after. Absolutely beautiful.

04-06-2024, 01:31 AM
https://www.woodcraft.com/products/corradi-riffler-file-cut-triangle?variant=43401559179402&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0rCEzOefhQMVT8_CBB1bNw05EAQYBSAB EgLJXPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

The last thing I need is yet another triangle fie maker’s riffler file that cuts flat bottom checkering. I had one I got from Brownells that was great, so far as I know they no longer offer it. I used it for cleaning up and fixing checkered stocks and loved it. I have no intension of using what I finally end up with and like on steel ever again, so that is not a concern. I’d just like to have another good one, but my last couple attempts to buy one ended in failure.

They might be a bit course for metal checkering. If you're only doing wood they should be perfect. https://www.corradishop.com/riffler-rasps-c-1_6/riffler-filerasps-for-sculptors-751-83-cut-0-p-453

These are for metal. Gueswein only sells top quality stuff.



country gent
04-06-2024, 09:04 AM
Im assuming you got the grobert, you cant go wrong with them. I have several swiss pattern groberts very fine no sand paper needed to polish the finish they leave.

Give the copper tube cleaner I described a try they are great

04-06-2024, 09:55 AM
Couldn’t find the Grobet anywhere and bought the Corradi from Woodcraft. I have a few Grobet files and they are top shelf. I bought a fine cut ten inch mill file from them that was a disaster, but that was a unique experience. I returned it and ended up with a Nicholson that I got from Boggs, it is a beauty. Other recent Nicholson files have been pretty sketchy, but from what I have heard they are getting their QC issues worked out.

I have a Grobet Swiss pattern file that is kind of football shaped, it is so much loved here. I use it almost daily.

Gone are the days when a guy could just walk into Sears Roebuck and buy any file or rasp and walk out with a dandy. There is a lot more junk out there than good quality tools these days.

What is really frustrating is that ignition point files are getting hard to find good ones. I really like them, but finding the good ones is pretty dicey now days.

I will try that file cleaner. I have some pieces of copper water supply line here somewhere.

04-06-2024, 11:13 AM
I have never tried copper but a 30/06 case with the neck end smashed flat in a vise also works very well. Works best for me to use it at an angle a little steeper than sharpening a knife blade and just push it across following the teeth. Plows all the junk out down to bare steel. I buy any old rusty, junked up file I see at flea markets or garage sales. Most clean up like new. Actually, most old files are better than the new ones from a hardware store.

04-06-2024, 11:28 AM
Smashed '06 case here too.

04-06-2024, 03:53 PM
We send flea market files to Boggs every couple years. Most come home better than new. Once they have been through their service I take great care not to have to repeat that. I am going to definitely give the copper file card a try. Even with me chalking my files, sometimes a chip sticks between the teeth and I have to fight it with my brush. I also clean out my sandpaper with the brush, w/o that I go through it like corn through a goose when dry sanding and polishing.

04-06-2024, 04:01 PM
I looked again at the checkering I touched up yesterday and it is sharp and not the least bit fuzzy. That file is every bit as sharp and clean cutting as my Grobet needle files. $50 by the time it got here was a heavy lift, but it is well worth it to me.