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View Full Version : Welp, done went and ruined my nephew

03-05-2024, 04:00 PM
Yep look like I ruined my nephew. Kids 9 pretty much has massive crap load of energy and honestly I see a lot of myself in the kid. Like he's constantly asking questions about everything and simple answers don't really work for him. And just like me he takes a real shine to anything outdoor related. Well his parents,my in laws arnt really the outdoorsy type people, like they're not bad parents ,sweet and loving as all get out, just hunting fishing trapping camping running around the woods just plain isn't their thing. They're not against it they just have no clue where to start ( their words not mine). Their gamers ( which I don't really see much of a problem with I'm a gamer too, nerd in general the real world sucks and gets boring and I like to zone out to some video games and get a mental break, kinda regular used to play a few a competitively too but that crap gets way to heated for me). But a 9yr old like him or me at the age cooped inside all day.....egh games can only do so much. Would tell him all the time how when I was 6 I had a .22 lr and would just roam around the woods and fields doing whatever . That concept terrifies his mom [emoji28] Bless them though they put him into boys scouts after a bit of prodding and the kid loves it ! But , well it's all kinda neutered down. Well he was able to go fishing a while back on one of his little outings and he'd been wanting to do it ever since and I told him I'll come get him one day and take him fishing.

Well last month while I was home was bored so told the gf where gonna kidnap him since he was driving his other Aunt crazy while she was babysitting. Told his mom it's time for me to be the cool uncle and I'll bring him back eventually. So me and her went picked him up took him to Walmart took him to the fishing isle and told him to go pick him a rod. Got him the blu one he wantes some cheap $10 spinning combo some worms and other little doo dads. Like $30.

Then proceeded to drive an hour to my parents place and the farm. Got a few cow pounds scattered around full of bream and other lil panfish that are great and easy for kids. Showed him how to tie hooks and a basic bobber rig and proceeded to start walking .... And he's like in awee of the cows and all our dogs . Friggen hawk was swooping around after pigeons near the barn , was shown him the different lil tracks in the mud where the turtles came up on the bank ect. I mena we we're legit walking some of the same little trail I walked his age.

Well anyhow get his line in the water and within a minute his bobber is going under kids hyper ventilating while he's reelin in this little bluegill gf is taking pictures and man he was just all for it. Well he catches like 6 of them and we had to take him back because it was getting dark but the whole time has asking if we can get one more cast in [emoji1787]

Welp took him home and told him I'll take him out again and if her really behaved wed go run some dog with my buddy or something. Not taking him shooting though kids way too emotionally charged right now

Y'all... apparently I done messed up and ruined this kid because according to my gf his grandma and his mom he won't shut up about fishing now and keeps asking when I'll take him again mom just called me today asking if she can use cheese or something other then worms for fishing because she wants to go now to because he makes it some so fun and she always just wants to take him to let him relax a little till I get back to the house

I'll tell ya reminds me of something my dad used to tell me . Apparently when I was a baby I had this great uncle right ? Guy was one of those old woodsmen like hunted trapped would just vanish for days at a time and come back with game to feed his family. Woud noodle catfish and snapping turtles do rabbit drives, knew woods medicine all sorts of stuff . Apparently he was around one day and Dad had me all bundled up, he walked over looked at me looked at my dad dead int he eyes and said that as soon as he could get me in the woods . Said it's gonna get in him and ruin him in the best way possible and he's gonna put it in someone else . And sure enough now I'm that uncle who's got all these kids following him around . Life is funny like that. Would post a picture of him with is fish and all but he's a minor and all that

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03-05-2024, 04:16 PM
Good job. You haveafriend for life.


03-05-2024, 04:24 PM
What's that saying; "Teach a man to fish and he'll spend all weekend drinking beer & telling lies" ?

Winger Ed.
03-05-2024, 05:00 PM
Very good.

You are helping insure the future of America.

03-05-2024, 05:29 PM
You ain't ruined nobody ...
All of my best memories were made on a farm , fishing and or hunting ...
My uncle had cows , hogs and chickens ...he let me feed them ...
We even had a horse we could ride ...
The summers I spent on that farm were a kid's heaven ...

Take him hunting and fishing whenever you can ...
He will never forget you and all the wonderful times he spent with you ...
Trust me on this !

03-05-2024, 05:44 PM
You are a good man Wolf

Budzilla 19
03-05-2024, 06:26 PM
Wolf, that is probably the best thing you coulda done for that young man! Take often, stay long as possible, he’ll never forget you or those times! Kudos to you,brother.

03-05-2024, 06:45 PM
hey, I'm up for adoption. I went fishing twice in past 10 days and not even a bite
its always great to do good things for and with young people. I used to take kids fishing and even on the crab boat and its made lifelong memories for all

03-05-2024, 08:45 PM
Good for you. My brothers moved their families away at the critical age and their kids never learned the woods or care for the outdoors. Screwed them right up. I lost any chance to do woods training with them and it got too late and now they are computer nerds. Lost generation and I blame the parents for all that. 1 kid, I haven't heard from in 5 years the other 2. Don't want nothing to do with family. Sad.

03-05-2024, 09:01 PM
Great job!!!!
Building memories.
Those last a lifetime.

03-05-2024, 09:05 PM
:bigsmyl2::awesome: Great Job but remember you have to keep going Now a 9 year old not going to let you stop taking him You might think about teaching him to shoot with you( not just turning him loose with a 22LR but take him to the range and shoot targets. plant another seed so to speak.:lol: I'm sure you'll make a redneck out of him sooner then you think. awesome

03-05-2024, 09:23 PM
Good for you Wolf. The kid will always remember this and you. Kids that get involved in the outdoors, camping, fishing, hunting etc. are not the ones that knock over 7 Elevens.

Plate plinker
03-05-2024, 09:55 PM
Well done! Another child saved from the ruin of the modern world. I truly believe any kids raised after 2000 got screwed. Maybe even after 1990 or so.

03-05-2024, 10:07 PM
Just like so many others here,, I too want to offer my sincerest congrats & thanks.

Kids need stuff like this to help them grow. I spent 50 years in the same BSA Troop. We did all kinds of fun stuff. yet,, I also did a lot of my own outdoor stuff. Starting young is a great way to help keep them out of trouble as they grow. In fact,, a fun saying is; "Teach a kid to hunt, and you'll never have to hunt for your kid."

Fishing, camping, shooting, hunting, trapping, all that is wonderful to a kid who wants to try it.

I want to suggest you buy him a book. Not just any book, but an excellent guide to outdoor stuff with kids in mind. The "6th edition of the BSA Handbook." First printed in 1959. It's an older Handbook,, with a TON of good things a kid can do in the outdoors, AND teach him a lot.
If you can't find a 6th edition,, the 7th edition which came out in 1968 is also very good Much of the same outdoor stuff in there.
I have my copies,, and consider them invaluable for outdoor skills.

03-05-2024, 10:13 PM
good job.

country gent
03-05-2024, 10:18 PM
Teach your kids to hunt and youll never hunt for your kids. Teach Him to hunt trap and fish. teach him to respect the animals. Also teach him to butcher and clean the game he takes. At 9 you might consider starting him with a bb or pellet gun. Work in the back yard or basement, Teach him handling and range etiquette before going to the range. I bet he would really enjoy a bow too.

03-05-2024, 10:22 PM
Thanks for sharing this fantastic story, we need more mentors like you to step up. Wonderful thing you have done for that young man!

03-06-2024, 09:42 AM
Great job. Look forward to more reports on upcoming adventures. Maybe a youth size air rifle that you keep at your place for him to use under close supervision?

William Yanda
03-06-2024, 10:08 AM
Tell her about canned corn for those bluegills.

03-06-2024, 03:31 PM
I hate to think of what kind of a person I may have become, had dad not started me in fishing, trapping, and hunting as soon as I was big enough to tag along. Keep on being that "bad influence"!

03-06-2024, 11:17 PM
These are the stories in life the world needs to hear more of. My father was the oldest of 4 boys and basically wound up raising his siblings. Had to leave country living to make a living back then. He helped his brothers all get started in life, and each one would tell if if weren't for him they don't know what they would have done.

I never had any children (that I'm aware of) and only one brother. He fathered a son who was born when I was 18. Sadly, the marriage fell apart within 2 years. Formers sister in law wound up marrying and moving to the other side of the state. So, I seldom got to see my lil buddy as much as I would have liked to. When he was about 8 years old and in for a week long visit, he came down to the barn to see what Unka was up to? I was sitting at my reloading bench rolling up some .44 Magnums for a S&W Model 29 with a 6.5" barrel. He got some kind of excited to find out a person could make their own ammunition. His step father was a good man, just not a hunter or much into fishing. The boy was already into the Boy Scouts and went the full mile and became an Eagle Scout. I asked if he'd like to try reloading a shell? He lit up and it was on! I told him about light loads, medium and full house loads. I let him load up 3 light loads and 3 mediums. We stepped out the back of the shop and I stood behind him. He's was a good size kid, and grew into big ole' boy. Any way, I loaded the gun up with the 3 light loads, 2 medium and one full house he was aware of I had in my pocket. All went well and when it was time to trigger the full house, I hadn't warned him but told him to be sure to get a good hold on the gun. I stepped up to with a foot behind him and he let loose. It pushed him back into my chest but he was still holding on. He just sort of stood there a couple of seconds not moving. Then he turned his shoulder and head back, looked up at me with a huge grin and said...FULL HOUSE! I can still see it in my mind when I think back on it. When he became of age, I gifted him with a 1911. He's grown to be a fine young man. We have running joke about how I'm his favorite uncle and he always replies with, well...it's because you're my only uncle.

Wolfdog91, you ain't ruined him. You've given him a passion that he not only loves, but it'll feed him if need be.
Well done Uncle Wolf!


03-07-2024, 08:29 AM
These are the stories in life the world needs to hear more of. My father was the oldest of 4 boys and basically wound up raising his siblings. Had to leave country living to make a living back then. He helped his brothers all get started in life, and each one would tell if if weren't for him they don't know what they would have done.

I never had any children (that I'm aware of) and only one brother. He fathered a son who was born when I was 18. Sadly, the marriage fell apart within 2 years. Formers sister in law wound up marrying and moving to the other side of the state. So, I seldom got to see my lil buddy as much as I would have liked to. When he was about 8 years old and in for a week long visit, he came down to the barn to see what Unka was up to? I was sitting at my reloading bench rolling up some .44 Magnums for a S&W Model 29 with a 6.5" barrel. He got some kind of excited to find out a person could make their own ammunition. His step father was a good man, just not a hunter or much into fishing. The boy was already into the Boy Scouts and went the full mile and became an Eagle Scout. I asked if he'd like to try reloading a shell? He lit up and it was on! I told him about light loads, medium and full house loads. I let him load up 3 light loads and 3 mediums. We stepped out the back of the shop and I stood behind him. He's was a good size kid, and grew into big ole' boy. Any way, I loaded the gun up with the 3 light loads, 2 medium and one full house he was aware of I had in my pocket. All went well and when it was time to trigger the full house, I hadn't warned him but told him to be sure to get a good hold on the gun. I stepped up to with a foot behind him and he let loose. It pushed him back into my chest but he was still holding on. He just sort of stood there a couple of seconds not moving. Then he turned his shoulder and head back, looked up at me with a huge grin and said...FULL HOUSE! I can still see it in my mind when I think back on it. When he became of age, I gifted him with a 1911. He's grown to be a fine young man. We have running joke about how I'm his favorite uncle and he always replies with, well...it's because you're my only uncle.

Wolfdog91, you ain't ruined him. You've given him a passion that he not only loves, but it'll feed him if need be.
Well done Uncle Wolf!


Well indeed! Sometimes things like this is what makes kids go good instead of bad. More of this needs to be done in our whole society.

03-07-2024, 09:27 AM
My older brother takes his grandson to the range when he goes to visit. He refers to it as a MAN UP experience.

I do this with my own grandson.

03-07-2024, 10:17 AM
Grew up in the Everglades, on the big lake. By age 9 I was guiding fishermen out on the lake and through the "grasslands" on the lake. I lived in the water and the woods. Kids, girls and boys, both need the woods and the water to learn about life and being self reliant. Fishing and hunting, teaches much more than just fishing and hunting.

03-09-2024, 09:32 AM
It is great that you got him out to see the real world and how things work it is a very valuable life lesson.

03-12-2024, 09:37 PM
Another good job!!!

03-12-2024, 10:00 PM
More kids need that kind of "Ruining". Some of my favorite memories are fishing with my Grandfather. Can't wait to take my Granddaughter.... She's only 8 months old right now.

Good for you man. He will NEVER forget you for that day.