View Full Version : Wildlife report

jim 44-40
02-29-2024, 08:35 AM
This week here in Southwest Pa, I have seen 2 Whitetail Buck's, huge Ravens, Skunks, Buzzards and the good old Robin.Both of the Bucks had antlers with a dark gray , dirty brown color.Add 2 Tom turkey's this morning

02-29-2024, 01:49 PM
I saw an eagle down by the creek this morning, within easy handgun range.
Also have snakes, gators, lizards, and bugs waking up. Lots of soothing night sounds. Everything is blooming here. Wonderful time to be a Southerner.

02-29-2024, 08:49 PM
I've seen dozens of dead skunks on the road, starting 3-4 weeks ago.

Winger Ed.
02-29-2024, 09:21 PM
I've seen dozens of dead skunks on the road, starting 3-4 weeks ago.

For me, it's a 5 mile trip into town.
I usually see a run over skunk once or twice a year. Sometimes we skip a year and not see one.
Yesterday, there was three.

02-29-2024, 09:31 PM
My wild life was over about fifteen years ago.:kidding:

02-29-2024, 09:56 PM
Birds that over winter are busy feeding on whatever greened up during that warm spell before the last 2 day cold snap... skunks are out and about, saw some squirrels out sunning where the wind wasn't hitting them, bunnies are busy... and I have a new feral black cat... may be a drop off. He paused and wanted to come to me then ran so may have been abused. If he takes out some bunnies it won't hurt my feelings! Got way to many! Last time I hunted some they had diseased livers so nope, not eating them.

Winger Ed.
02-29-2024, 10:31 PM
My wild life was over about fifteen years ago.:kidding:

That reminds me:
I was calling a guy years ago, and couldn't catch up with him.
I finally did, and asked him if he'd been spending all his time down at the local 'go-go' bar.

He said 'No, but I do need some recommendations for a good 'went-went' bar'.

02-29-2024, 11:47 PM
This week here in Southwest Pa, I have seen 2 Whitetail Buck's, huge Ravens, Skunks, Buzzards and the good old Robin.Both of the Bucks had antlers with a dark gray , dirty brown color.Add 2 Tom turkey's this morning

The bucks had horns this time of year?

Texas by God
03-01-2024, 12:04 AM
They still have horns here so far.
I see around twenty deer a day and occasionally that many turkeys. Squirrels and crows all the time.
The Sandhill cranes are honking their way somewhere daily.

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03-01-2024, 09:09 AM
A small group of caribou (approximately a dozen) on the road a couple of miles from my place yesterday

03-01-2024, 12:57 PM
FW&P asks all land owners to please remove all concrete fiberglass and plastic deer lawn ornaments before the 15th of march so they don't get counted into the deer number survey.

jim 44-40
03-01-2024, 10:30 PM
The bucks had horns this time of year?

Sure did, I don't think they all shed their antlers at the same time.We had a very mild winter, could have something to do with it?

03-02-2024, 04:37 PM
It's -10 here at my place, and the only wildlife I've seen this past week was the squirrel that made a suicide dive in front of my truck.

03-02-2024, 05:19 PM
Here in the Southeast I have banged 6 fat iguanas so for February. Season is still open.324045 My PCP 25 cal air rifle drills em with 3000 psi driving a 31gr lead pellet. I keep threatening to skin one and put it on the barbecue grill. My wife laughs at me!

03-02-2024, 06:43 PM
Here in the Southeast I have banged 6 fat iguanas so for February. Season is still open.324045 My PCP 25 cal air rifle drills em with 3000 psi driving a 31gr lead pellet. I keep threatening to skin one and put it on the barbecue grill. My wife laughs at me!

Tail meat is tasty! Marinate over night to tenderize it... acid based marinade... shredded it makes good taco meat! 6 fat tails would feed 2 for a week or more!Back legs are meaty too but stringier. Back straps are tiny but good... rest doesn't have much meat to mess with.

Winger Ed.
03-02-2024, 06:48 PM
l. My wife laughs at me!

We had a problem one time with raccoons eating the food for our 'outside' cat.
So I set up a box trap.
The next morning Mrs. Winger told me, "You have a raccoon in your trap,,,, and we ain't eating it".

03-02-2024, 08:25 PM
I have posted here about slingshot vs coyotes lately I moved the coyotes a half mile south.
With practice, that wristrocket is a weapon. $8 at Walmart. Coyotes can be trained.
The puma hunt came up empty, the young one went north and the mother went back to wherever she came from.
No snakes yet, too cold; maybe in a few weeks El Chico will find us one, he alerts, smells them.
That eight pound dog can walk me into the ground, never gets tired, born to explore the desert.
El Chico Real gets cold, is only 60's today with a blasting wind. He prefers 90F+
The javalinas are a mile away to the southwest, somebody is feeding them.
My alpha chihuahua coyote bait El Chico is a bird dog, flushes quail.
Slingshot vs quail would be frowned upon in this old folks home. Easy shot, though.
Some nights a big bird lands on my roof A/C with a screech of talons.
There are some big owls. They eat quail doves and small dogs.
This desert is a zoo.

03-03-2024, 01:10 AM
My eagle is back, saw him perched on my tower today! Hope he takes out bunnies! Comes form a nest in the river valley 7 miles away and hunts the north side of town...