View Full Version : I needed to put this somewhere ...

Abert Rim
02-22-2024, 09:56 AM
... and since it is a single-shot! :-P


Texas by God
02-22-2024, 10:26 AM
That is neat stuff!

G W Wade
02-22-2024, 10:44 AM
Wonder what max charge will be? Shame wasted a Coke when Bud Light would have wasted nothing. Please was meant for my amusement and killing time on anither cool morning GW

02-22-2024, 11:15 AM
I guess he put a nice crown on it to increase accuracy.

02-22-2024, 12:32 PM
I was amazed how centered he drilled a hole freehand! I think he could use gunpowder and save himself a lot of effort taking matches apart. Use a longer bolt, and make a pistol frame to mount the bolt into and he'd have a fuse operated handgun!

02-22-2024, 03:57 PM
Ha,ha, reminds me when I made a cannon at work. About 8" long, .562" bore. First time I fired it, I used about 6" of fuse. Almost died waiting for it to go off.

02-22-2024, 06:28 PM
Well, I guess I know what I'll be doing in my lathe tomorrow!

Made a couple miniature cannons so far:

14" barrel, .625" bore, high-tensile bronze, 1 5/8" diameter at the breech. Test fired with a proof load: 120gr. FFFg + two .610" lead balls. Shot it into a cinder block three feet away with about a 10" fuse while I cringed under cover. Cannon passed with flying colors, the cinder block was smashed into baseball-sized chunks. 35 grains FFFg slings the .610" lead ball with enough moxie and accuracy to plink at crab buoys 50-100 yards out in the Chesapeake Bay off my buddy's dock.

Golf ball mortar. Tube turned out of a Mack truck rear axle. Elevation adjustment mechanism turned out brass scraps in my shop. Ash carriage. 30 grains FFFg hurls a golf ball about 100 yards at about the elevation seen in the pic, with surprising accuracy. 100 grain charges blow the ball waaaaay out of sight. I think I'll take it deer hunting next year!

Jeez, what fun!!

John Taylor
02-22-2024, 09:18 PM
My first homemade pistol used match heads for powder and the white tip was my percussion cap. It was a 50 caliber smooth bore and had quite a kick to it. Some of the other kids were making spoke guns. A bicycle spoke with the adjusting nut. Part of the nut is smooth bore and the spoke screwed in a few threads was the breach plug. Grind up a match head a install in the bore , then a little aluminum foil stuffed in for the projectile. No need for a fuse, just hold a lit match under it till it goes off. When I found out I could buy black powder things really took off. Made several canons and a few bowling ball mortars.

02-22-2024, 09:27 PM
We certainly had fun as kids! :)

02-22-2024, 09:33 PM
Built a lot of cannons as a kid...........the final one had a 2" bore heavy pipe barrel.............used a mix of sugar and potassium bromate.....fortunately ,i was standing behind a tree ,or I probably wouldnt be here today...........it had two bicycle wheels .....one disappeared ,the other was turned inside out and wrapped around a tree.

02-22-2024, 09:40 PM
Ya see, Wisdom is the reward for surviving Childhood... :)

02-23-2024, 03:13 PM
"Poof - No Eyebrows" by Pat McManus comes to mind. :-)


country gent
02-23-2024, 06:40 PM
Heres one Im currently working on. Body is 2 1/2" dia x 10" long with out the ball. Bore is 3/4" and 9" deep. Im currently cutting the fronts contour will be more a Parrot gun style cannon.

John Taylor
02-24-2024, 06:30 PM
When I discovered that a marble would fit a piece of water pipe the idea of making a pistol using fire crackers, 1/2" water pipe, an elbow and plug to fit. First thing to do was cut a small slit in the pipe so there would be a hole after the elbow was screwed on for the fuse. Test firing in the garage found that a marble would go through a black board and put a dent into the metal garage door. after running out of marbles I found a bunch of small plumbs that could be pushed down the bore. After running out of fire crackers I had to find something ells to occupy my time. Found out the natural gas was lighter than air and a balloon filled with the stuff would float away. And if you tied something that would burn to the balloon you could get a ball of fire in the sky. This was fun till my parents discovered the pilot light was out on the stove and heater and started asking questions. After that I found out there were a lot of various things that could and did get me in trouble. Note to self, never ever take an old ambulance gurney with four 6" casters for a ride down a steep paved road.

02-24-2024, 07:12 PM
Yes sounds like my childhood. A metal film canister full of match heads and a wick make a pretty loud bang. And those Estes rocket engines taped to a small car make a pretty fast little dragster.

02-24-2024, 07:41 PM

02-24-2024, 07:54 PM
My cannon making came to an end when I found a motorbike ...........looking back,cannons were definitely less dangerous.

02-25-2024, 04:24 PM
Kinda re-defines the term "bolt action"

"General McAuliffe! How do we break out of this German encirclement?"


country gent
02-25-2024, 07:44 PM

Heres the barrel short the touch hole. barrel with out the ball is 10" long. 3/4" bore. Im going to put the touch hole in towards the front of the charge. Hoping igniting the front will give a better "bang"

02-25-2024, 10:18 PM
i went on a bike club run down to the old fort at the river mouth.......there is an old muzzleloading gun there ,and they take a collection for blackpowder ......the more they collect,the bigger the bang............anyhoo,service charge was something like 25lb of powder,this day they set off 10lb..........Ive set off dynamite ,and this was way louder than dynamite .......my ears were ringing for a week.

03-01-2024, 09:11 PM

Heres the barrel short the touch hole. barrel with out the ball is 10" long. 3/4" bore. Im going to put the touch hole in towards the front of the charge. Hoping igniting the front will give a better "bang"

Thanks for sharing that. Very nice work!

country gent
03-03-2024, 10:53 PM

Got the beam cut out and rough sanded today along with the axle. Still have to sand the side plates and finish them.

03-04-2024, 01:17 AM
Video unavailable.

03-04-2024, 07:29 AM
Sometimes someone has small model cannons at the range ......they do a backfip as they fire ......quite comical to see a whole row doing backflips.