View Full Version : Milky looking lube in Star sizer

02-11-2024, 11:19 AM
I have an annoying problem, no matter what I do, the lube on my bullets has a milky color. I have tried everything, like pushing out air without a bullet in the die, melting the lube and pouring it into the reservoir etc. Air must be entering somewhere, but I have no idea where. All my bullets come out like that, until the machine runs out of lube. I have a few other Star sizers with different lubes in them, and they don't have that problem. The second picture shows the lube I squeeze out of the die without a bullet in it. This sizer is about to go in the trash.

323330 323329

Dusty Bannister
02-11-2024, 12:12 PM
Lube recipe might be a clue. Paraffin based? Compare the lube die with ones that do not have this issue. Or adjust the bullet up or down in the size die to determine if that might make a difference.

02-11-2024, 01:25 PM
I get that after a lube refill (trapped air no doubt), I add a bit more heat and it goes away after about 30 or 40 boolits.

02-11-2024, 01:34 PM
Lube too cold? Too much paraffin?

If my boolits perform adequately on target I don't sweat what the lube looks like.

02-11-2024, 02:14 PM
I'd also like to know more about the lube you're using, and if it requires heat. Dustys observation about your depth setting is completely correct too. Lube can aerate if you don't have your lube groove somewhat lined up with the lube port in the die. Or it could be a combination. I also believe that there is an o-ring in the horizontal pressure piston that's in the base of the Star.

02-11-2024, 02:28 PM
I think backing off on the spring pressure would alleviate most of the issue.


02-11-2024, 05:50 PM
Thanks a lot for the input guys, I now have several things I need to try. I will try to increase heat, and also back of the pressure a little bit. I forgot to include the type of lube I am using. Right now I am using some leftover sticks of Jake's Green Resin, I am also using Magma Green and White Label Carnauba Blue. I bought a case of Magma Green, and that's what I have been using for the last couple of years. Heater is PID controlled, and I run Jake's Green Resin at 124 degrees, and Magma Green I run at 128 degrees since it's a little bit harder. It's not home made lube, so it has not seen excessive heat, at least not from me. Pressure is around 80 PSi.

02-11-2024, 07:31 PM
This sizer is about to go in the trash.

I'm sure this was said out of frustration, but if it comes to that point please let me make you an offer on it. ;)

02-11-2024, 08:58 PM
Way too much pressure. Back it off to around 40. Try it and see. The pressure is only to feed the pump.

02-11-2024, 09:35 PM
I get similiar bad results when I let my lube get too hot. I use White carnuba red with an unregulated heater. If it gets too hot it squirts out the lube holes and mixes with air.

02-12-2024, 07:10 AM
I misread the pressure setting, it was at 65 PSi. I think I know what's happening, but why it's happening I have no idea. I believe that when I size bullets, air is pushed through the holes in the die and into the lube surrounding the sizing die. I took out the die, and the lube coming from the reservoir seems to have a normal color. But after sizing a few bullets, air seems to be building up in the lube that is surrounding the die. I will back off the temperature and increase pressure instead, to see if that helps. Never had this happen before.


02-12-2024, 07:18 AM
I'm sure this was said out of frustration, but if it comes to that point please let me make you an offer on it. ;)

Haha, I'll keep that in mind.

02-12-2024, 10:03 AM
I get similiar bad results when I let my lube get too hot. I use White carnuba red with an unregulated heater. If it gets too hot it squirts out the lube holes and mixes with air.

It sure seems like too high temperure could be the culprit.