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jim 44-40
02-06-2024, 11:01 AM
My Granddaughter's little girl, recited the Pledge of Allegiance like a pro. Brought tears to my eyes.She is in Pre school

02-06-2024, 11:27 AM
Like, like, like!!

02-06-2024, 11:54 AM
Definitely a moment to be proud. Maybe it’s just me but it doesn’t seem like many in our country have the same kind of patriotism that I grew up with. Even with all the problems our country is faced with we should still be proud of who we are and where we came from. Maybe if patriotism and pride in our American heritage was more prevalent it would be easier to fix the problems we as a country are faced with. At any rate I’m rambling, a proud moment in deed !

02-06-2024, 02:02 PM
That is great now when some of my grand kids come over i will asking them to do the same.

country gent
02-06-2024, 02:11 PM
Red Skeleton did his pledge of allegiance where he explained each line of it. I think this you tube video should be shown in every school. It can be found on you tube. It really brings the meaning and what it represents/stands for out.

02-06-2024, 09:50 PM
I am pretty sure they don't say the pledge of allegiance in schools anymore do they? I am sure it offends some race, creed or religion so therefor it is not allowed.

02-06-2024, 09:58 PM
Great for her, I’m sure you’re proud. We ECSASS shooters say the Pledge to the flag before every one of our cas shoots. God bless America.

02-07-2024, 12:19 AM
Red Skeleton did his pledge of allegiance where he explained each line of it. I think this you tube video should be shown in every school. It can be found on you tube. It really brings the meaning and what it represents/stands for out.

I have seen that presentation. It’s awesome.

02-07-2024, 12:44 AM
Red Skeleton did his pledge of allegiance where he explained each line of it. I think this you tube video should be shown in every school. It can be found on you tube. It really brings the meaning and what it represents/stands for out.

He would be blacklisted today.

02-07-2024, 07:46 AM
Red Skeleton did his pledge of allegiance where he explained each line of it. I think this you tube video should be shown in every school. It can be found on you tube. It really brings the meaning and what it represents/stands for out.

That should be mandatory viewing but as stated by others it would not fly in today's wokeness. Screw em.

02-07-2024, 09:58 AM
Kids in school that can not perform in school need to be sent home, only allowed to return with both parents, make it inconvenient, cost them their time, for the parents, if little Johnny and Susie do not perform. The Pledge should be the start of every day in a public school at any level. Do not want to abide by the rules of a public school, paid for by public, tax payer funds, go to a private school, or get out of the country.

Really one way about public funds, they are for and only for, the benefit of the tax paying public. Not a piggy bank for any other group, ever.

02-07-2024, 10:40 AM
One of the IDPA clubs I shoot with ( ACPL) recites the Pledge of Allegiance before the match starts.

02-07-2024, 06:35 PM
Schools here are NOT suppose to say it at the start of the day.
When I was in school, we used to start the day with it.
Can't help but wonder if it's a reason kids here are so rotten.

02-07-2024, 07:24 PM
Bet pupils in Dearborn, MI do their pledge differently…

02-07-2024, 08:11 PM
Makes you wonder how many of the millions of illegals that come here to suck on the federal nipple have it memorized.

02-08-2024, 03:08 PM
We do the pledge before every meeting at our Izaak Walton , even if it's a 1 student Range Orientation .
But heck, schools don't even have the George Washington portrait in classrooms anymore.