View Full Version : Evaluate a used mold

02-05-2024, 08:27 AM
Hi all. Does this look like it'll clean up or should I steer clear?


Recycled bullet
02-05-2024, 08:32 AM
If that is lead smears then it will clean up easily with a oily rag when the mold is hot enough to steam the oil. Is the price right?

02-05-2024, 09:13 AM
If it's been sitting a while the lead will often oxidize at the interface to the blocks and rub off even cold -- sometimes a bamboo keboob skewer is pretty handy.

02-05-2024, 09:43 AM
Hi all. Does this look like it'll clean up or should I steer clear?


There's more to a mould than oft can be seen in a photo. I once bought a mould which was warped, and I'd guess a hydraulic press of great size would still not be able to get halves to fully close; I also had one with "pin" challenges, which I was able to 99% correct; and one with the sprue-holding screw totally siezed in -- guarantee to break if attempt to turn it made.
Good suggestions from above posts :) -- but, if it were me, I'd make a "win-win" offer to seller. I'd tell him/her I'd clean it up and try it. If it works, then I'd execute purchase. If not to my wants ;) -- he/she'd get a cleaned mould back.
Another question/criteria is handles for this mould: are the included? I'm kind of OCD re mould handles, and just about always insist that the handles I have are of same manufacturer as the mould. I've had "bad" mould turn into "the best" simply by putting on same-brand handles.
Lots to it, more than just de-leading it. :)
BEST wishes!

02-05-2024, 11:31 AM
Looks ok to me. Thick sprue plate. I take a mold like that and heat it up and submerge in the pot a few seconds and the lead smear will be gone. Don't try to scrape it off. Don't worry about smoked looking color. I have smoked some of mine with a candle for easier drops.

02-05-2024, 11:54 AM
I would stay well below the top "used" price. That is a 457124 ? Common enough. To me, that splatter is an indication of ignorance in mold use. Clearly opening over the pot. And cleaning off before next pour? Probably not. No wonder there are not round, so he sells it. Maybe beats on it with a old hammer too. You'll have an hour into it before you cast anything. Only then will you truly know.
pay accordingly.

02-05-2024, 12:20 PM
Thanks, all. It's a Lyman 457483 for sixty five bucks. No handles. Though I just realized that gas checks are not allowed in BPCR Silhouette, which is what I am pursuing. If anyone's interested in this mold, it's on eBay right now.

02-05-2024, 01:27 PM
$65?? Think I'd expect $25. One hole molds do not generally sell well, and as alluded to:never know the condition on a remotely purchased mold.

I have gotten a warped mold to cast fine for me though, in a "need to do" case.

I had a guy send me an original Colt BP Revolver Conical gang mold once - 8 hole. He wanted me to cast some, and return (1000? Hard to remember). Warped, could see through the closed halves in the middle. Identical bullets to a 1 holer I had.
So, I cast some bullets in my 1 holer, and then placed them in the gang mold cavities.
Sprayed the block mating faces w/ Midway mold release, heavier in the middle, did this until the light sliver was gone.

Cast his bullets, scrubbed the cold blocks in a solvent tank w/ a nylon brush, sent him his bullets and a clean mold.

02-05-2024, 01:42 PM
that 65 is more like 75 to 80 when all done. at that price you might just buy new, if it was exactly what you wanted..

a couple thoughts on ebay type sales, I always see what else the guy is selling, this guy is an antiquey/junk peddler who'll sell anything - probably just grabbed a price off ebay -knows nothing of molds. good and bad good -he does not know enough to lie about it or bend the truth -bad is he thinks it worth 80 and he's giving you a bargin. wiat till it sells (it wont) and ask him to take offers
that is a nice mold to have in your collection -if working

02-05-2024, 01:52 PM
Mighty steep price, I'd say its worth $25 in that condition.

02-05-2024, 01:55 PM
Has anyone bid on it?

Bill M
02-05-2024, 01:59 PM
I picked up an old Ideal 45 Colt mold a few years ago that had been abused, and the bullet surface was pitted. I twisted some wire, and cast it into the middle of the mold, chucked into a drill, with some bore polish, it cleaned up mostly, and cast pretty nice bullets although oversize. I met a fellow who loaded 45-70, and was telling him about the old mold, and loaned it to him. He came by a few weeks later showing me a 100 yd target with 3 touching, said it made a great "plinkin" load!
I told him to keep the mold!

02-06-2024, 02:53 PM
Looks like the previous caster had his alloy temp really high because he was casting with mostly lead or all lead alloy. He was trying to cast fast to keep the heat up but casting too fast. The bullets wouldn't release so he applied a release agent. With the release agent on the mold face and the high casting rate of high temp alloy the lead started making it's way into the vent lines. Since it wasn't cleaned the lead oxidized and spread some. Looks like he didn't use it much cuz the sprue plate doesn't look to be fatter around the edges from being beat plus the alloy was still a bit soft from the high heat. Doesn't look to be abused but needs a really good clean which requires a bunch of patience with no short cuts. Lots of light and magnification. Good Luck.