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02-02-2024, 07:14 PM
I was not sure where to post this, I think Our Town is the right place. I'm currently setting in the middle of no where Minnesota in a cabin with frozen lakes within sight and got to thinking............What is the perfect setup as far as house/ land? Where would it be....East Tennessee? Idaho? South Carolina? I have been fortunate and have not had to live in cookie cutter neighborhoods....land is a good thing, I think the perfect amount is somewhere between 5-20 acres, somewhere close to some kind of state hunt able land, ideally this would be close to the ocean, its in my blood and hard not to have access to it. The land would have something growing, I'm not a farmer but I can learn. Id like to hunt the seasons, fish the lakes and rivers and raise maybe a cow or two and some pigs.....I'm starting to like the states with colder winters...There is something about a wood burning stove and being able to provide for one self... What are some thoughts on what some have done with their place or would have done differently...........Thanks is advance for your thoughts, ideas and everything

02-02-2024, 07:27 PM
having lived on or near the water in various parts of florida most my life I could not get out of there fast enough as the housing boom really started taking off a dozen years ago and traffic so heavy in the middle of summer I would have to wait for light to change 6 or 7 times just to get though major intersections. boat ramps so crowded people are always screaming at one another, all the flats in the bays tore up by thousands of flats boats that fly though at 60+mph. gave it up for the mountains and river with my own 50 acres in very rural parts of East Tennessee. I have no interest in ever returning to florida or any coastal area with giant populations all crammed together on top of one another. Ive got my own property to shoot or hunt on anytime I want. I do kind of miss snook fishing but I've caught more in my lifetime than most people just dream of.

02-02-2024, 07:34 PM
Doesn't Tenn have no state income tax?

02-02-2024, 07:36 PM
no state income tax but 10% sales tax on everything

02-02-2024, 07:47 PM
If I could go back 50 years I would go to Alaska, get a homestead have all the hunting you could dream of. When I hit 50 I was within months of moving there when I had two heart attacks so that went down the tubes. I grew up in Southern Ohio hunting and fishing but can't move there as the area is so poor that a good heart hospital/doctors are 90 miles away. I live outside Indy, raised horses for 40 years, have a fishing pond and 10 wooded areas to hunt. Can set on the porch in the swing over looking the pond and come up with 10-16 point buck. We had an A-tipical but here that had 20 plus points till he totaled Suburban at a ripe old age.

02-02-2024, 07:52 PM
if your serious do your research, go visit properties that interest you and talk to the people there. I spent 2 years and drove 25000 miles looking at properties in western North Carolina to middle Tennessee . one story I will share. in the area right about where Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky come together I looked at one property where the people moved away several years ago it washout 80 acres with modern log cabin, a pole barn and other out buildings. there were 2 to 3 inch trees growing in the gravel driveway. after I pulled up to property on paved road a couple local kids about 16-18 yrs old on bikes came up and were saying, hey mister you going to move in here , need some help clearing the driveway we can help. they showed me around the place what impressed me the most was the pole barn workshop, no walls just a roof. there were work benches and tool chests, power tools, left just the same way the owner left the stuff years before, yet about a 20 or so miles away just over a mountain or ridge as its called here looked at a place on a paved road that was like 40-50 acres the neighbor across the street told me he moved there 10 years ago from New York City and If I buy the place just be aware if you leave the place to go shopping or something expect that locals will steal anything they can possibly get their hands on.

02-02-2024, 08:26 PM
Now I understand the part about Florida...Once you move there....the dream kinda fades, heat, traffic, lots and lots of people..Chasing redfish in the back waters is in my blood. As far as Alaska, its on the list...For the first time ever, I pulled out a map of Alaska and started looking at all the different areas and all I can say is WOW. The only thing that I have realized is to start in Anchorage and go from there. Where is the perfect state? Does it exist ?

02-02-2024, 09:19 PM
All the dreams fade when we got old and need more doctors and hospitals. I worked lots in Alaska but not for me now. Like the OP I live in a colder climete, out in the urban area with enough acreage I can have a gun range, have a woodstove and enjoy running my tractors still so I stay put for now but know it will go away sooner than later as farming disappears rapidly for apartments and condos. I also have high taxes and all the rot democrats have given my state so where it's better I don't know because every state has both good and not so good, they just change places perhaps. Money is a big factor, the more one has the better we live but based on ones needs money wont always buy our dreams. My brother in law sold out buying a small 100 acre ranch in Montana, that was 2 years ago and now he has the place for sale, saying it just is not what he thought although the views are great. I'd like to move somewhere more conservitive but those states are dwindling down now or getting to poulated like florida has..Even Texas is under fire from the left and with all the immigration issues I would not be surprised if Biden sicks the military on that state..
Texas has opened the door to Kalifornians much like my state did years back and they will regret that in 4-5 years as these people are like lice, they multiply and change everything good to bad. They get in your local governments then change laws to solcialist thinking, they ruin schools, raise taxes, take away your gasoline, your natural gas heating, your gas chain saw, lawn mowers anything that uses fossil fuel and make you live on batteries and electricity that will become unafordable for many when we no longer have options, you think not?

Jeff Michel
02-02-2024, 09:24 PM
Everything in this world is a compromise, find a place that comes close and settle down. There are draw backs to every place I've ever lived or even visited. Big thing to remember is that what you find appealing also is going to appeal to quite a large number of people. Places like that have a tendency to fill up pretty fast so if your looking for solitude, your going to have to choose a place that no one wants and your probably still have to be employed unless your independently wealthy or already retired so distance becomes an issue. As farmbif suggested, get on realtor.com, pick a state or states and start looking, take some trips, spend some time, it isn't easy and can be frustrating but it can also be a lot of fun. It took me a couple years as well to find a place that suited me in West Virginia and boy, I looked at some duds. I made a list of must haves and stuck with it until I found the one that satisfied most of my requirements. Spend the time, you'll be glad you did. Good luck.

02-02-2024, 09:50 PM
I love northern Michigan. Since moving here 12 years ago we had one small tornado about 20 miles away. One person killed. No floods, no hurricanes and essentially no tornadoes. I do not mind the snow and cold.

It becomes a very personal choice…blondes or redheads?

You do not want to live bordering state land. Too many idiots out during deer season. It is the only thing I regret about my place. I border over 4000 acres of state land.

Good luck.

02-02-2024, 10:02 PM
I spent one fall in a 20' RV 12 miles NW of Hot Springs Arkansas and loved it. And my dog really loved it.
Wife has been running into health issues, then Covid, then more health issues.
So here I sit hibernating in Fargo ND.

Spring and fall I think Warsaw Mo has potential. I suspect they see a lot of Kansas city and St Louis people in summer.
Nice little town, lots of water, friendly people. Ideally it is where I would love to get my RV setup. Which will probably have to wait a few years.

02-03-2024, 09:03 AM
Age = medical needs. Weather + age = need for others. Isolation works when you are young enough! Today is not yesterday! Scenery cannot be sustenance, even when you try to "drink it in"! Videos are edited for your viewing! Sometimes it nice to have someone come along to help you get up off the ground!

02-03-2024, 10:10 AM

How’s about this for a compromise… SE Alaska, the Tigard. Way more temperate then the interior, closer to Seattle for serious medical, and hunting/fishing/subsistence as a way of life…


Trapping, whales, shrimp, salmon, halibut, deer, bears, moose…… need I go on? I am 63 and working hard at making this my life till 93…


02-03-2024, 10:24 AM
Each person has likes & dislikes. And as noted above,, there is not likely a "perfect" place to be found anywhere. Throw in the wants & needs,, and it all becomes a compromise.

Gone are the days of true freedoms. Between taxes, urban sprawl, politics, all created by man,, with the needs of necessities, medical care, utilities, etc,, places that once were "dreams" have become almost extinct.

Having enough land to shoot or hunt upon? Prepare for taxes. Want water for fishing or even just utilities? Pay more. Want a view? Pay more.

What has happened,, is a huge increase in the population. More people,, need more space.

I've traveled to most states. Looked at the pro's & con's of each. Some have things I'd truly enjoy over the current place I live, while at the same time present issues that would make it harder to be there.
I decided long ago to make my own small place as good as I possibly can for my purposes. I'm grateful for what I have, and live a very happy life.

02-03-2024, 11:10 AM
We live in a place that is almost paradise to us. Mountains of WV, 81 acres, nearest neighbor is a ranch about 1/2 mile away. Have a small spring fed stream that I would eventually like to dam up and make a small pond. Beautiful views down the valley with about seven mountains folding into. Downsides? Shale road 3/4 long. Constant repair due to water. Impacts gf more as she works, I am disability retired so not much driving. Living rural is great except when you need an HVAC guy or a specialty I can't do anymore. Medical issues? I have made peace with myself that if something ever happens I am willing to take my chances. We are prepared and realistically they just built a rescue squad building about five minutes away. We really love it here. Don't expect much radio or TV reception with the mountains, we use Starlink. Works good enough. I am almost 64 and gf five years younger.
Would be a whole nother story if I had to work or still had kids with schooling. Good luck finding a spot that speaks to you. I want my ashes spread here so...

02-03-2024, 12:42 PM
Doesn't Tenn have no state income tax?

There's no free lunch...Non income tax states either have high sales taxes, really high property taxes, or both.

You may still come out ahead, but it's often not as straightforward as it might seem.

I'd like to get a small plot of land around these parts someday...We'll see.

02-03-2024, 12:53 PM
Having lived on 5 acres its just a big yard to mow so I would look for a larger plot of land.
I'm kind of stuck in the middle in Kansas but do okay with family and friends.
If I were to move no doubt I would move north, folks coming north from Central America don't want to go very far north.
Just thoughts from an old Kansan.

02-03-2024, 02:09 PM
I wouldn't worry about living close to the coast. Save that as a vacation spot. We had a lot of people move into Montana, who discovered just how tough it is to live here full time. They found out you can't eat the scenery. Much better to go visit a place you yearn for once a year or so, for once the new wears off, you will be looking for your next move. Find a cheap place you can live, and has decent services within a reasonable distance.

02-03-2024, 02:20 PM

Alaska is on my list. When I broke out a map of Alaska a few months ago, I saw that part of Alaska and it intrigued me. I was curious what it was like on the ground. I kind of got stuck on the mindset of how to explore smaller remote areas. Anyways, the videos are amazing....sounds like you found a piece of paradise

02-03-2024, 02:30 PM
There's no free lunch...Non income tax states either have high sales taxes, really high property taxes, or both.

You may still come out ahead, but it's often not as straightforward as it might seem.

I'd like to get a small plot of land around these parts someday...We'll see.

I live in NC. 8% sales tax and state income tax. Latest property tax assessment sent the price to an additional 50%. I know a fella that more than doubled. I live on a 100 acre farm and have to get permission from my neighbors to shoot on the farm. The invading horde from the NE US and Cali has made this area like their old home. The COUNTY has over 200 schools to support.

I could go on and on.....

02-03-2024, 03:16 PM
no state income tax but 10% sales tax on everything

No tax on food and medical.
As it should be in every state.

02-03-2024, 03:22 PM
I am also thinking of moving.
I'm in the national socialist state of hawaii.
Thinking of Tennessee.
Friends and sister are there.
Looking for someplace outside of town.
Place big enough for a small shooting range, maybe some animals.
Not really a hunter, but I have done it in the past.
Just a nice place to live out the rest of my life without having to worry about the gooberment looking to mess with me.

02-03-2024, 08:06 PM
When I got back to the mainland I had to buy a jacket.

Jeff Michel
02-03-2024, 09:03 PM
Shale road 3/4 long.
Your lucky....... most of mine is mud:mrgreen: two miles to gravel, ten to black top. I have to ford a branch of the Kanawha river to get to my door. The good thing is, it certainly cuts down on solicitors.

02-03-2024, 09:29 PM
Shale road 3/4 long.
Your lucky....... most of mine is mud:mrgreen: two miles to gravel, ten to black top. I have to ford a branch of the Kanawha river to get to my door. The good thing is, it certainly cuts down on solicitors.

I had to pay almost $10,000 for out of that road which is not even on my property for me to drive on it. Like you said, nice part is no one knows we are back here.

02-03-2024, 10:05 PM
Nothing stays static, when we moved in where I live now, there was a corn field across the road from me, now it's condos.

02-03-2024, 10:56 PM
A little adjustment in what was posted about NC sales tax. It's 7% not 8%. HOWEVER,, some cities and counties have added an extra amount to the sales tax. So that can differ from place to place.
And,, depending upon the food,, it can be from 2% to 7%. Buying in a grocery store gets you a lower tax on many items,, but buying prepared food in a restaurant will get you 7% or more.

02-04-2024, 12:12 AM
A little adjustment in what was posted about NC sales tax. It's 7% not 8%. HOWEVER,, some cities and counties have added an extra amount to the sales tax. So that can differ from place to place.
And,, depending upon the food,, it can be from 2% to 7%. Buying in a grocery store gets you a lower tax on many items,, but buying prepared food in a restaurant will get you 7% or more.

Head to Wake county and it's 8%. Some municipalities go to 8.25%. And some of the roads we already paid for charge a toll.

02-04-2024, 12:43 AM
Yeah,...uh,...just don't even look at Arizona. Oh my,...and the scorpions and rattlesnakes and tarantulas and jumping cactus and ravenous jaguars,...I mean,...there's just SOOOOOOO many ways to die. Stay away. Stay FAR FAR away!! Oh look,...there's Las Vegas. Yeah, right over there. Keep moving,...that's it,...don't stop,...move along,.....

02-04-2024, 02:44 AM
We lived in Alaska for about 38 years, 6 in Nome and the rest on the outskirts of Anchorage. I liked it there but when I retired 7 years ago we moved to Montana so I could have some land with a shooting range, 13 acres, and the wife could have a garden. We live about 2 miles out of a small town of about 1200 people.

There aren't a lot of good paying jobs here but I'm retired on a comfortable income. Montana does have a variable income tax of up to 6.9% but no state sales tax. My property tax on an assessed value of $492,000 is about 2,300 per year. Deer and wild turkeys hang out around the house and elk not to far away. Quite a few lakes and rivers in the area for fishing and boating. The wife and I are quite happy here.

02-04-2024, 10:32 AM
In the West, a major issue is 'water rights', as it should be. But, the one thing that is never or seldom mentioned is 'radon'. It is a cancer causing gas that is naturally occuring, can by mitigated somewhat but before you get all 'excited' about moving to a 'perceived' paradise, check the "Radon Maps" for the location!

For example: https://idaho.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=79352463fb294183826c5f357f52c63b

The info is out there, check it out!

02-04-2024, 11:16 AM
My son and I found a nice 33 acre spot in eastern NC. It butts up to an interstate on one side, a swamp [but only when it rains] on the other. The interstate overpass is another side of it. Woods on 3 sides of 11 acres of fields. In 15 years the field side that butts the big road will grow up enough that you wont notice the noise. There are some more woods that we would love to add to it. Neighbors across the interstate and a few across the swamp. Only 25 +- minutes from the hospital, Lowes, 5 minutes from Food Lion and bojangles. Nicely isolated but not really. Planning on a Quonset hut and an Airstream on my side. He built a conventional home on his. To the op, look for out of the way places that can’t become subdivisions around you in 10 years. Property that butts a national or state forest for example. Good luck.

Wayne Smith
02-04-2024, 04:34 PM
As far as taxes go - we moved from NH to VA over 27 years ago. NH with no income tax and no land tax, Virginia with both. LOML figured the difference in cost to live in each state, expecting VA to be higher. There was an insignificant difference - just the way they chose to collect the money. NH was all user fees.

02-04-2024, 08:53 PM
Yeah, each state has a budget and that comes from taxes from it's residents with a couple of exceptions. Alaska taxes oil companies and I believe Nevada taxes gambling. The main difference is how big is the state govt and how big are their giveaway programs.

02-04-2024, 10:14 PM
No tax on food in Kentucky.

02-05-2024, 10:40 AM
When I retired from the Army in 92 was stationed at Ft McCoy in WI. Moved there in 91 and wife and I liked the area so bought an old farm with 60 acres, a big old farm house (3200 sqft) and a barn, a machine shed (1600 sqft) and a few other buildings. Remodeled the hell out of the house including adding a 32 X 19 attached greenhouse. Property taxes were high and winter could be brutal but it was home. Bought 72 acres of adjoining land and made the best of it. Cancer took my wife in 2014 and somehow it just wasn't the same anymore. Gave the house and 17 acres to my son and his wife in 2018 and headed south to KY. After six months of looking found a decent 3 bed 2 bath 1900 sqft home with a detached 2 car garage on 3 3/4 acres with a 1 acre pond that adjoins the Daniel Boone Nat'l Forest. House is on a dead end road so very little traffic and while I have neighbors they are not right on top of me. If you are over 65 they discount your property tax assessment by about 30% and you get a senior hunting and fishing license for a whopping $12. Winters are not warm but bearable and summers can be hot but that is what central heat and AC is for. Have a large selection of stores and restaurants within easy drive and a remarkable number of medical facilities. KY does not tax my Army retirement or social security so I pay no state taxes. Belong to a private range about 11 miles away that most of the time I am the only one there. Only negative is the lack of gun shows here, hasn't been to one in the area for over a year but on the other hand even when there were a few within reasonable distance they were the usual overpriced guns and little, if anything, related to reloading. Real estate prices here are not cheap but haven't been hit by the hyper inflation that has affected other parts of the country.

First question you have to answer is "how much can I afford to spend". Then decide what part of the country appeals to you and use one or more of the real estate search engines to browse the areas and get a feel for prices. When you're ready to check out an area contact a realtor and go look. It might take several trips to different areas and some time (I looked for over 6 months) but in the end you should find what you want.

03-12-2024, 06:21 AM
@ abunaitoo
Check out Cookeville Tennessee. Or the surrounding area if you want to be further out of town and have some land.

03-12-2024, 09:13 AM
no state income tax but 10% sales tax on everything

The pro move is to move close to a bordering state with lower sales taxes. Let the tourists pay the 10% when possible.

03-12-2024, 09:15 AM
I am on 20 acres here with a lot of state land walking distance away in Northern Michigan . It is nice I have my own range and it is quiet but Medical is a county away and so it most shopping . You may take your medical state into account when looking for a new area .

03-12-2024, 02:32 PM
We live in Tennessee and pay roughly $900 a year property tax on our 42 acres with a custom built brick/stone home. Our utilities are low and we pay $29 a year to register any vehicle for a year. Doesn't matter if it is a beater or a million dollar RV. No toll roads in the state either.
I like the sales tax structure. If you don't make a lot, you don't buy a lot, so you don't pay much tax.

03-12-2024, 03:18 PM
Moved to a "rural location", well and septic several years ago. Now inside the city limits, had to go on city water and sewer. A common event with politicians in the west chasing that tax dollar.

03-12-2024, 05:32 PM
I've been thinking about a nice plot of land, outside of the city limits.
Someplace where I can set up a shooting range, and not get hassled by the gooberment.
Nice house that is kind of self sustaining.
Retired, so looking for someplace with no gooberment stress.
I'm sure there are still places like that in this country.
It's not here anymore.
Tennessee is looking good.

MT Gianni
03-12-2024, 05:43 PM
I enjoy rural living 7 miles from a town of 1200 people. Cows outnumber people by about 15-1. Trouble is it is only an hour from Bozeman. We have become a commuter base for their wages. In 2019 I paid $1400 in property insurance with full replacement value. In 2022 it went to $2800, this years bill is $4300. Taxes have also gone up but not tripled, only doubled.

03-12-2024, 07:50 PM
I live in a city of around a million people. I’m more than ready to move, but I can’t leave right now. I’m going to buy some acreage probably later this year and see if we can move in the next few years. I hate living here.

03-12-2024, 08:24 PM
I'm currently setting in the middle of no where Minnesota in a cabin with frozen lakes within sight and got to thinking............What is the perfect setup as far as house/ land?

Sounds like you are already living the dream.
The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.