View Full Version : another discarded dog

01-29-2024, 10:36 PM
Another unwanted dog was dumped off on my road a few days after the big snow and record breaking freeze that began a couple weeks ago a skin and bones dog found a place to get out of the freezing wind on my back porch. this dog is a medium size looks like some sort of black and white collie mix. real timid, a total wimp, totally non aggressive, four of my six bravest cats sleep within a yard or two of it. the thing is ive got one dog I rescued from out in the woods and I dont want another dog. ive got plenty of pet food so its been regaining its strength and slowly starting to fill out again. I put a collar and leash on it a couple days ago and it became clear instantly it had never had a collar or leash before. and its a full grown dog. it twisted and pulled and slipped out of the collar. and wandered off for a little while but it keeps coming back and curls up on the porch. everyone around here that I know tells me I need to shoot it and be done with it. all of the local pet rescue or whatever places are overfull and cant take any more. I cant put a collar on it and take it to town with a big sign saying free dog. like I did with the last one that showed up. Im at a loss as to what to do with this one. Im not the kind of person that wants to put down a healthy unwanted pet and at the same time ive got enough on my plate and dont really want another

01-29-2024, 10:50 PM
I have had dogs that slipped collars, a full body harness cured that.

01-29-2024, 11:34 PM
That's a tough spot to be in.

We kinda have a feeling around here. When God sends an animal our way,, and it sorta adopts us,, we figure it's His way of offering us a gift. We try to make sure it's taken care of. yes,, we've occasionally had a few more than we THOUGHT we could handle,, but it all seemed to work out.

01-30-2024, 12:13 AM
The dog chose you, he came to you for a reason. Give him a chance. Don’t shoot him if he’s as you describe.

01-30-2024, 12:17 AM
I dunno where you're at, but if there is a population center anywhere close, there may be a shelter present where dog placement is quite successful.

I've noticed lately that rescue dogs are pretty common and popular; probably due to the increased cost of dogs in general. It used to be that taking a dog to the pound or even Humane Society was pretty much a death sentence. Doesn't seem that way anymore.

It might be that if you get this dog recovered a bit, there will be a "right person" come along and be adopted by him. jd

Winger Ed.
01-30-2024, 12:54 AM
Another unwanted dog was dumped off on my road a few days after the big snow and record breaking freeze

We're far enough out of town that it happens here all too often.
There's a humane society place near by that takes them in.
Apparently there is a shortage of adoptable dogs up North and every so often a lot of them get shipped up there for adoption.

The Mrs. gets upset hearing about another stray that gets dumped off around here
and asks me, "Why do people do that"?
I tell her we must keep in mind that about 60% of the population is just trash.

01-30-2024, 06:25 AM
I have 3 dogs now and my dad has 4. Every single one has been a wandering stray that someone abandoned and they're all part of our family now. The most recent one is a black lab/bulldog mix that is as gentle as can be. My 9 year old son climbs all over him and hes right there tail wagging when I get home. Ive always said that dogs are better people than people. Even if it remains a yard dog, I say if at all possible, give it a home and a chance. Dogs have a way of showing their appreciation for being saved and may just surprise you. If not post it up on a various adoption forums and see if anyone bites.

01-30-2024, 07:44 AM

01-30-2024, 09:24 AM
your better giving charity, ie: dog food, to him than a stray person, at least the dog will appreciate and look after you. whats a little dog food cost, not much.

John Wayne
01-30-2024, 10:05 AM
Well Bif, you've done a great thing! You will find, given time, that dog will give you much more than you gave him.
Ps. If you're anywhere near Georgia I'll take him.

01-30-2024, 12:35 PM
I despise people who abandon pets. Winger nailed it...60% of the population are trash.

I am allergic to dogs but love them. I almost lost a friend due to a dog. He got the dog as a pup but did a poor job of training. The dog would wander off. Someone would complain and Animal Control would get the dog and then my friend would need to pay $20 to "get it out of jail". One day the dog was no more. It was less than 2 years old. He took it out and shot it. I never got the truth from him but I am good at math...2+2=4. He is "good Christian" and his wife is even "gooder".

A month ago, they got two new pups. One for him and one for his 28 YO daughter who lives with them. Hope the dogs make it.

01-30-2024, 12:53 PM
My son and dil are stray dog collectors. Gotta have hobbies I guess. Both have very full time jobs that they bring home every day. They also have a very busy 12 year old daughter. They spend [waste imo] a lot of their lives wrangling 5 of them, was 6 but they lost one 2 months ago. One at a time is plenty. I am dogless and have no interest in getting another. Had Weimaraners and a couple weimy mixes for most of my adult life. I refuse to be responsible for ignorant folk’s animals that they created but don’t want. I don’t think the Lord sends a dog to anyone but if you have a big heart and can afford it go for it, if not carry it to the vet and have it humanely put down. As Bob Barker always said, have your pets spayed and neutered.

01-30-2024, 12:53 PM
I feel for farmbif, I've been in those shoes several times here in rural Mississippi for the last 15 years on a county road where dirtbags passing through seem to enjoy throwing their litter and unwanted pets. Early on I put down a few that looked menacing. Still have 3 cats and a dog we took in. 2 cats live outside with all the comforts of home in an outbuilding and the latest a barely weened kitten now a year old is in the house at night cause the other 2 want to kill it!!!. At my age I find it impossible now to drop the hammer on some critter thats been abandoned.
Our pet rescue in the area is doing a fine job. But, under financed and overworked volunteers makes it difficult.
My solution that has worked is this: I show up with "the critter" with a large bag of food and a 100 dollar bill and I haven't been turned away yet. And for me.....I sleep at night and forego a couple trips to the fish camp that month.

01-30-2024, 02:02 PM
Friend was just ranting about the interrogation The shelter gave him when he was trying to adopt the dog and the fees. He felt they didn’t want to anyone to adopt the dogs. I’m gone too often to have a dog, but I wouldn’t mind if a cat showed up.

01-30-2024, 07:22 PM
Some people suck. If you can float the dog food, he will keep things away from your property. Cheap investment. I'm a dog guy anyways. I lost my English Bulldog Sugar a year and a half ago. Yesterday, my wife let me get another, a boy bully, who we named Dill Weed. Honestly, the people should be shot who dump animals, not the animals

01-30-2024, 07:29 PM
Another unwanted dog was dumped off on my road a few days after the big snow and record breaking freeze that began a couple weeks ago a skin and bones dog found a place to get out of the freezing wind on my back porch. this dog is a medium size looks like some sort of black and white collie mix. real timid, a total wimp, totally non aggressive, four of my six bravest cats sleep within a yard or two of it. the thing is ive got one dog I rescued from out in the woods and I dont want another dog. ive got plenty of pet food so its been regaining its strength and slowly starting to fill out again. I put a collar and leash on it a couple days ago and it became clear instantly it had never had a collar or leash before. and its a full grown dog. it twisted and pulled and slipped out of the collar. and wandered off for a little while but it keeps coming back and curls up on the porch. everyone around here that I know tells me I need to shoot it and be done with it. all of the local pet rescue or whatever places are overfull and cant take any more. I cant put a collar on it and take it to town with a big sign saying free dog. like I did with the last one that showed up. Im at a loss as to what to do with this one. Im not the kind of person that wants to put down a healthy unwanted pet and at the same time ive got enough on my plate and dont really want another

We have a real problem on my wife's property of feral dogs. We haven't lost ant calves to them but our neighbors have. I shoot them when I see them, but the people who drop them off is the ones I want.


01-30-2024, 07:35 PM
Special places in hell for people that abandon dogs

Eddie Southgate
01-30-2024, 07:35 PM
I despise people who abandon pets. Winger nailed it...60% of the population are trash.

I am allergic to dogs but love them. I almost lost a friend due to a dog. He got the dog as a pup but did a poor job of training. The dog would wander off. Someone would complain and Animal Control would get the dog and then my friend would need to pay $20 to "get it out of jail". One day the dog was no more. It was less than 2 years old. He took it out and shot it. I never got the truth from him but I am good at math...2+2=4. He is "good Christian" and his wife is even "gooder".

A month ago, they got two new pups. One for him and one for his 28 YO daughter who lives with them. Hope the dogs make it.

Good thing the daughter doesn't wander or get locked up.

Winger Ed.
01-30-2024, 07:52 PM
Friend was just ranting about the interrogation The shelter gave him when he was trying to adopt the dog and the fees.

Depending on where you are, some people will get 'pound puppies'
just to be killed in the training for fighting dogs like pit bulls.
Here, the shelters try to get a read on people that might be doing that and they will be refused.

white eagle
01-30-2024, 11:22 PM
The dog chose you, he came to you for a reason. Give him a chance. Don’t shoot him if he’s as you describe.

so very true, dogs are like that they seem to know even before we do
give the pup a chance you won't be sorry
yes I also agree most people do not deserve to be people

01-31-2024, 12:43 AM
Another unwanted dog was dumped off on my road a few days after the big snow and record breaking freeze that began a couple weeks ago a skin and bones dog found a place to get out of the freezing wind on my back porch. this dog is a medium size looks like some sort of black and white collie mix. real timid, a total wimp, totally non aggressive, four of my six bravest cats sleep within a yard or two of it. the thing is ive got one dog I rescued from out in the woods and I dont want another dog. ive got plenty of pet food so its been regaining its strength and slowly starting to fill out again. I put a collar and leash on it a couple days ago and it became clear instantly it had never had a collar or leash before. and its a full grown dog. it twisted and pulled and slipped out of the collar. and wandered off for a little while but it keeps coming back and curls up on the porch. everyone around here that I know tells me I need to shoot it and be done with it. all of the local pet rescue or whatever places are overfull and cant take any more. I cant put a collar on it and take it to town with a big sign saying free dog. like I did with the last one that showed up. Im at a loss as to what to do with this one. Im not the kind of person that wants to put down a healthy unwanted pet and at the same time ive got enough on my plate and dont really want another

If we knew what state you are in we might be able to find someone to take them...

01-31-2024, 01:26 AM
…..yes I also agree most people do not deserve to be people

That’s why some dogs and people need to be “fixed”. Do you really expect someone who’s will to kill an unborn child to be sentimental about a dog?

01-31-2024, 03:08 PM
I feel for you if a dog is not mean it needs to find the right home .
Yesterday I was sitting here and a black horse ran into my back yard it was wearing a blanket but no harness . A drive down the road I found out it was the guy across the road that owned it . He is almost a 1/2 mile down a narrow driveway and has other animals , he got this rescue horse last month it is back with him now . The horse also is very skittish of people or at least of me and the new owner .

01-31-2024, 09:22 PM
I'm not a mean person and Maybe im just making excuses not to take on another dog that I cant raise from a puppy and is untrained and from experience with in in past couple weeks it is untrainable. but today was almost the last straw with my patience. it had a bowl of food in its belly and the minute I turned around and went inside for something it chased the cats off and ate all their food, twice and then I caught it stealing food from Rufus's bowl. and Rufus having to be tied up was going crazy. it won't end well for this mutt if Rufus gets ahold of him, Rufus is a healthy all muscle red heeler and his bite might not be as strong as a pit bull but its pretty darn good. now ruffs is a totally different story for being a found unwanted abandoned dog. he will go on walks though the woods with me, stays right there with me, will sometimes retrieve stuff like sticks and balls, doesn't even flinch when im shooting a gun and when we get back to his house and chain lets me put it right on him and he is always happy to see me, never cowers off after taking whatever he can get.
about 35 miles away is a rural king, on a Saturday with good weather if I can get it on a leash with a big sign saying free dog I'm sure I can find someone who would love to have him.
I'm about an hour northeast of Knoxville kind of in the Lakeway Area of East Tennessee if anyone wants new dog.

Shanghai Jack
01-31-2024, 09:28 PM
Was having a good day until I read the original post. Shooting a dog that has come to you for help - oh hell no!

01-31-2024, 09:35 PM
no, I won't shoot it, but I will find it a new home

02-02-2024, 07:06 PM
dog just adopted and picked up by a wonderful woman from church and is naming her "love".
it was meant to be, the dog jumped in the backseat of her car tail wagging with no force or coaxing just a dog biscuit

02-02-2024, 07:33 PM
This post ended way better than I was afraid it would. I am a big softie when it comes to dogs and especially for dogs that trusted humans and got screwed or killed for it. Thank you farmbif for finding the dog someone to love, and someone a dog to love. Sitting here looking at our four two rescues and two bought.

02-03-2024, 10:28 AM
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

You found the dog a good home hopefully. Most ladies are not the type to take in a dog & then abuse it or kill it!

Excellent job there!

02-04-2024, 01:18 PM
Farmbif, you just made my hero list, bless you for your patience and kindness.

02-04-2024, 02:31 PM
Excellent outcome!

Thanks for sharing


02-04-2024, 03:26 PM
You made the effort and had the outcome you deserved....again, Thanks for sharing....you too can sleep tonight.

02-04-2024, 03:29 PM

02-04-2024, 03:53 PM
There’s a place in heaven for farmbif and the church lady. People that will mistreat animals probably will also mistreat people.

02-05-2024, 07:48 PM
Special places in hell for people that abandon dogs


02-05-2024, 08:23 PM
Glad your stray dog story had a good ending.