View Full Version : Bullet Feed Dies

01-29-2024, 03:34 PM
I am thinking of adding a bullet feed die to my Dillon 550 press for loading 9mm ammo

I was looking at Mid South , as I got a email that reloading dies were on sale
But would buy where ever I could find what works
I saw LEE has 2 styles and RCBS also has one also
I know Dillon and Hornady each have a feeder set up
But I was hoping to go with more of a simple die

Anyone use one of the LEE 9mm bullet feeder dies or the RCBS bullet feeder die ?
Or is there another bullet feeder die to look at ?

BUT if one works and is more $$
I don't care , I want to buy 1 time and want it to work
So if there is a better choice that costs a bit more
Tell me

Good , Bad or Ugly ?
Your thoughts ?


Winger Ed.
01-29-2024, 04:14 PM
Using a non-Dillon die on a 550? Oh no, that just won't do.

I'd worry about the other members of the Dillon cult coming after you with torches and pitchforks
like the villagers the Frankenstein monster after he escaped and got into mischief.

01-29-2024, 05:15 PM
I used to use the Hornady bullet feeder die. It now sits in a drawer since I made this bullet collator.


The bullet feeder dies found in the downloads work flawlessly. TylerR & GWS are the best tech support anywhere.

01-29-2024, 05:54 PM
Are you looking for a full collator setup, or just a die?

I’ve got a couple of the Mr. bullet feeder setups, they work well. I got rid of my Hornady bullet feeder, the noise from the collator was intolerable, the die itself worked fine.

01-29-2024, 06:37 PM
Using a non-Dillon die on a 550? Oh no, that just won't do.

I'd worry about the other members of the Dillon cult coming after you with torches and pitchforks
like the villagers the Frankenstein monster after he escaped and got into mischief.

We would never do that as long as 1: permission was asked and granted, 2: there are no comparable Dillon dies, and 3: you never do it again. Have fun and good luck.

01-29-2024, 08:14 PM
So I was going to do the same thing except I have a Lee Six Pack Pro. I bought one of these but have not tried it yet. It's the most expensive one on the market so I have high hopes.


01-29-2024, 08:23 PM
I have bought several different calibers off of ebay that the fellow has 3D printed and they work great, and the price is right for trying out to see if it's something you want.

01-29-2024, 08:31 PM
lee inline feeder is what I use. Works great.

01-30-2024, 12:43 AM
I also use the Lee inline die with the 4 tube feeder and it works great , mine is for .45

01-30-2024, 06:20 AM
Just a quick word about bullet feeders. They tend to work best with "J" words or PC'ed boolits. At least that's been my experience.

01-30-2024, 10:11 AM
just as Sig mention the lubed bullets tend to stick in the die . I use Mr Bullet Feeder works great with j words and pc coating , you can check them out at Double Alpha web site , they also have a tube setup if you dont want a collator set up . To use in a 550 you will need a single bullet seat crimp die as the bullet feeder needs its own station
also Dillon dont have there own die , they sell MR Bullet Feeder

01-30-2024, 11:31 AM
Just a quick word about bullet feeders. They tend to work best with "J" words or PC'ed boolits. At least that's been my experience.

I have seen this mentioned elsewhere. Not sure if a "hard" lube on cast bullets would be less of problem. Going to buy a die only and try it out. Planning to manually feed the bullets into the die; with a short tube on top as I assume the die needs a stack of bullets to work best. If I cannot get it to work with lubed bullets, it will not meet my needs.

This will be on a Lee 6000 and a bullet collator or tube system is not needed. I have a case feeder and can keep the bullet die topped up with the left hand while running the press with the right hand. Placing the bullet on the case is the time consuming part of the process.

I am hoping that even if the bullet feed die needs some cleaning, a brush and swab with mineral spirits will be sufficient. Taking a couple of minutes after every 500 rounds (hour) would be acceptable for the volumes I load now.

01-30-2024, 01:08 PM
I tried hard lubed , no go with MR bullet Feeder and thats with 45 200 swc . The closes I got it work is using a long bullet feed tube and a spring on the feeder die to retract the die , just as you think its working a bullet gets hung up
since I went to PC no more issues
keep in mind you will need a m type powder funnel so the bullet wont fall off

01-30-2024, 03:13 PM
lee inline feeder is what I use. Works great.

Kit $20 cheaper at Titan:

Die only:

That said, I own several Hornady bullet feed dies, bought before those Lee dies were available.
The fingers were full of burrs and had to be "adjusted" to work with the bullets I load, so bullet diameter sensitive. (for me).
I use individual plastic tubes for the bullets, no multiple tube magazine.

Kind of a copy of Mr. Bullet Feeder's design, Lee's dies use ball bearings sliding along a taper to pinch the bullets.

Edit: if you go with Lee, DON'T buy the "pick-n-place" feeder, BUY the inline die linked above.

01-31-2024, 10:40 AM
The Lee one with the plastic fingers allows you to feed and seat at the same station, at least for a few rounds before it starts spitting bullets everywhere and you have to boil the fingers (per instructions) nd they will load maybe a couple hundred more before you have to do it again. It winds up taking longer than putting them on the case yourself and thats with a collator.

Without a collator, you have to pick up each bullet by hand, orient them base down and drop them into a hole, even if that hole isn't a case mouth, so it doesn't save time at that point.

On the 550 "dropper" style, that just set the bullet into the mouth, force you to seat and crimp at #4.

The GSI feeder/tool head was unique in that it feeds and seats at #3, so the two steps could remain seperate.


01-31-2024, 11:09 AM
I plan on doing some reading before ordering


01-31-2024, 01:45 PM
Have you considered the collator and dies discussed in the 'Making That Bullet Collator' sticky in the 3D printing subforum of the Special Projects forum on this site? The .stl files needed for 3D printing are free and the project is well supported (including a written manual).


The link to download the files is in the signature line of all of TylerR's posts.

01-31-2024, 09:05 PM
If you are considering a 3D printed bullet feeding die, you can BUY them on ebay or Etsy.

Try searching bullet feeding die:



01-31-2024, 09:46 PM
I fooled around with hornady bullet feed dies about a dozen years ago when midway had em all on clearance sale, never built feeder for them but they worked putting half dozen or so into the spring at a time. I may go back to using them but I really like to inspect each lube sized bullet as im loading one at a time

01-31-2024, 10:20 PM
I like TylerR's feeders....was skeptical with the idea of a plastic feeder die at first, but I printed one to see......worked so well I've printed 6 so far. Even .223 rifle. The most recent .243 rifle. All work great.


Two more parts printed to connect them to springtubes......


Or You can just drop them in one at a time or in a clear tube, if that's your druthers.....

With a free printfiles find a library or a friend with a 3D printer and it's pretty darn cheap.....maybe 2 or 3 dollars worth of plastic, and springs from Ace Hardware.....ball bearings I got at Amazon, here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081SQZR62/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

20 for $5 enough for 10 feed dies.

TylerR asked me to print and test his newest one....243 (6mm) So I did and videoed a manual test.....below....

What you will see in the test is 4 different weights of bullets, the last one a light weight, which didn't stick as well. You see, they work best with a stack of bullets and I only stacked 4, a 107gr, a 100gr, a 85gr, and a 65g if I remember right. with no weight behind it the light one fell over......if the case had been sized with an "M" die even that one would have stuck.....so if using a stack tube, always have an extra in the tube....one at a time use an "M" die. I prefer those anyway.....just didn't do it for the test: (and fyi the die itself carried all four bullets)


BTW, I'm pretty sure Lee's inline feed dies are copies of these, only they figured out how to replace the two springs with one internal spring.....nice dies! But they are $50 a piece.....maybe I spent that much for 6......I'll have to investigate. ;) But then Lees are steel....and I did have to reprint one when I dropped it and stepped on it. Less klutz is for sure needed.

01-31-2024, 10:46 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/4NZPvhN0/20220516-103219.jpg (https://postimg.cc/V5GXmvt9)
Hooky set up. die is pretty ard to get adjusted.

02-01-2024, 06:48 AM
What I’d like to see is a bullet feeder die that would seat as well, that would eliminate the need for an extra station on a press. Even something similar to the Lee setup with the feeding fingers from the Loadmaster would be nice if it could be made to work right.

02-01-2024, 08:32 AM
I picked up this seater a while back. It is for VLD type bullets. I made a couple inserts to fit the ogive of more round nose bullets. So far it works good. But its one at a time and I don't get my fingers pinched.
https://www.google.com/search?q=frankford+arsenal+universal+bullet+seatin g+die&sca_esv=0f81dff0e80388d2&sxsrf=ACQVn0_XstxhCNmfi7tgh2VEr3iCRM6M5A%3A1706790 899776&source=hp&ei=84-7ZdeQLbyiptQP5MWjsAo&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZbueA-OZbFNQQ78B60p8om1gpzs0EnUd&oq=Frankford-Arsenal-Universal-Bullet-Seating&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IipGcmFua2ZvcmQtQXJzZW5hbC1Vbml2 ZXJzYWwtQnVsbGV0LVNlYXRpbmcqAggAMggQABiABBiiBDIIEA AYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEi7IlAAWABwAHgA kAEAmAFpoAFpqgEDMC4xuAEByAEA-AEC-AEB&sclient=gws-wiz

02-01-2024, 10:41 AM
What I’d like to see is a bullet feeder die that would seat as well, that would eliminate the need for an extra station on a press. Even something similar to the Lee setup with the feeding fingers from the Loadmaster would be nice if it could be made to work right.

Jmorris posted about such a thing a few posts back, but that company's product was so expensive that sales were not enough to keep it going. I too thought that combining the two functions was the holy grail, so I made it happen for my Lee Pro 6000, at least for rifle....RCBS tube bullet feeder or a 3D printed one, and a RCBS Gold Medal Seater, hooked together over one progressive station. Below the 3D printed parts....then a video to demonstrate.....


Sorry for the case wobble...did not change shell plates for the test.....it was just a feed and seat test....


Unfortunately.....no one makes a windowed seater for pistols yet or it would work for them too.

Notice I had to push one case back a little.....a real .223 shell holder holds em in place without having to watch....I get in a hurry sometimes with these videos. Character flaw!;)

02-01-2024, 11:08 AM
I have looked at both the Dillon and Hornady bullet feeder set ups
Both are great
Boy do I wish I loaded a lot of rifle ammo
As then IMO it would be worth it
I tried a friends Dillon 1050 with the case and bullet feeders to load 9mm with cast bullets
WOW was it fast and great
But the Dillon bullet feeder would every once in a while would feed a 145 gr flat nose TC bullet upside down

Bad part , I have more time than cash right now
So I think I am going to order the LEE 9 mm feed die
I just have to wait a week or 2
As I pay off the credit card every month
And I have spent this months Mad money already


02-01-2024, 12:27 PM
I have looked at both the Dillon and Hornady bullet feeder set ups
Both are great
Boy do I wish I loaded a lot of rifle ammo
As then IMO it would be worth it
I tried a friends Dillon 1050 with the case and bullet feeders to load 9mm with cast bullets
WOW was it fast and great
But the Dillon bullet feeder would every once in a while would feed a 145 gr flat nose TC bullet upside down

Bad part , I have more time than cash right now
So I think I am going to order the LEE 9 mm feed die
I just have to wait a week or 2
As I pay off the credit card every month
And I have spent this months Mad money already


Good choice
Here's some vid reviews:

02-01-2024, 12:30 PM
Jmorris has such a thing, but that company's product was so expensive that sales were not enough to keep it going. I too thought that combining the two functions was the holy grail, so I made it happen for my Lee Pro 6000, at least for rifle....RCBS tube bullet feeder or a 3D printed one, and a RCBS Gold Medal Seater, hooked together over one progressive station. Below the 3D printed parts....then a video to demonstrate.....


Sorry for the case wobble...did not change shell plates for the test.....it was just a feed and seat test....


Unfortunately.....no one makes a windowed seater for pistols yet or it would work for them too.

That is slick!!

02-01-2024, 03:52 PM
I used to use the Hornady bullet feeder die. It now sits in a drawer since I made this bullet collator.


The bullet feeder dies found in the downloads work flawlessly. TylerR & GWS are the best tech support anywhere.

I totally agree with this!!

02-01-2024, 11:26 PM
I totally agree with this!!

I totally agree with the TylerR part.....GWS is a mere disciple just trying to help where I can. TylerR is very busy with a wife and kids at home.....been there....mine have their own families now....so I have more time and try to ease the load as long as questions are on the easy side.....;)

02-02-2024, 07:39 AM
Jmorris posted about such a thing a few posts back, but that company's product was so expensive that sales were not enough to keep it going. I too thought that combining the two functions was the holy grail, so I made it happen for my Lee Pro 6000, at least for rifle....RCBS tube bullet feeder or a 3D printed one, and a RCBS Gold Medal Seater, hooked together over one progressive station. Below the 3D printed parts....then a video to demonstrate.....


Sorry for the case wobble...did not change shell plates for the test.....it was just a feed and seat test....


Unfortunately.....no one makes a windowed seater for pistols yet or it would work for them too.

Notice I had to push one case back a little.....a real .223 shell holder holds em in place without having to watch....I get in a hurry sometimes with these videos. Character flaw!;)

Ah, I missed that. My main interest would be for pistol loading since that’s all I load progressively. By the way, that’s a great design.

02-02-2024, 10:38 AM
What I’d like to see is a bullet feeder die that would seat as well, that would eliminate the need for an extra station on a press. Even something similar to the Lee setup with the feeding fingers from the Loadmaster would be nice if it could be made to work right.

MA Systems used to have one that went with their collators. It is pneumatic and the fingers are not plastic and adjustable for tension, it works. See attached photo.

As do those GSI feeders. Even on 5 station presses you can retain the PC die and still seat and crimp in two steps.


02-02-2024, 07:51 PM
MA Systems used to have one that went with their collators. It is pneumatic and the fingers are not plastic and adjustable for tension, it works. See attached photo.

As do those GSI feeders. Even on 5 station presses you can retain the PC die and still seat and crimp in two steps.


Pretty cool stuff, a little more involved than I have in mind.

02-04-2024, 09:59 AM
I got the notion to try adapt the bullet feeder from my retired Loadmaster to work on my Dillon 550. I thought I had it pretty much figured out but discovered the finger feeder bar won’t clear the advancing star wheel without modifying the feeder to the point it would probably be too weak to hold the bullets. I may still give it a try when I have time to fool with it since I have several spare feeders and can afford to sacrifice one.

02-05-2024, 06:21 AM
Several vids of guys adapting Lee bullet feeders to 550's on youtube. Here's one.

02-05-2024, 06:43 AM
Several vids of guys adapting Lee bullet feeders to 550's on youtube. Here's one.
Thanks for this, it figures I missed the obvious YouTube search.

02-05-2024, 04:22 PM
Well I got the Lee bullet feeder mounted and working on my 550 then thanks to some tips from YouTube and a little Dremel work. Thanks for the suggestions, it’ll be nice not to have to fumble with my stiff old hands setting bullets manually in the case anymore.

02-05-2024, 09:15 PM
I ordered a LEE 35 cal bullet feeder set up
It should be to me in a few days

I have several YouTube videos book marked where they use the LEE bullet feeder on a Dillon 550 press
I will be watching them before I set up the feeder die on my Dillon 550

Thanks again