View Full Version : Garmin chronograph

12-24-2023, 11:15 AM
Has anyone had experience with one of these? I plan on upgrading and was going with the LABRADAR until I read about the Garmin.


12-24-2023, 12:02 PM
rmcc -- I am a definite 101% Garmin fan/user: I have two Impulse II (one is solar) GPS wrist-watches; a Garmin GPS both in my truck and in my tractor; their Oregon hand-held; Foretec; and a couple other of their fine products. Not tech-smart at all, I have needed ring their customer support which I'll freely rate as a "12" on the 10-scale. "Awesome" might be an understatement vis my experiences!!!
That said, I have a PACT chrony which required "zero" on a learning curve to use. And, a Oehler 035P which required a teeny bit of a curve. Primarily to "deal" with my bum leg set-up challenges, I bought a LabRadar which I only needed read up once vis using an air rifle.
I know Garmin has their awesome customer support as I've needed ring them a good many times -- all, again, with 101% happiness and success! I'd suggest you check out their web-site on this chrony, to see if it is as "useless" (to me) as the others...
Of the three chronies I have, I'd hesitate not in buying same products again if needed. Or parts -- e.g., I shot my PACT not once but twice :)!. 321336
However, I am 100% that the Garmin is a truly great product!!! -- BUT -- unless you are a real tech-type person... I'd, again, check out their web-site vis instructions, set-up, and use before I committed to it.
Again -- I opened the LabRadar box at range, hung on battery, and shot away with 100% success...

12-24-2023, 01:16 PM
I have used Garmin's customer service and was quite happy with it.
I cannot comment on how well their chronograph works, but that will soon change as I know I am receiving one for Christmas.
I doubt if you can go wrong with either Garmin or LabRadar.

12-24-2023, 03:13 PM
I have used Garmin's customer service and was quite happy with it.
I cannot comment on how well their chronograph works, but that will soon change as I know I am receiving one for Christmas.
I doubt if you can go wrong with either Garmin or LabRadar.

I haven't used Garmin but LabRadar phone app has some deficiencies: at least two are bugging me (not a show stopper). First it looses the connection to the unit whenever phone goes to lock screen and you unlock it afterwards and second one that bugs me more - you can't just send/export logs to your computer from the application via WiFi or bluetooth; if you want a copy you have to take out SD card and do old fashioned file copy from disk to disk. I know, first world problems, lol.

12-24-2023, 08:20 PM
My Garmin came in yesterday. I unboxed it last night, plugged it into the computer and opened the Garmin Express app that I use to keep my GPS updated. The app found the Xero and asked if I wanted to add a new device. I confirmed and it did. All I needed was to confirm my email address and it registered it for warranty. Next it checked for software updates. It found v3.19 and asked if I wanted to update. Then I left it plugged into the USB port to fully charge. It took about 45 minutes to go from 60% to full charge.

Today I downloaded the ShotView app to my phone and paired it with the Xero. I went out to the back of the lot and turned on the Garmin. It asked if I wanted to start a session. I confirmed and then had to select what I was shooting from a list. Answered a few more questions and it showed the suggested placement of the chronograph, then went to the ready screen. From there you just took your shots downrange. After a second or two it displayed the velocity of that shot and it was ready for the next shot. When I selected "end session" it stored that data and also sent it to my phone. I shot a 10 shot string with a pellet rifle and three 10 shot strings with a suppressed TX22 pistol. Never missed a shot.

The only thing that I have seen so far that I would like to see improved is transferring the data to the computer. It is stored as a csv file for each string. You have to send each file to the computer by email. No batch dump, it's a separate process for each session. I am still looking at options there. Of course, you can view all of the data on the chrono or on your phone.

I love this thing so far but you have to know that I have been using a 35P with the proof channel for 35 years. That is a lot of luggage to take along and set up. All you have to do with the Garmin is turn it on and point it down range. Easy setup right out of the box. I will note that since I was not at the range today I mounted it on a lightweight tripod instead of the included mini tripod.

12-25-2023, 09:55 AM
A friend of mine just told me about his Garmin the other day, he couldn't say enough good things about it.
My Labradar, on the other hand... I used it three times and gave up. If there are no other shooters it works great. If anyone else is on the line you'll record as much of their data as you will yours, doesn't matter how you set it up.
Here's another option. The same buddy who loves his Garmin is now wishing he'd tried one of these. I guess it has better data collection/connectivity (and they do make chronographs for firearms, not just airguns): https://fxairguns.com/accessories/chronographs/

12-25-2023, 10:27 AM
To be fair I’ve never had problems with other shooters interfering with my LabRadar indoors or outdoors.

12-26-2023, 11:32 AM
If garmin can make it figure out bc’s then I would be interested in it. It for now I will continue using my Oehlers, who hav outstanding customer service.

12-26-2023, 02:50 PM
Working on some 3D printed mounting options.

charlie b
12-26-2023, 03:42 PM
I've had my Labradar for several years now. I don't use the phone app since I set it up on the bench in front of me where I can reach the controls. It saves everything to an SD card that I then put in the PC. Their folder formats are well thought out. The information is in csv format to load into a spreadsheet, which works very well.

I use a separate app to calculate BC. Just go to a track and load the three data points (vel1, vel2, distance).

I have had neighboring folks set off a track, mostly when they are using muzzle brakes. Only happened a few times, but, if you are always shooting on a crowded range it is something to consider. Same would probably happen with the Garmin.

But, I'd consider the Garmin if I had to choose now, just because I like Garmin products.

Joe K
01-04-2024, 08:46 PM
A good comparison:


charlie b
01-05-2024, 03:27 PM
Yep. A lot changes in the tech world in 5 years.

I would have liked to see a baseline using a really good chrono like a Oehler to see which one was closer. I know there are some videos of that with the Labradar from years ago.

02-11-2024, 05:12 PM
I got one yesterday, It never missed one shot, I was doing everything to see how sensitive it is. shot sideways across lanes while it was pointed my target, still got them all. my rifle range has a wall with a window to shoot threw, 12x20 inches, worked threw the window. My son was shooting steel with handguns and we just left it on, and forgot about it, picked up all the shots and even tried really short ranges 20' with a pistol, and it still worked. This is by far the best crony I ever had. It is expensive, but it works and is small. Wish they came with a small case with the money I spent but hey, it always works. The only thing i wish they did was make the battery replaceable, but someone will figure out how to do it and if it last 4 years and I have to pay garmin a hundred bucks to change it, it was worth it because it works! This made lab radar obsolete overnight, maybe it will make them get off their ass and improve their stuff after 15 years of no improvement. I don't mind the price because I see a crony as a necessary piece of equipment for safety and load development. If it saves me from one mistake from working up loads it was worth it.

02-11-2024, 05:34 PM
I ordered mine from Amazon and it will arrive in 2 days. Here in sunny Arizona, I've never had an issue using the old style chrono with sun screens;...other than occasionally shooting the screens, that is. So I initially wasn't all that interested in one of these. That is, until I realized how much easier it would be to transport, set up and use. Less bulky,...no assembling and setting up the screens,...and most importantly, I never have to get up from my seat just to go read the data off the tiny chrono display. I can just continue to sit where I'm at,...look over at the Garmin and get instant feedback.

02-11-2024, 05:38 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about the battery at this point. The case is held together with screws. Cell phone cost a lot more and they are sealed units, don't see anyone complaining about them.
I really like my Garmin so far.

02-11-2024, 05:56 PM
I want one badly!!!!!! I got a close up look at the SHOT Show and this thing is simply too good to not have.

First and foremost it is small, literally Palm Sized and will fit into my Range Bag. It is smaller than my Binos that are in the bag full time. It is about 6" high with the Tripod open. I already have a Cordura Bag it will fit into to act as a case of sorts..

Also set up time is about 15 seconds. You kind of aim it in the general direction of where you think your bullets will go, and it picks them up. It is placed next to your gun, not in front of it, like most other instruments.

It does everything you need from a Chrono. IE Velocities, Shot Strings, SD's, etc.

And did I say,,, It is small and easily portable!!!

I want one and am just waiting for some money to come in so I can buy one. Maybe there will be a Sale or something?


02-11-2024, 10:14 PM
Yes, you need one, works with everything from slingshots to high velocity rifles.
I kind of balked at the $600 price tag, but after getting it I believe it is well worth it.

02-11-2024, 10:29 PM
I have been using one for the past couple of weeks- it replaced a Labradar. There is a small learning curve but it works much better than anything I've had in the past. Well worth the money. I bought a hard case from Harbor Freight that holds the chronograph, stand, charging cable.

Ford SD
02-12-2024, 11:42 AM
Have one in the mail coming to me.

It has a smartphone app so I thought i would load it on my old smart phone (android 8) that I take to the range. I use it to take pictures of targets and load information/ date etc.
app will not load on the old phone , but did on the new phone
you do not need the app to use it BTW

Picked it up so i can get chrono readings from the bench with out having to put the unit down range, when range is busy and it will fit in the range bag

02-13-2024, 12:52 AM
Got one last week and after two range sessions I'm convinced it's worth every nickel. I haven't set up the phone app yet and not sure if I ever will.

I sure don't miss the set up, skyscreens, tripods, stiff cables in cold weather and don't miss the ERR message!

I like it.

02-17-2024, 09:56 PM
I sure don't miss the set up, skyscreens, tripods, stiff cables in cold weather and don't miss the ERR message! I like it.

Probably the smae reasons I never used my Chrony as much as I could have. Complete PITB to set up and if there are other people at the Range you have to work around them, which is another reason I didn't use it.

Nothing wrong with the Chrony, but time has eclipsed them, and the Pact Chronos and others as well.


02-17-2024, 10:18 PM
I know it ain't no Garmin but has anyone seen one of these.


I says it only goes up to 2600 fps and might not have all the bells and such but for a tenth the price, peaked my interest.


02-17-2024, 10:25 PM
Looks like kind of a tiny hole to shoot through.
The whole idea of the doppler radar is you don't shoot at your unit.

02-18-2024, 12:52 AM
Looks like kind of a tiny hole to shoot through.
The whole idea of the doppler radar is you don't shoot at your unit.

I don't believe you shoot thru the hole, really? the blast would knock it over. I thought it was to get it pointed toward your target. The thing is advertised without clues.


05-15-2024, 06:37 PM
So after 3 months of use, these are my impressions and observations so far, after putting a few hundreds of rounds into the berm with the Garmin tracking them. To date, that little plastic box has for me been 100% reliable and clocked every shot both pistol and rifle in bullet sizes from 22 caliber up to 45 cal diameters and a bunch in between!

As to ease of use and setup, it's been nothing that a simpleton like me couldn't Smurf my way through and without needing to relearn a lot of new jargon, acronyms, as well as a veritable jungle of multi-stepped one button mashing sequences that has made this modern life nothing short of a misery. Nope, the Garmin sure got all that right!

However, the one trick Garmin failed most miserably at was the ability to offload all the collected data to a universally used format rather than their propriety .fit application. While there are some conversion applications out there that profess to convert the Garmin .fit to something universally useful like an excel .csv spreadsheet one must be a modestly well versed and educated computer-geek or reasonable facsimile there upon in order to make it work. Which of course leaves me wondering which buttons and keys I-gott'a mash next???

All said and done, was the Garmin worth the $600 plus the .gov's $48 confiscatory taking (for their doing exactly nothing to enhance this transaction) well, I'd have to say given the choices of pressing on with the 25+ year old obsolescent Shooting Chrony, or spending $$$ to replace the parts needed to get the MagnetoSpeed going again, the Garmin was the only real choice available.

Now, as one that may never come to grip's with why it is so many folks love everything in their seriously sorted life's to be readily available and loaded up to their cellular phones for any/all to access is as mysterious to me as is the question why woke democrats exist?!?! I am hoping that there will be, very shortly, some manner of much simplified way to squeeze the data out from the Garmin and squirt it into a more user friendly format that'll play nicely with the sort of searchable databases now in common use.

The other evening I saw one other oddity about the Garmin regarding the way in which it calculates Standard Deviation (SD) of a shot string. It has consistently posted a number several points lower than every other SD calculator that I've compared it's numbers against.
Not a deal breaker by any means, but something all Garmin owners need to be aware of.

As mentioned above there are only two aspects of the Garmin that I'm not all that happy with, the standard deviation miscalculation is nothing all that much of a concern as it's corrected when the data is entered into Gordons Reloading Tool. The proprietary .fit data format is however, very much a pisser and makes the Garmin a lot more cumbersome in order to track/keep track of one's data!

AOBTW: The Garmin as of this writing, has still been 100% reliable tracking everything I've tested.

A few additional thoughts regarding the Garmin...

As mentioned, I've taken to "Gordons Reloading Tool" [GRT] over the past several months with all my reloading data now being recorded and stored within that excellent bit of software! One small time saver as regards entering the Garmin's data into GRT is that only the actual shot string velocities need be recorded/entered via a .csv document, the average, minimum, maximum and standard deviation calculations will be magically completed by GRT!

Regarding the setting up and use of the Garmin... Wow! Simple, fast, easy intuitive are absolutely understatements! I find I'm now even setting up the Garmin for one shot, this in order to verify the initial load recommendations being generated by GRT.

Battery life: After more range sessions than I can count and hours spent at the computer recording all the shot velocity's, I've finally had to recharge the battery for the 1st time!

Now that I've acquired some fair amount of time and experience with the Garmin, would I once again fork over those even today more worthless Biden-bucks if I had to make the choice over again. Well, without knowing what the new LabRadar may bring to the table at the very same price point, yes absolutely I would! This if for no other reason than the ease of use as well as the reliability of the Garmin to record my shot velocity's.
It were a rather spendy investment for a reloading tool, but in my opinion, a very fine bit of kit in order to keep one safe and knowing what my handloads are capable of.

One other feature to the Garmin is that should the onboard battery get too low during a range session you can plug into a portable "5 volt USB power-bank" and keep on shooting!


05-15-2024, 06:47 PM
Nice write up. I am waiting to see what upgrades Gen 2 will have. Same for LabRadar.

05-15-2024, 11:17 PM
I waited to see, then I did, I like it! I would imagine it might get a little smarter as time goes on.

05-16-2024, 01:10 AM
I don't believe you shoot thru the hole, really? the blast would knock it over. I thought it was to get it pointed toward your target. The thing is advertised without clues.


05-16-2024, 06:59 PM
Guncrank, I have found that the Garmin does export to CSV format. At least on the Garmin Shotview app on my phone. It's in the menu in the top right when you select a session. I have no complaints that I can find with the Garmin. I had a range session a little while ago for 4 hrs and still had 60% battery left.

06-06-2024, 11:02 AM
I have had the Labradar for a long time .... It sat under my bench for two years as I was so frustrated with it...I finally had to buy an aftermarket mount and put a red dot sight on it to aim it accurately enough to use. Seems pretty reliable now but what a process....setting it up on a tripod ,attaching a battery pack ,aiming it ,setting the parameters ,re aiming it every time you shoot a different target or distance resetting the timer if you wait longer between shots it goes on and on the information provided is invaluable but again what a process....I had a chance to use the Garmin for several shots one day at the range recently ....the lad turned it on ,set my bullet weights and velocity range ,set it down on the bench near my rifle and said "shoot" .WORKED EVERY TIME.....I do not know all the information it provides and am told the battery life is good .For myself velocity ,extreme spread and standard deviation is adequate and I believe it provides it all .I would go the few extra bucks for a Garmin in a New York second .It likely isn't much different pricewise, no tripod or base reqd., swivel mounts ,aiming system ,battery pack ,carrying case in fact it could end up less money. The ease of set up is staggering compared to the Labradar .My conversations with Labradar were such that how does one know if the the internal sighting system is off ? We are shooting iron sights at 500 m and I can't aim this at 100 yds. ????? I told them they should be ashamed of themselves marketing this product so inherently dependent on aiming with just a v notch filed in the top to aim....It does the trick now no question and was the best system available at the time .You will likely see a lot of Labradars for sale once these catch on ......

06-06-2024, 11:36 AM
Revival Defense is discounting the Xero $100 if you type in "speed" as a coupon code. Since Garmin price fixes everything it is difficult to find a discount and there is no mention of the coupon discount on their site. But I found the code on a reddit firearms forum and it works.

Never heard of them before but they are a legitimate company and shipped the package the next day. The total cost with shipping was $509 with no tax added in Pa.


06-07-2024, 01:11 PM
Talk about coincidences ,went to check my battery pack and batteries in my Labradar today...Picked up the unit and there's a rattle inside ,sounds like a big plate or something.....called them up and as it is out of warranty I will have to pay shipping both ways B.C.to Quebec and what ever repairs are reqd.[they say average cost of repairs seem to be around $65.00] so easily $25.00 shipping each way....$125.00 minimum. SOoooooo I took it apart myself to find 5 plastic studs out of 6 broken off which secure the main circuit board as well as the housing screw stud under the tamper /warranty void sticker. I've never dropped this unit and it lives in a Pelican type padded case I purchased for it . I have now tried to epoxy all the broken pieces together and once it sets and I put it back together I will see if every thing still functions .The wiring to the USB port came unplugged so this may be an issue but I think it would have been much more difficult to fix connected .the main circuit board harness is long enough to move out of the way.....327266327267327268327268

Rimfire McNutjob
06-07-2024, 02:35 PM
I might bite the bullet and do the Garmin for father's day. I wanted the Caldwell but I'm not sure they are every really going to sell it. I like it's slightly larger format and downrange capability. But if you can't get it ... what's the point. I've not heard a bad word about the Garmin thus far.

06-07-2024, 02:42 PM
I don't think LABRADAR will be around in the near future.

06-07-2024, 04:23 PM
I don't think LABRADAR will be around in the near future.

I have a LabRadar and it served me well but as things are now I'd agree with that statement 100%.

Rimfire McNutjob
06-07-2024, 04:30 PM
What about their new "mini" unit meant to compete with the Garmin ... the LabRadar LX? It's good to see them trying to compete. I've not heard a lot about the unit ... oh, wait ... it's not actually out yet either, much like the Caldwell.

Garmin certainly has the momentum and definitely put out a quality device once they entered the market.

06-07-2024, 05:06 PM
I have a LabRadar and it served me well but as things are now I'd agree with that statement 100%.

LabRadar's parent company, Infinition Inc. makes military hardware, so this is a small drop in the bucket for them in terms of product revenue. The newer LabRadar LX model is aimed at the Xero C1 crowd.

I have no dog in this fight at present, but 6+ months of lead time means the Garmin has that going for it, at minimum.
Garmin customer service is reputed to be quite good as well.
I'm waiting to see some honest reviews for this new LX before plunking down some cash for a chronograph. I'm interested in durability and reliability. I don't "need" more phone apps, but being able to link for data retrieval and later review is a handy feature.

06-07-2024, 05:25 PM
LabRadar trying to sell their new chrony for the same price as the Garmin is a joke. They would need to seriously cut the price (~$400?) to even have a chance.

762 shooter
06-08-2024, 06:42 AM
The Garmin Xero is no joke.

Magneeto Speed and Labradar have been left in the dust.

No downsides yet. Even if the " non replaceable " battery goes bonkers, you can power with external source. I did that with my Ladradar anyway.

It is a shot picking up fool.

Mine did miss two shots. I forgot to turn it on.


06-08-2024, 04:19 PM
The Garmin Xero is no joke.

Magneeto Speed and Labradar have been left in the dust.

No downsides yet. Even if the " non replaceable " battery goes bonkers, you can power with external source. I did that with my Ladradar anyway.

It is a shot picking up fool.

Mine did miss two shots. I forgot to turn it on.


It looks like it is replaceable, you don't have to worry about that.

06-08-2024, 04:43 PM
I have an F1 Crony with the cardboard screens, still like new, only used it a couple of times in the back yard with a pellet gun.
I got the Garmin for Christmas; I use it about every time I shoot.
I don't use the app a lot, but just like to see how fast the bullets are moving.
Once I get past all my eye surgery stuff (cataracts) I will hopefully use it for load development.
I really like the Garmin, takes up almost no room in a range bag.
I made a crude case out of some nagahide or whatever that fake leather stuff is called that I had laying around.
It deserves a nice, tooled leather case and perhaps someday I will get around to it.

06-09-2024, 08:15 PM
Harbor Freight has little Pelican knockoff cases for twelve bucks. Fits just perfect with pod attached and enough room for cable next to it. Snug as a bug and well protected mine is now.

06-09-2024, 08:32 PM
Harbor Freight has little Pelican knockoff cases for twelve bucks. Fits just perfect with pod attached and enough room for cable next to it. Snug as a bug and well protected mine is now.

Those are nice cases; I have several of various sizes.

06-10-2024, 11:13 AM
I have used my Labradar for years, it has its quirks.
Yesterday I shot a revolver match and they used a Garmin to Chrono and I have to say, I was impressed.

06-10-2024, 05:28 PM
I love this Garmin chronograph. Set up and use is so easy and helpful. I can record most of my Range sessions easily. I have a Shooting Beta Master and Oehler 35P that don’t get used anymore.

06-11-2024, 06:25 PM
I found a portable hard drive case that fits the Xero perfectly. While it will not protect it from being stepped on the sides are stiff enough to stop it being banged around in a range bag. $8 on Amazon.



08-08-2024, 06:38 PM
Yall are making me want to sell my labradar.

08-09-2024, 01:36 PM
I used mine for the first time day before yesterday. I bought mine from Reeds Sports in Walker Mn and saved $50. It is worth every penny. No cords, tripods, screens to line up, just shoot the gun! I write down the averages and extreme spread for later transfer to my own chrono log so pairing the phone is not a problem for me. People next to me were shooting an AR and it never recorded anything but my shots. AND NO ERROR MESSAGES!!!

08-19-2024, 08:16 AM
My Garmin came in yesterday. I unboxed it last night, plugged it into the computer and opened the Garmin Express app that I use to keep my GPS updated. The app found the Xero and asked if I wanted to add a new device. I confirmed and it did. All I needed was to confirm my email address and it registered it for warranty. Next it checked for software updates. It found v3.19 and asked if I wanted to update. Then I left it plugged into the USB port to fully charge. It took about 45 minutes to go from 60% to full charge.

Today I downloaded the ShotView app to my phone and paired it with the Xero. I went out to the back of the lot and turned on the Garmin. It asked if I wanted to start a session. I confirmed and then had to select what I was shooting from a list. Answered a few more questions and it showed the suggested placement of the chronograph, then went to the ready screen. From there you just took your shots downrange. After a second or two it displayed the velocity of that shot and it was ready for the next shot. When I selected "end session" it stored that data and also sent it to my phone. I shot a 10 shot string with a pellet rifle and three 10 shot strings with a suppressed TX22 pistol. Never missed a shot.

The only thing that I have seen so far that I would like to see improved is transferring the data to the computer. It is stored as a csv file for each string. You have to send each file to the computer by email. No batch dump, it's a separate process for each session. I am still looking at options there. Of course, you can view all of the data on the chrono or on your phone.

I love this thing so far but you have to know that I have been using a 35P with the proof channel for 35 years. That is a lot of luggage to take along and set up. All you have to do with the Garmin is turn it on and point it down range. Easy setup right out of the box. I will note that since I was not at the range today I mounted it on a lightweight tripod instead of the included mini tripod.

Is all this required to use the chrono?

Can't you just unbox it and shoot? Get velocity display without apps, pairing smartphones,emails,updates,bluetooth etc?

I have become allergic to digital technology after using it most of my adult life.

08-20-2024, 04:07 PM
Is all this required to use the chrono?

Can't you just unbox it and shoot? Get velocity display without apps, pairing smartphones,emails,updates,bluetooth etc?

I have become allergic to digital technology after using it most of my adult life.

My kind of guy! I have one of these on my wish list. I plan on using a WOOD pencil and paper to record the information I feel is important.

08-20-2024, 04:58 PM
Is all this required to use the chrono?

Can't you just unbox it and shoot? Get velocity display without apps, pairing smartphones,emails,updates,bluetooth etc?

I have become allergic to digital technology after using it most of my adult life.

You can use it alone without any app or cellphone connected. When working up a load I write down the charge, ave velocity and ES. You can later download the data to your cellphone and it is easier to edit out shots but even then I need the written velocity to make sure the sessions / load didn't get mixed up. The only potential advantage to getting the app is it will register the chrony and when a software update is available will prompt you to download it. There is a PC app where you can check for downloads too.

No clue if the software updates are needed or do anything though.

08-21-2024, 03:35 PM
Is all this required to use the chrono?

Can't you just unbox it and shoot? Get velocity display without apps, pairing smartphones,emails,updates,bluetooth etc?

I have become allergic to digital technology after using it most of my adult life.

Of course you can.
Just charge it up and you can use it even if you don't have a phone or tablet.
Even a cave man can do it.

08-21-2024, 03:37 PM
I found a portable hard drive case that fits the Xero perfectly. While it will not protect it from being stepped on the sides are stiff enough to stop it being banged around in a range bag. $8 on Amazon.



This is the most awesome case for the Garmin, I bought one even though I had already made a case out of Naugahyde.

08-21-2024, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I ordered a case.

Hi-Lux Optics
09-11-2024, 02:21 PM
You don't have to sell it. Just stick it on a shelf and tell yourself you'll find a use for it soon! That's what I did.

09-11-2024, 02:32 PM
Yall are making me want to sell my labradar.

If you already have the Lab Radar, I would keep it, but still buy the Garmin.
My reasoning?
From what I understand the Lab Radar can calculate Ballistic Coefficients, the Garmin as far as I know can't.
The Garmin is super handy with its small size and battery life.

09-21-2024, 08:49 PM
Guncrank, I have found that the Garmin does export to CSV format. At least on the Garmin Shotview app on my phone. It's in the menu in the top right when you select a session. I have no complaints that I can find with the Garmin. I had a range session a little while ago for 4 hrs and still had 60% battery left.
Thanks for that!

I went to the range today and shot twelve sessions on the Garmin.
Even when I thought I was messing it up it worked flawlessly and got every shot.
I have had a Pact1 since they come out it worked good also. But if the range was busy (or windy) it stayed in the car because it was a pain to set up. Used the Garmin once and I love it.