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View Full Version : New Barrett Rifle

01-24-2006, 04:42 PM
Looks like Barrett wants to get around the 50 cal rifle ban in some states and the People Republic of Kalifornia by coming out with a new round in the same 50 cal rifle...the 416 Barrett. It's a 50 cal case necked down to 416. More power to them and may they succeed.


Ed Barrett
01-25-2006, 01:35 AM
I guess those people in Sacramento will know it's OK because they said the citizens of couldn't be trusted with those dangerous .50 calibers. Those .416's are more for children to shoot vermin with. I guess all those people in Kaliforia and New York can sleep well at night knowing that only the lower forms of life have guns and they don't have to worry about shooting these felons since their guns are locked in safes or they aren't allowed to have them at all. I'm awful glad I'm here in Missouri.

01-25-2006, 01:53 AM
I'm surprised that neither Big Green nor Nearly Dead Red brought out a necked-down 50 BMG, given the sorts of new calibers they've launched over the past decade. HOO-RAH to Barrett for sticking it right back at the hoplophobic jerks here in Kalifornistan.

01-25-2006, 01:58 AM
I don't think Mr Barret cooked up that caliber to increase his sales margin in Kalifornia. IMHO, it's only a matter of "days" till the Kalifornia Kommunist Legislature outlaws the .416. It's really only a matter of months until those idiots outlaw slingshots and steak knives. I for one, am awaiting with eager anticipation the day that Kalifornia hits the "Big One" and slides into the ocean. Lakefront property in Nevada, anyone??? I only hope that Feinstein, Schumer, etc., etc., are all there when it hits. That way we can have one funeral and National Holiday for all of 'em, and get back to a real American way of life. I better go now, I feel a rant coming on :-) .................................................. .................Lee ;-)

01-25-2006, 02:19 PM
Heck, only necked it down to .416, any real wildcatter would have taken it to .17

01-25-2006, 02:28 PM

They did that that but got a liquid spray out of the muzzle. They then used a jacketed tungsten bullet but figured that would be outlawed so decided to come up with the 416. By the way Oehler had to make a special chronograph to check the velocity of that tungsten 17 caliber bullet as the current ones wouldn't read high enough. All they said was it was in the double mach figures. Ya'll got your waders on?


01-25-2006, 03:33 PM
I don't think Mr Barret cooked up that caliber to increase his sales margin in Kalifornia. IMHO, it's only a matter of "days" till the Kalifornia Kommunist Legislature outlaws the .416. It's really only a matter of months until those idiots outlaw slingshots and steak knives. I for one, am awaiting with eager anticipation the day that Kalifornia hits the "Big One" and slides into the ocean. Lakefront property in Nevada, anyone??? I only hope that Feinstein, Schumer, etc., etc., are all there when it hits. That way we can have one funeral and National Holiday for all of 'em, and get back to a real American way of life. I better go now, I feel a rant coming on :-) .................................................. .................Lee ;-)

That may help the problem in the west, though it need not be quite so drastic, just a few cities on the coast - there are a lot of us living there despite the political climate. But that still leaves us with how to get rid of eastern Masturbaceous and NYC. Unfortunately, no manufacturer of plumbing fixtures makes a flush handle big enough to solve the dilemma.
Robert Heinlein had a proposed solution to the problem of problem politicians: It should not be a crime to assassinate any high ranking politico in national government, unless the attempt fails, then the death penalty should be mandatory. Either way you get rid of one idiot and the human race comes out ahead.
Joe, double mach figures? A marine sniper took out his target in Iraq last year at just over a mile with a Barrett 50BMG. I wonder what the effective range of the tungsten .17 would be. I bet the throats erode quickly, but they should still last long enough for a few dozen politicians, no?

01-25-2006, 04:44 PM

While you're on the subject of assassination of high ranking lousy do no good politicians...let me inform thee of a group, of whom I won't mention is in it, that is going to Boston when Ted Kennedy dies to piss on his grave. They are aware of the legal ramifications that it would involve but that doesn't matter, most would be misdemeanors...maybe Deputy Al and Tpr Bret could fill them in on it. There are some women in the group too. Should make for quite an interesting news event when it takes place.


01-25-2006, 05:34 PM
Joe, you have a PM.
You and your friends are going to have to wait in line. A LONG line.

01-26-2006, 02:22 AM
versifier, I agree, there are many good citizens in the State of California. I hope you and all the "GOOD" citizens of that State realize that when I rant, I mean it in a figurative way.
Yep, you are right also. The Eastern seaboard has its own share of idiots. The whole Kennedy klan, amongst others....
Moving farther West, we come to the State of Illinois, also known as the state of delusion. Where those folks are going with their own brand of gun-control boggles the mind.
StarMetal, words cannot express the feeling I have to discover that others also have an "A" list of graves to piss on. And I'll gladly pay the misdeameanor fine for the privelege......................................... ..............Lee ;-)

01-26-2006, 11:35 AM

Shall we add you to the list? Beer or soft drinks will be provided to make sure an adequate urine supply is available.


01-27-2006, 12:34 AM
I for one, am awaiting with eager anticipation the day that Kalifornia hits the "Big One" and slides into the ocean. Lakefront property in Nevada, anyone??? Lee ;-)

I live in NV and can see CA from my house. Oceanfront property sounds good at first, but at 4900' elevation it's a long walk to the beach.


01-27-2006, 04:53 AM
My dad says he wants to join you Dead Ted Pissing Party and would gladly contribute to the legal defense fund. He's afraid the SOB might outlive him though. He asked what we'd do if the family had him creamated and interred in a wall full of placques. I told him we could just fill up a bucket and get it that way. He suggested that the symbolic nature of filling up a squirt gun and shooting it at the gravestone might appeal to the gunny crowd, like a repro of a Walther "PPonK"....

01-27-2006, 10:53 AM

Too funny. I'll put your Dad down. This one is for Waksupi: I'm just going to unzip and whip my "supersoaker" out and I'll sure it'll hose down anything they plant ole Teddy in. When this is on the news, you know they'll blurr out our peeing devices, but you'll know which one is me because I'll have the biggest blur! har har har har. Oh I got myself laughing too hard. This time it isn't going to be some poor unfortunate girl drowning in a river of water, it's going to be Teddy getting sorta drowning in a river of pee.

By the way Senator Bird (D) of W Va. blasted how the Judge Alito hearing was handled...and he said he was ashame. Although names weren't specifically mentioned, he was talking about his fellow Democrats Kennedy, Schumer, Biden, and both Fiensteins. The Democrat party is really falling apart.
